Monday, June 30, 2008


My hibiscus bloomed today...not just a couple blooms but at least half a dozen. They are so pretty that I had to post a picture.

I don't have a green thumb. I have killed any and all indoor plants that I've ever owned but these will stay outdoors for a good part of the year (which gives them a fighting chance), until it starts getting cooler at night, so I am hoping this plant will thrive despite my lack of a green thumb.

They are so pretty that they have me wanting to go out and buy a few more for around my deck. I've heard they are hard to care for though. I don't know if that is right or not but I'm hoping not. The odds are already stacked against me.


Holy Cow!!!

I am sitting in my living room getting my toddler dressed this morning when I see something large out of the corner of my eye on the road. My initial reaction was thinking it was an Amish buggy going by until I looked.

"Holy crap, there are cows on the road!"

Two very large black cows went trotting down the road towards town. I live within the village limits so this was a HUGE surprise.

I call our local police department (who doesn't answer)...small towns I guess. So, I call the county sheriff's office and with both of us trying not to laugh, they'll send somebody out.

They'd gone by too fast before I could get my camera. I wish I could've gotten a picture of two cows trotting down the town road, heading to town.

That is definitely not something I've ever seen before in this town, lol. It looks like somebody lost their 4H project out in the country.


Child Plays with Cobra Snake

I realize this cobra wouldn't have its teeth to be doing this, but to see this child playing with a cobra...this video disturbed me. Creepy.

We have a snake. It's just a little corn snake. Even so, our toddler has never been allowed to touch him. Willy has not bitten (yet) but 1) I wouldn't want there to be a first time with our toddler; and 2) salmonella.

This child in the video is younger than my youngest and babies are constantly putting things in their mouth...a little salmonella and snakes tail? Sure! Even after touching the snake...what if this baby puts his hands immediately into his mouth as children do?

This video hurt my stomach.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Flat Panel Televisions

I don't know how many households have flat panel televisions yet but I know my husband wants us to be one of them. He has been asking for awhile now but one of those televisions won't fit into our current antique finish armoire. We would have to get a plasma tv mount and I would lose my armoire it took me ten years to get. On the plus side, it would be one less piece of furniture to crowd our living room, which is too cluttered already and will be more so once I put a desk in there. I could get an antique finish computer armoire instead. Hmm...I'll have to think about this.


Government In My Home Again - CFL energy saving bulbs

The government is going to tell me what kind of light bulb I must use in my home ? The government needs to stay out of my home and learn how to govern themselves for goodness sake!

I understand that these CFL bulbs are supposed to save you energy. We've tried a few in our home and I must tell you, the worry I feel over having them in my home with four children outweighs the benefit to me. I am a nervous wreck when my husband is changing a light bulb, waiting for one of them to drop. If one of these break, there are explicit instructions on how to handle it. You can't just sweep up the glass and throw it away. There are evacuation and disposal PROCEDURES to getting rid of one of these. Procedures! Procedures to dispose of a hazardous waste? If you call HAZMAT, word is it'll cost you $2,000 for them to clean up. Don't throw them in your garbage either once they burn out. They can't go there. Take them to a hazardous waste disposal center.

Better for the planet? Initially as they save energy. Is it better for the environment when they are dropped, and some will be dropped, and it releases mercury into the air for our pets and children? Better when they aren't disposed of properly and the hazardous waste leaks into our water system? Are my kids at risk for mercury poison?

I have four children in my home. Things get thrown. Light bulbs accidentally get broke. Are these bulbs as dangerous as the EPA regulations for disposal make them seem? Why would the government mandate a potential hazard in our homes that requires such elaborate clean up and disposal?

Government is getting too big and over-involved, imo. They can't govern themselves! Nice to see our tax dollars being wasted. I'm disgusted with the government and disappointed in our 2008 presidential candidates as I feel like nothing is going to improve with any of the 2008 choices!


Finding my way around digg

I received my first digg shout today. Being new to Digg, I wasn't sure what it was until I logged in to see. Aha! Drop Kick Monkey wanted to let me know of a post on his blog about a different kind of JCPenney commercial by Mike Long of Epoch Films and digg it. So, that's what a Shout is on Digg. I didn't know. Now I do. I still have a lot to learn about the blogosphere and Digg in particular.

Here's the commercial. I can see why there is controversy. Like there needs to be MORE promotion of teen sex. Truthflly, most kids don't need promotion. They're going to do it whether this commercial is around or not. I just hope kids know enough to protect themselves from pregnancy and STD's because for a lot of kids, what their parents say don't mean a thing.


Jeffers Equine Takes Care of Your Horse

We have two horses that we love. They are a joy to be around and a great stress reliever when everyday stress starts to get to me. When I get stressed, all my husband has to say is, "go to the stable" and I am out the door to unwind. They give us so much and we want to make sure they are taken care of right so they remain happy and healthy horses. They deserve fantastic care. We do this by making sure they have good care, the right horse supplies, and a lot of loving scritches in their favorite scratch spots.

Jeffers Equine offers everything you need to take great care of your equine friends at a discount. Now I am off to shop for a breastplate to keep Rex's saddle from slipping.


Grease's Quirky Office Assistant Passes Away

Dody Goodman, Blanche the quirky office assistant in my all time favorite - Grease, passed away last Sunday at the age of 93.

That movie has been a favorite for a couple generations now. The movie I loved as a child is now loved by my own kids. She was also in Grease 2 and the Broadway version of Grease! but she's most remembered by the general masses from the original movie with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John


Saturday, June 28, 2008


GRRRR. We are in the middle of a bad thunderstorm right now. Our basketball hoop that is held down by water weight and four sandbags is now laying on it's back. My comfy swing in our backyard is now upside down. The rain is coming down hard and the wind, obviously, is very strong. We've lost satellite for the televisions (no big deal) but I hope my swing and the basketball net made it through their acrobatic moves without damage.


Angel Food Ministries - Help Feed Your Family

With the price of everything going up and mortgages becoming more and more difficult to meet every month, I thought there might be some people interested in this organization that can help you feed your family if you need it. It is called Angel Food Ministries. Currently, they help feed over 500,000 families a month by offering enough food that would fit into a medium-sized box for only $30 (average retail value of the food is $60)...enough food to feed a family of four for a week or a senior citizen for a month. An average menu may consist of meat items, vegetables, pasta, breakfast items, and dessert.

Everyone qualifies too. There are no applications to fill out!

Take a few minutes to learn more about them or see if there is an Angel Food Ministries in your area. If it helps you make ends meet and keeps food on the table for yourself and/or your children, check them out.

*this is not a sponsored post.
**cross-posting on both blogs, Stepfamily Sanctuary and Syn's Life, as I think it's important and I want to reach anybody who might need a little help.


Wigix - eBay's Competition

I have found an alternative to eBay where you can buy or sell items, calculate the value of what you own, research and compare products, find product manuals, create registries for gifts, meet other collectors, check out what your friends want, and make money off of what you know. If you don't want to sell anything, you can still make money by homesteading or by finding the golden bar and clicking on it to earn $1 for each bar (like Willy Wonka, lol).

If you refer your friends to Wigix, you earn 4% of any revenues by them, 2% from second generation referrals and 1% from 3rd generation.

Wigix is still in beta phase. Is this eBay's competition? Let's hope so! eBay needs some competition to bring down their fees!

*this is not a sponsored post.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Camp Rock Craze

Has the Camp Rock craze taken over your household (like the High School Musical did last year and the year before)? It has in our house. My kids have watched it everytime it came on television. The weekend it premiered, it was on every night during that weekend on a different channel. Tomorrow the Camp Rock Rock Along is on. I am 100% certain where my kids will be.

My kids are all about the Jonas Brothers (Joe is kinda cute, lol). They hear them and they swoon. They see them and they scream. So, combining Jonas Brothers with Camp Rock for this summer's hit was definitely good planning on the studio's part.

Here's the trailer for Camp Rock:

*this is not a sponsored post.


Sun Thru the Trees

I took this photo in northern Michigan on one our walks through the woods. I thought the sun shining through trees not quite full yet with leaves was pretty so I took several pictures just by pointing my camera up and shooting it, lol. No aim required. It was definitely a pretty day for a walk on the spring day I took this picture.

I don't much care for southern parts of Michigan as it is too congested with people and traffic but northern Michigan is definitely a great place to vacation, which we do every year since my in-laws live there.


Who Cares about the Lohan's!

OMG! So what if Lindsay Lohan might have another sister? The mother of this newfound alleged sibling says that Lindsay's dad fell off the face of the earth after she told him. Are you kidding me? If she wanted to find the father of a famous actress with all of the Lohans always in the public's face, she could have. What, does she want her daughter on the reality show with her alleged half-sibling? I think somebody is seeing $$$$ signs here. This child may or may not end up being the daughter of Lohan but stop with the publicity. Can't anybody keep their dirt private or does it always have to be about publicity for these people?

There are NORMAL people who want to know who their father is, like this teenager I wrote about here. There are adopted children who want to know who their biological parents are. Heck, there are even kids who are likely wishing they didn't have the parents they got stuck with. Why is it that the paparazzi stick idiots like this in the news all the time? Send the idiot paparazzi over to Iraq to bring back some REAL news!


Gas is pushing everything up and then some

We had a chain link fence quote about 1-1/2 years ago but we didn't get the fence at the time. I had the same company out yesterday to update the quote as I desperately want the fence for the dogs (who run out the door behind the kids and think it is fun and games to bolt around the yard and pretend they don't hear you). It will be safer for them to have a fence. However, the price has nearly doubled! He said it was because the price of gas is driving everything up but DOUBLE in 1-1/2 years time? Price gouging much!?! My gosh!

Gas prices are terrible. I know that. Everyone knows that, but I am so dang tired of the high cost of living the last couple years - it is rising so quickly and wages certainly aren't keeping up with them. How is anybody expected to provide appropriately for their family anymore?


Thursday, June 26, 2008


I went to our local greenhouse today to find perennials for our front yard. It's quite bare and really needs some landscaping love. They were having a half off sale on everything so I thought I could get some great deals. Nope. It seems like they jacked up all their prices so even half off was too much money. Seriously, they had potted plants for $119.95! So, I ended up going to Wal-Mart and got enough perennials to do my whole front yard. So you know what we are going to be doing this weekend now - playing in the dirt!!


Orlando Vacation

My sister-in-law was telling our three year old on the phone the other day that she lived next door to Mickey Mouse and that we should bring her down there to see her (and Mickey, of course). My husband, as a child, always went on Orlando vacations. My kids haven't been yet. In all of my 36 years, I have never been either. My kids have asked to go to meet Mickey many times, but I want to wait until our youngest is a couple years older so she'll remember it (and let's face it, it'll make it easier on me if she is past the toddler - and temper tantrum - stage).

We'll plan a vacation to Orlando. It is one of those vacations that have to happen. How can you deny a child Disney? How can I deny my husband Disney? He wants to go just as much as the kids.


USB Pregnancy Test

Tinkle on the pregnancy test like any other one but instead of waiting, you pop it into the computer?!?! Wow! Instead of lines you have to try to figure out, you'll see a symbol of a baby (or no baby if that is the case). You even get an estimated delivery date based on the hCG levels! Claims are 99% accurate.

I wish this had been available when I was trying to conceive for all those years trying to get our four children. Technology meets tinkling. Fun eh? lol. This gives "Plug 'n Play" all new meaning.

Actually, I wish it was available even now. It's not. It was an April Fool's Joke that I am just now seeing, lol. Couldn't resist posting about it, lol.

*this is not a sponsored post, obviously, lol.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Grow Your Online Business

A lot of us get an idea for a product or service to offer to the public hoping for any number of things (for our ideas to be shared, to become famous, to make a lot of money, to find something satisfying to do with our lives). Sometimes the creation of the product or service is easier to manage than the marketing of it. What good is a product or service if it is not marketed properly to the people it needs to reach?

For a lot of us, that means calling in the experts for marketing strategy consulting like those at digital-telepathy. They are the connecting piece of what gets your product or service to the end user.

Some of their projects you will recognize:

  • Hard Rock Hotel
  • Champion Sound
  • Napa
  • Mozilla Firefox

They have been bringing their talents to the San Diego area and beyond since 2001. They can design and grow your online business and bring you what you want - introduce your product or service to the world.


San Diego Diversions

Where is the best place to find out "the" best hot spots for a fantastic Saturday night in San Diego? Well, of course! Was there really any other answer? Of course not!

You can search for locations by venue type (bars, cocktail lounges, dance clubs, music venues, wine bars, restaurants and more). Search by location such as Little Italy, La Jolla, Mission Bay, Ocean Beach and then search by "area group" such as beaches, downtown, North County, South Bay). You can pinpoint exactly what type of an awesome time you want to have on any given day of the week!

I checked out the local concert scene and was quite impressed. They have something for everybody - hip hop, rock, reggae, dance, concert halls.

If you are doing a quick search, their home page has a "Today's Events" section that will give you a quick overview of what's what in San Diego on that day. So whether you are spur of the moment or a "plan ahead" type of person (I am the "plan ahead" type myself), you can plan for a great day, and night, in San Diego.


Choosing the Perfect Baby Name

Choosing our children's name was a process. I didn't want to just pick the ones that "I" wanted and disregard my husband's wishes...he did help create the kids after all. I like different names and my husband likes traditional names. Obviously, that creates a dilemma as it puts us at opposite ends (as usual). Just like the rest of our relationship, we found a way to make it work to come up with cute baby names we both liked. We both came up with names we liked and we disregarded any of them the other didn't agree with until we found "the one" we both liked. This worked for three out of four kids. By the fourth child, we were all "agreed" out so I picked her first name and dad picked the middle name. It still worked.

At, you can find out the meaning of the baby names you like. You can also search by gender, first letter of name and origin. I looked up our fourth child's name (the one hubby and I compromised on). Trinity means "three beings in one." It had two meanings for me when I chose it. First, she is the third of our three girls together. Second, is the triple goddess.

There is also information for the preconception period, pregnancy, baby, toddler, mom, shopping, community message boards and chat for support. Let's face it, sometimes moms don't know all the answers themselves without looking up a bit of help and the support alone is priceless.


Weight Loss Meme

I have joined an online weight loss meme for incentive to help me keep exercising to lose weight. I first saw it on the blog of an online friend, Muthahood Crib. So, I followed the bread crumbs (they're carb free bread crumbs:) to the origination of the meme and signed up! Every Tuesday, I will post the results on my blog for the whole world to see, goddess help me.

I would like to lose a tad all over but I really have to lose the weight around the middle. That's my bad spot. It's not good for my back as my lower back spasms remind me all of the time. My husband doesn't want me to lose weight. He says he likes me just the way that I am, I've had four kids, I have thyroid disease, yada yada yada. He's being a nice guy 'cause, of course, he wants to keep up great after dark marital relations, lol. He knows what to tell a woman so he doesn't get into trouble.

I see reality staring back at me in the mirror though. It's time to do something about it. Besides, this gal is going to a Billy Idol/Def Leppart rock concert in August and I plan to dress like it for Billy! *gushy sigh* Momma is dusting off the bar clothes and going out to have some fun!

Check back on Tuesdays to see the results. Here's hoping they are all good results, lol.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Billy Idol Getting Closer

June is almost over. That means August is that much closer and I am SO excited about the Billy Idol/Def Leppard concert we are attending. I love Billy Idol!! Momma is gonna rock!!!

I googled him today and came upon this great blog, punk turns 30. You can find a lot of vintage punk pictures that are just fantastic! It's not just Billy Idol, though those are definitely awesome. There is David Bowie, Blondie, Joan Jett, Sex Pistols and a whole lot more!

When I was a kid who liked Billy Idol, all I knew was what he looked like and his famous songs (and that my father hated him). All the behind the scenes partying of punk rock stars, pop stars, etc. and such was beyond me at that time. I had no idea.


Amy Winehouse - big yip.

Apparently, it's not emphysema. It's only the early signs of what could lead to emphysema if she doesn't stop inhaling toxins. Since this 24 year old girl (Amy Winehouse) has been intent on destroying herself so far, I have little faith she'll stop. I have little patience for it...ok, I have no patience for it.

I do wish she'd stop going to whatever hairdresser she is using. It looks like a ball of yarn on top of her head.

< - - - Come on!! No, I don't like her. I never have. She's better known for her drug use than her music at this stage and that's a bit sad. What a waste. My grandfather died of emphysema. I have asthma and I am only alive right now because of the Advair inhaler the doctors gave me after the last bad asthma attack had me within an inch of meeting the reaper. Messing with your lungs is just plain stupid! Why anybody would knowingly damage their lungs with cigarettes and other drugs and destroy themselves, and those around them unlucky enough to breathe in second hand smoke (and the kids who have no choice when their parents smoke around them I feel sorry for), is beyond me. Maybe I have a different view because I was a kid who breathed second hand smoke as a child and now I am an adult who is still alive because of a medication that keeps my airways from closing up on me fatally.

Amy Winehouse gets the publicity because she is a celebrity. There are tons of "regular" people who don't get the attention but whose lives mean something to somebody somewhere too. I'd rather hear about something meaningful a regular person does as opposed to something stupid a celebrity does.


Before You Lose Money...Ripoff Report

Before you lose money you've worked hard for, one of the places you can check the job/service/product out is Ripoff Report. Check to see if there are any complaints. You can file your own too. If you've been ripped off, file a report.

No, this is not a sponsored post. I just want people to be careful when they start giving money to people without checking out the facts first. Why throw your hard earned cash at a stranger in the hopes it will suddenly bring cash to your door with minimal effort when you can throw it in your gas tank with the outrageously high cost of gas?!?! :)


Monday, June 23, 2008

Do You Online Gamble?

I have never gambled before. Can you believe that? Well, unless you count the dollar scratch instant ticket I have bought maybe three times in my life, I have never gambled. I have never been to Vegas because I refuse to fly, though my husband has talked about going for years. Now I don't have to forget the idea of my first time gambling and neither does my husband with online gambling.

I've seen slots played on television before and that looked like something I would enjoy. Now I can play online slots. With some of the best video slots available online, I can try my lady luck in the comfort of my own home. If you don't like the idea of downloading software to your computer (and a lot of people don't), there are "no download" online casinos available. If you need some tips for playing or want to learn the rules of a particular game, such as Baccarat, or are just looking for the free games, they're at the Gambling Forum.

There are some guidelines you should follow if you are going to gamble online. First is to check out the lists you can find online of approved online casinos who are using approved software. Make sure they have timely customer service. Another is to follow the rules so you can ensure payment on your winnings. I found these guidelines at Gambling Forum and there is much more information that you should read up on if you are interested in checking out a casino online.

I didn't even know you could find a casino online and then I come across all this helpful information on safe online gambling. Read up and have some fun!


Keeping toddler in her own bed

Tonight is the fourth night in a row our three year old has slept in her own bed. Yippee! This is a big deal for us because she's slept in our bed previously. I nursed her for more than two years (on set schedule) so it was just easier at night to have her there. Once I stopped nursing, it was a habit she was very attached to (as were we I think). Now, her toddler bed is at the foot of our bed but it's a start, right? Her bedroom will be finished this summer (her PaPa is going to finish the bedroom she will share with her big sister for them) and then we'll move her bed (and her) into her own room. That is going to be a big day!

As I'm typing this, she just yelled out, "mom, I not see you." I had to sit up so she knew I was here and she's content in her own bed again.

It'll be nice to have our own bedroom back...soon.


Hubby in the Kitchen

I made banana bread yesterday with fresh bananas. I left to take my mother-in-law to the stable while it was in the oven leaving my husband to take it out and flip it out after 15 minutes - - what the directions say).

< - - When I came home, this is what I saw. Apparently, my husband didn't let it cool for 15 minutes first. He flipped it over and when it didn't fall out, he banged the crap out of it while it fell out in pieces. I laughed and had to take a picture. His excuse was that I didn't leave him directions. Never mind that I left the box sitting right by the stove with the directions in it, lol.

It was still good. We ate it in chunks instead of slices.


Neverending Home Improvements

With my husband up in the tree with a chainsaw this weekend and me holding the rope to pull the large branch my way so it didn't fall back on my husband at one point, my husband wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep it from falling on him. Like I'd let that large branch of the tree hit him (see the picture in the previous post...the one he was resting on was the one that was coming down when I was holding it...not with him on it at the time obviously, lol)! It prompted my mother-in-law to ask how our term life insurance was, lol. We're both insured so our kids aren't left penniless if something happens to one or the other or both of us. I hope it never comes to that, but we have to be responsible parents and ensure our kids are taken care of whether we are around or not.


What a Weekend!

My husband's parents were here for the weekend and boy am I sore! My husband and father-in-law were clearing a lower ring of branches off a large maple tree in our backyard (it hangs over our deck and birds "doo" all over our deck daily making it impossible to use). Cutting those up and moving them left me one sore momma. I can't imagine how the guys feel as they were the ones working the chainsaw! I just had the pruners once the large branches fell.

I have a lot to catch up as I didn't get any computer work done all weekend.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Few Days Off

Starting later today, I will be taking a few days off of work and blogging for awhile. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are arriving this afternoon so we are going to spend the weekend with them eating too much, chatting and playing card games (where I always laugh so hard that I cry). We are also giving Papa his Father's Day gift that my husband has been wanting to give him for months now:) He didn't want to ship it. He wanted to give it to him himself. It'll be a nice weekend.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Mortality

I was laying in bed last night and my mortality finally hit me. I have a child going into middle school now. I'm not a young'n anymore. I am going to have to face the fact that I won't be around forever now because "forever" when I was a kid just isn't that far away for me anymore. I still remember when I was a kid and I thought my parents were old. Now, I am the age my parents were when I was thinking they were ancient! Do my kids look at me and think, "she's old" now? I'm not saying to take the adult diaper out for me yet...I may have some gray strands in my hair (more than I should, lol), but I can still beat my kids at volleyball. Eventually though, that's going to hurt, and I'm not going to be able to jump around, fall flat on my back, laugh about it, and get back up again without a lot of help...and perhaps a hip replacement.


4 Kids & Wal-Mart

Taking four kids to Wal-Mart all at once is never a good idea. I just did that. I have a roaring headache and a short temper to show for it. I made a deal with the kids that if we were going, that they would have to behave and not ask me for anything and I would get them snacks for when they watch Camp Rock tomorrow night. All four agreed. I should've known better. The older kids did good but my didn't last. She wanted everything she saw and then proceeded to cry loudly while standing in line at the check-out, during check-out, and out the door because I wouldn't give in to her.

Then we are pulling out and she wants McDonald's. No way in you know where am I now going to McDonald's! Not after that behavior at Wal-Mart. So, then I get the little voice, "I'll behave." Yeah, sure, now that we are done shopping you will. I drove home. I wanted to give in to that little voice, but I know I can't. Being flat broke helped my decision, lol.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

2008 Election Disgust

I am not posting this NObama video because I am pro-Hillary. I'm not "pro" anybody right now. I am disgusted with my presidential choices actually. I am posting this because it makes some good points. Some of it might be nonsense and crap, but still some good points being made nonetheless. I actually sat through the whole video without falling asleep too.


I Need A Photography Class

I want to take a photography class or at least find the best place online (or best book) to teach me (digital photography for a big dummy maybe?). I take thousands of pictures a year (mostly of my kids 'cause I happen to be in love with every one of 'em) but I don't just want to "shoot and point" anymore. I want to learn what all the other functions on my digital camera will do. I want to learn about lighting, backgrounds, and angles.

Since I love to take pictures, I've thought about starting a blog just for photos, but I really think I have a lot of learning to do first before I could dare start putting pics up on a blog designated just for photos.

Anybody have any good ideas on an inexpensive way to learn how to shoot better pictures?


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Can't Believe It!

My son is going to be nine years old next week! My only boy is growing up so fast. He is getting so tall too. Everybody is remarking about it the past few weeks - - he's definitely had a growth spurt. He's such a sweet kid too and does wonderful in school. He's overcome a lot and is doing great!!


All Parents Should Read This - Vitamin D

I am cross-posting this because I think it is very important for all parents to know.

It is an article about the alarming rate of Vitamin D deficiencies in infants, toddlers, adolescents and teenagers. You may think because they drink milk that they're covered. It's not true. There is more to it than just drinking the milk. Read this to find out how to ensure your kids are not one of the 40-something percentages of children found to be deficient.


Another way to appreciate what you have...

I received this in an email today. Sorry it is in all caps, but that is how I received it. I'm not yelling it, lol. The email actually came with a photo with each point but you get the meaning still without the pictures. So, here it is:



















Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun with a Flute

My daughter wants to learn beatboxing with her flute. Dad says she has to concentrate on learning the flute first (she's finished with her first year of flute so far). Probably a good idea to learn all the notes first huh? lol. It sounds like a lot of fun though. I can imagine by the time she gets to high school marching band, seeing the band in a parade with the flutes beatboxing. How fun!!


Recording at Home

My husband records music at home. He's quite talented at it and has two cd's that he recorded on his own in this way. He has one system set up right now though he has been talking about expanding on his system with speakers, monitors, and perhaps another computer altogether. I wasn't sure how he was going to manage multiple systems from one location until reading about a KVM switch. KVM stands for keyboard, video or visual display unit, mouse. This piece of hardware will let you control many computers from one device like a keyboard, monitor, and mouse. I wonder if my husband has heard of this and if it would work for what he needs it for.


If you live in Detroit and you care...

Al Gore is endorsing Obama tonight in Detroit. Big whoop.

I am so disgusted with the candidates we have to vote for. Seriously, I have never felt so discouraged about the next four years in this country as I do now. This country is in serious trouble and there isn't one candidate that I feel is going to change that.

Terrorism was at the top of everybody's list a few years ago. This year, I think it is the rising cost of everything we need to live - gas and food for example. With that comes the problem of making our house payments while our expenses go up. I worry about how hard it is going to be for our family to make ends meet. It was hard enough supporting two households (in the form of child support) before. Now? My kids, our household, will suffer.


How Blogging Helps Advertisers

I really enjoy blogging. I like to know that I can contribute to the household finances and still be here for my kids by blogging for advertisers. Plus, I get to write which I love. It combines everything and just works for me. I'm not the only one! There are bloggers just like me who want to advertise for you!

If you are looking for a great place to advertise (your company, your blog, your service, your product, etc.) and need to advertise on a budget, Bloggers Review is what you are looking for. You can gain exposure for yourself and not break the bank by advertising on blogs. This will help your page rank as well as where you land in search engines when individuals perform a search for a product or service you have to offer. Plus, you aren't limited to a certain geographical location since the web is world wide!

You can easily create a campaign for a minimum of $50 USD. Instead of spending thousands on an advertising budget, you can spend a minimal amount and give yourself a web presence. Registration is free too so you have nothing to lose by registering and checking out


Three Little Girls Crying

I brushed Jack so he looked pretty for his ride to his new owner's house, kissed his cute little horse head and said my good-byes. My four kids all said their good-byes to him while he was still in his stall (with one daughter crying already). When he was led out of his stall to the trailer, I ended up with three little girls crying (my son's eyes just watered but the girls were waterworks...even the three year old). I had sent them out to the swingset so they wouldn't be underfoot and safely out of the way. I could hear them sobbing out in the yard from the trailer.

It's hard to think about Jack not being there anymore waiting at the gate for us.


Tears Today

Today is going to bring a lot of tears. We sold our horse, Jack, and he goes to his new home today. He's going to a new home to be a trail horse, which is what he did before we bought him (and what I believe will make him a happy boy). He'll be happier once the initial stress from moving and getting to know his new home (new owners and new pasture buddies) goes away.

It's been put off. He was supposed to leave a few days ago but a truck breaking down prevented his move. It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, I just want it done and over with so we can deal with the tears and get used to him not waiting at the gate for us at the stable. On the other, I don't want to see him leave.

In about an hour, I will pack all the kids in the car to head down to the stable. We don't want him to leave without saying good-bye.

It's a sad day today. By lunchtime, I figure half the family will be in tears.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lion Cam

I love the live cams you can check out of wildlife around the world. I try to catch them whenever I can. This link was posted in a forum I visit and there she is! Momma!! She's cleaning herself and her babies right now as I type this. You really have to see this. Your kids would certainly love this one.

Lion Cam

It is SO cool. Call your kids to gather around (make sure they're not eating first, lol) and see how sweet they look (on camera).


Friday, June 13, 2008

What is Web 2.0?

I've seen the term "Web 2.0" a lot around the web over the last couple of months. I don't know what Web 2.0 means. I know versions of software programs change as upgrades are created, but it doesn't seem like that is what this is (how can the entire Internet be "upgraded" like Vista - still out on the success of that upgrade BTW)? It doesn't make sense to me, but everybody is talking about it. What the heck is it? Anybody want to enlighten me please?


Missing My Mountains

I am wishing for the Smoky Mountains. We haven't been back in a few years and I miss them (even if I have to take a Dramamine to drive through them, I still love them...odd huh?). Next time we go, I think I need to get a travel guide and drive through Tennessee to the other side and actually vacation on the North Carolina side. We visited that side briefly (went to the Cherokee Reservation) but I'd actually like to vacation there for several days.

There are only so many time you can go to Gatlinburg, TN. I've been there several times already and I don't want to do the "tourist" route again. I want to find an out of the way spot and enjoy nature and family. That's the best vacation to me.


ADHD Help Without Drugs

This was in my drafts. I thought I'd posted this already. I meant to anyway. Must be age burning up brain cells.

I have been doing some reading and online research about ADHD, looking for a way to manage ADHD without drugs. I found a lot of information (research and articles) showing improvement in ADHD symptons using Omega-3. Here are some links to a lot of informative info I read:

Also, eliminating high carb, heavily processed foods is recommended along with it for ADHD.

Does anybody have any positive experiences with managing ADHD symptoms with diet (eliminating the bad, adding Omega-3 if there isn't enough being eaten in a regular diet)?

This is not a sponsored post.



You are now supposed to get a baseline mammogram done at 35. I am 36. I haven't had one yet. For those of you who have placed your girl bits into a machine to have them smooshed, was it as bad (painful) as it sounds? I have to get this scheduled, but I have to admit that I am anxious about it. It HAS to hurt though people have told me otherwise. I mean, if you can feel pain just hugging somebody, wouldn't a bits crusher hurt in a much more intense way?


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dolce (the dog, not the designer)

This is Dolce (if you have a problem pronouncing her name, check here). She is a Labradoodle pup. Dolce flew from Kentucky to her new home with my sisters to be loved and spoiled. Isn't she adorable? I love her eyes! She loves kids, loves the water, and was very easily potty-trained (my kinda dog says the owner of a beagle/sheltie mix who doesn't want to potty train properly...the dog, not me, lol...I'm perfectly potty-trained). If my sister brings her to Ohio, she better watch her 'cause this Buckeye might steal her.

Dolce just met her new puppy sister this week. Her little sister flew in from Kentucky to live at her new home with Dolce too. I'm still waiting for pictures of the newest addition. *sigh* I wait...and I wait...and I wait. Oh, woe is me.


No Regrets

I work from home. One way I do this is with blogging. I used to do GPT sites but I found that blogging fit with more of what I liked to do, which is write. I am always looking for other opportunities as well that are legit until I can write a bestseller and roll in the money, lol.


Unicorn Exists!

In the form of a deer born with a genetic anomaly his twin didn't inherit. Unicorn was born in captivity on a nature preserve in Tuscany where he is attracting a lot of attention. He's really sweet.

We have a preserve about 1/2 mile from us that has several dozen deer on it that we just love to see as we drive by. There are several different breeds - some tiny like Bambi and others large and almost white. They're all adorable.

Read the USA Today article here.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where's My Stimulus Payment?

If you are like us and still haven't received your IRS stimulus payment and want to know where it is, there is a page at the IRS site that may tell you. All you do is enter your social security number, filing status and number of exemptions and if it is within a week of your payment release, it will tell you. Check it out.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Will Drilling Here Help or Hurt Us?

Congress was asked by Bush to allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. If you don't know where that it, it is in northern Alaska and encompasses over 19 million acres. Wildlife there include 36 land mammals, 36 fish species, more than 160 migratory and resident bird species and nine marine mammals. You can see a more specific list here.

There is a "take action" opportunity for citizens to give yourself a voice on whether this should or should not be done. If you support drilling, click here. If you don't support drilling, click here.

So, what do you think? Should we drill and hope for more independence from the Middle East for oil or not? Is it worth it to drill there? Are there alternatives and what are they?


Billy Idol in Concert

Guess who we are going to see in concert in August? One guess? LOL. I am SO excited. I know he's older now than he was way back when I was hot for him as a teenager, but who cares (aren't we all)! I can't wait!! Section 203 just off stage left - here we come!! *lovely sigh* I hope this venue allows cameras because I think we're close enough for some good pictures!

Billy Idol was the musician my father hated (well, him and Prince) and I drooled over. Look at this picture though! The lips! Who wouldn't drool?

I am going to be a puddle at the concert. Billy Idol is playing with Def Leppard. I better lose these extra lbs. so I can dress like I want to for a rock concert, less clothing.

My eleven year old daughter loves Billy Idol now. I've been listening to his Greatest Hits cd (the picture) for weeks now and she's been enjoying it as much as I have. I just won her a poster off of ebay yesterday, but I really want to find her some really good ones that don't have tack and tape marks like the ones on ebay do. She's mad at me because we aren't taking her to the concert. I keep getting dirty looks. She is expecting me to get some really good pictures from the concert.

So, the one question remains:

Should I rat my hair up about six inches from my head and use a whole can of Aqua Net hairspray on it to REALLY go back to the 80's or what?
That's a joke, but this mother of four is going to have an awesome time!!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Help From Garry Conn

There is this one blog that I read that has a huge amount of blogging information available. I've subscribed to it so I always see the latest posts. It is Garry Conn's blog - Blogging Tips That Make Money Online.

I make money working from home by blogging. However, the one way I make money from blogging isn't the ONLY way to make money blogging. His blog gives a lot of useful information and tips to help you along the way. (I'm a beginner blogger so I need all the help I can get!)

I know a lot of my online blogging friends would find his blog very helpful to them as well so I thought I'd post it here for all to see, lol. (Saves sending various emails all over the world:)

This is not a sponsored post. I like the blog and wanted to post about it.


Blogger vs Wordpress

I use blogger for all of my blogs so they are all in one spot. When looking for templates for it, I found that Wordpress has a larger selection of very nice templates. I hope to see more blogger templates available because I would imagine switching all my blogs over to Wordpress would be a hassle. I also hope Blogger gets a "Categories" widget soon. I know there is a way to do it manually, but I developed a piercing headache reading the details of it the other day and had to leave it be.

While I'm on the topic of blogs, all of my blogs have their own domain but are hosted at blogger. I'm wondering if it would be better for me to host them on my own space and how much it'd cost. Anybody have any opinions on that?

These are the blogs I'd have to move:


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why aren't people protecting themselves?

I ran across this blog today while I was stumbling called "Dad's House" and this one particular post about one night stands and not using protection. I've been in a monogamous relationship for 13 years now, so I've been a bit out of the loop. However, with all the information available today on STD's and how to prevent them, I would have hoped that people would know better by now. Not only that, but without protection, if you end up getting pregnant or impregnating a woman, you may be setting yourself up for 18 years of heartbreak and chaos trying to raise a child you love with somebody not functioning with a full deck. Why wouldn't you use protection or why wouldn't a man or woman INSIST on protection? Seriously, if that person doesn't care enough about him or herself to protect themselves or respect you enough to insist on protection, what are you doing sleeping with them? Some of the people that individuals pick up for a one night stand you wouldn't choose to walk your dog so why would you risk not only life-altering and life-threatening diseases but pregnancy as well?

This is a sore subject for me so you will find that I can get quite outspoken about this. The choices made in one moment will not only impact you, but can also impact the child you may create, future relationships and future children as well.

Never believe that the other person is taking birth control or can't get pregnant! Never! Always insist on a condom!

As a parent, I intend to ensure my children know how to protect themselves when they are older. They won't be naive about the pregnancy, protection, and the selfishness of other people. It'd be naive of me to think that they'll wait until they are married and I want to make sure they have the tools to make good decisions for their own health. I do not want my son going through what his father has gone through the past 15+ years with his ex. I do not want my girls to not be strong enough to insist on protecting their health and futures.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Finding Good Deals

I use Vista now on my laptop. I know there have been a lot of complaints about Vista and I have mixed feelings as well. I like some of the features, but I don't like that a lot of my other equipment isn't compatible with it. Finding out my video camera and all-in-one printer wasn't compatible was aggravating as I do a lot of photo and video editing and sharing from my equipment to my computer.

I've been doing a lot of research to find the best buy for a new printer. I really need a printer where all the features on it work correctly, but I can't spend alot of money on one right now.


Dry Drowning

Huh? How do you drown if you're dry and not in the water? You can. I once knew a mom years ago who almost lost her child to this. Her child had fallen into their pool. They removed her as soon as she fell in and she was conscious and everything - cough, sputter, a few scared tears shed but otherwise seemingly know how that is. Unfortunately, she fell ill from "dry drowning" a short time later (delayed affect of a little water in her lungs), was in critical condition, and they almost lost her.

There are other causes as well but this is one I have personally heard of before. This can be treated if caught early enough so if you have any concerns, get the person to the emergency room right away.

Read this for more information on signs, symptoms, causes:

For more information, click here.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Myers-Briggs Typology Test

My daughter and I just got back from the barn. It is SIZZLIN outside! I can't believe how miserable it already is and the heat isn't over yet for today. It's too hot now in the day to go for my daily walk unless I want to drop from heatstroke. It's getting into the 90's today. I am so not looking forward to this heat for the next several months...what I wouldn't give for central air right now - bad, bad things.

I was tagged by Muthahood Crib to take the Myers-Briggs Typology Test. This is the short version (72 short multiple choice questions). This test is supposed to tell me my type formula along with strengths/preferences with personality type description. Here's my results:

  • Introverted: 89
  • Intuitive: 25
  • Thinking: 12
  • Judging: 33

My Type: INTJ

I am:

  • very expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality

Famous People of My Type:

Stephen Hawking, Andrew Grove, Marie Curie, Guy Kawasaki, Igor Sikorsky, Hillary Clinton

<*start copy*>

The Myers-Briggs typology test. Imagine, finding the blog of another person that shares a similar (or maybe even the same) personality type as you.

If you are curious to see what personality traits others bloggers have and what dominant type of person fills the pages of the blogosphere with anything from personal journals to information rich SEO blogs.


1) Do the test.

2) Post your result on your blog.

3) Go to OMB’s blog and message him so he can include you in the compilation of test takers and their results post in his blog.

4) Post your link here after the person who tagged you.Outside My Brain; Earthly Explorations; Muthahood Crib; Syn's Life; YOUR LINK HERE

5) Pass this tag to every blogger you wish to take the test.

<*end copy*>

I AM TAGGING: The Life of an Unbalanced Libra


Missing Your Child's Events

My son was in his school's talent show today. He's doing a rap with other members of the environmental group he is in. It's a rap about recycling. My shy little boy was going to do something that he's always been to shy to do before - perform in front of his entire school when he's always been to shy to perform in front of even his family. I didn't want to miss that. I wanted to be front and center with my video camera.

The school didn't send any notices home to the parents about attendance. My older daughter said that parents didn't attend this last year. It's just for the students. That stinks.

I went to the school this morning anyway to drop my kids off. Normally, they take the bus but we had two dozen cookies and two dozen cupcakes to drop off. I brought my camera just in case, lol. I didn't see any parents around for the talent show. *sigh*

I couldn't embarrass him and be the only "mom" there. He's embarrassed enough about mom that I can't even get a high five from him when I drop him at his classroom. Mom there with a camera in front of all his friends would totally embarrass him. So, I took my camera and went home. Not happily, but I did.

Now if my kids come home from school later and tell me there WERE parents there, I will get doubly upset.

When little boys pull away from showing affection to mom in front of outsiders, do they ever come back to mom or should I just plan on the next ten years of my son distancing himself from me in front of other people and just enjoy the hugs and kisses I get from him at home?


It's Over For A Couple Months

What's over? Peace in the house during the day, that's what! My three kids get out of school in two days. Well, 2-1/2 because the school has the nerve to release them early on the last day!

Summer Break Equation:

3 School-Aged Kids + 1 Toddler Refusing to Potty Train = Loony Mom

Now I know why my parents sent us to summer school. Now I get it!!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Relax With SpaScenes

We are thinking about buying a spa in the future as one of our remodeling projects. It'd be nice for me to relax in one after a full day of taking care of our four children around my husband's crazy hours. Let's face it, sometimes a little down time to relax is a must for a mom's sanity (it definitely is for mine). Wait until my stepchildren are here this summer and it is me against six kids! My sanity will be sorely tested then. Also, my husband is an avid bicyclist. When I say avid, I mean 60-80 miles a week of fast riding. He's not taking a stroll through the park. He is riding fast and furious up and down our hilly country roads. That's a lot of stamina. Having a spa to soak in afterward would probably help him ward off any aches and pains.

One of the things that I have noticed when looking at the different spas is the big, bulky cover that looks kind of antiseptic next to a relaxing spa. If you are like me, you probably want a tranquil setting to relax in - set up the whole environment for a relaxing soak in the spa. I don't want to "relax" in a cold-looking atmosphere. Now there is a way to make your spa cover a part of your tranquil setting with this great idea for hot tub accessories.

SpaScenes offers different murals for you to choose from for your new or even existing cover to your spa. With only a pencil, ruler, scissors, and masking tape as the tools necessary to install, even somebody like me, who is "home improvement challenged", could do this. It is trim to fit too so how much easier can it get? This is a great idea of improving the environment you are relaxing in!


Northern Michigan Serenity


Nasty Weather

It's been nasty weather here in west central Ohio since last night. There were tornado warnings for a long time last night to the south of us. We were lucky that we weren't in that long strip of tornado weather yesterday. It is STILL raining and thunder rumbling. The kids didn't like getting on the bus in this a little while ago. There are flood warnings out for our county (we're ok because the nearest body of water is a few properties back from ours so it's not a threat to us). Our television satellite just came back on. I have a lot of errands (pick up class desserts for two classes, get prescriptions, groceries, two bank runs, doctor appointment) to run today and I am not bringing a three year old out in this! It better stop soon. Doesn't Mother Nature know I have things to do today?


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bad Timing for Throw Up

Why is it that kids will yak at the wrong time every - single - time? I had stopped at Tractor Supply Company this morning, on our way to my three year old's speech therapy, and my three year old yaks in the car in the TSC parking lot as I am buckling her back into her car seat. Purple grape juice across her lap, on her car seat, and up my arm since I'd been reaching across her at the time with the seat belt. I call her speech therapist to cancel her appointment (can't very well bring her in with grape vomit down the front of her), which makes my darling toddler MAD. Angry toddlers are such a joy to have when you are stuck in a small space like a car with them. She wants to go to speech because the women who work the receptionist desk always give her stickers and suckers (and chocolate and money, lol) after her appointments because they think she's too adorable not to. So, for the ten minute ride home, I have a three year old ticked off at me in the backseat - huge frown with the occasional ticked off comment, "I wanna go to speech to see Hannah Montana" before she'd go back to sulking. (Hannah Montana is actually her new speech therapist's name - well, Hannah, not the "Montana" part.)

Being able to stay home with my kids so I can do all of these things with them and for them myself is what I want, but sometimes, I'd like to outsource the "vomiting, ticked off toddler" parts.

The quality of the pic isn't that great since it was from my cell phone, but maybe this sour puss shouldn't have that mad little face too well defined anyway. She doesn't get mad at me often, but she was this morning.


Weight Loss Update - One Week Later

This past week, I've posted about my plan to rev up my metabolism to start kicking some of this extra weight off of me. Here's the change: The webs free Calorie Journal

This was last week's: The webs free Calorie Counter

I guess the volleyball games and walking might actually be doing something. I hope my metabolism will kick in like it used to and this weight will start to drop off but I really don't know. My thyroid disease really messed it up.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Weight Loss

Well, I am still on track for increasing my activity level to lose some weight. I do not have an "exercise regimen" specifically. I've never stuck to those before so I decided to try something different.

What I decided to do was just increase my activity level in general. That means going outside to play kickball or volleyball with the kids at least every other day and walking with the remaining child not in school yet during the day around the neighborhood. We played volleyball a couple of times this weekend and I just finished my morning walk for today.

Now, the activity level isn't so huge that it is burning up tons of calories each time, however, I am hoping to jump start my thyroid disease challenged metabolism...rev it up a bit. I used to have fantastic metabolism until my thyroid decided to try to annihilate itself.

Here's to this next week of keeping the activity level up.


Omega-3 Source

If you are looking for food sources with Omega-3 in it, Smart Balance has a peanut butter that has 1000mg of Omega-3 from flax oil in it. Surprisingly, my kids will eat it. I bought it yesterday with the expectation that it wasn't going to taste very good and that my kids would turn it down. They didn't. They asked for seconds! Of course, I didn't tell them it was good for them.

It looks the same as regular peanut butter, but the consistency is different. It is stickier than the average peanut butter but that didn't stop my daughter with braces from asking for more either.
It is a natural peanut butter but it doesn't need to be refrigerated so you don't need to worry about tearing up your bread the way refrigerated peanut butter does. It is also non-hydrogenated and trans fatty acid free!

This is not a sponsored post. Smart Balance is not paying me for this review. In fact, they'll likely never know about it, lol.

Omega-3 is something I am currently researching because of the reports I've read on the improvements seen in ADHD children after taking Omega-3 regularly. I've also recently read that parents of children with verbal apraxia (speech apraxia, dyspraxia) have also seen noticeable improvements. Since my husband's son has ADHD and our son together has apraxia, I have a huge interest in finding out if this really works.

A lot of children are given an ADHD diagnosis who don't deserve it. Sometimes, I think the schools want it diagnosed so it is easier on them (or a parent wants it diagnosed because a pill is easier to give than consistent discipline and structure). I am not saying ALL ADHD children or ALL parents of ADHD children, however, at the rate ADHD is being diagnosed, it is like an epidemic! We have a generation of children who are being medicated that wasn't seen before. If something as simple as an Omega-3 deficiency is to blame for even a small percentage of these kids, how easy is that to remedy? Simple!

As a parent, I would want to try everything safe first before drugging my child!

This is not a sponsored post.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Desperately Seeking Computer Knowledge

My laptop isn't that old but it is already obsolete! I am in serious need of an upgrade to stop the freeze ups and shut downs. Nothing is more annoying than being in the middle of something and having the screen freeze indefinitely on you.

I need more ram (random access memory) for my computer. Unfortunately, I am a bit "hardware challenged" so I've not been sure what to buy so I procrastinated on buying anything. With 4ALLMEMORY, I don't need to put it off anymore because I'm not clueless anymore. They have the ability on their web site to tell you exactly what you need after answering a few simple questions about your system. I don't feel so computer illiterate anymore!


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