Friday, December 26, 2008

Income From Blogging

Blogging has been extra income for our family since I started doing it last summer. It pays for my horse, and when I did it more so than I do currently, it paid for two horses and lessons. It's a great way to make a little extra money.

I have several blogs, but only two that I use as part of our income. I've been kicking around topics for other blogs. There are the celebrity blogs, how-to blogs, or you might find an electronics blog. There are so many different areas that you can hit, but I think the key, for me, is to find something that I am very interested in. Otherwise, I can see blogs that don't hold my interest dying out before they barely get started because I get bored easily.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Anybody Else Overspend?

We did. We overspent on xmas this year. We told ourselves we wouldn't do it and we did it anyway on our kids. They will love Santa xmas morning but our bank account...not so much.

We also have two of our kids' birthdays coming up in the next few weeks so the shopping isn't over with yet.


Friday, December 19, 2008

My Kids Don't Look Related

You can't tell from looking at my kids that they are related to each other. My husband jokes about one or the other of them being the postal worker's kids. Other than one of my girl's eyes, they don't look like their dad at all. If he were a less secure man, he'd probably think I was out stomping on my marriage vows with some other man (or men). I know better because I take my vows seriously (and he better too, lol).

There isn't much of me in their features either. Whose kids are these? We are missing 1/4 of the genetic information for dad's half of their genes so that could account for it I guess, but geez...I wouldn't doubt people look at them and wonder, "whose their daddy?"


Lip Balm Dries Out Lips

The dental assistant to my daughter's orthodontist told us this past week that there is actually an ingredient in chapstick that dries out your lips and not to use it (my daughter had been using it since her last orthodontic appointment when they added new hardware in her mouth). My daughter's lips were really dry and she cracked one corner of her mouth. She recommended NEUTROGENA LIP MOISTURIZER or Vaseline.

I looked it up online and I've found different articles claiming chapstick 1) dries out lips, and 2) that people become addicted to it. Are you one of those people who use it frequently throughout the day and have sticks of it with you at all times and laying around the house and car? I've been using it regularly for about two weeks now and my lips are actually dryer than they were before I started using it. You'd think they'd be better, not worse, if that stuff really worked the way we are supposed to think it does.

So my daughter has been using Vaseline now for several days throughout the day and before going to bed and looking at her lips this morning, they don't look any better. They seem very dry. Vaseline contains petroleum which I also read online is drying which would explain why my daughter's lips aren't better. I think I better pick up some Neutrogena Lip Balm for her and try that.

Another thing to be aware of for women especially, one of the symptoms of anemia is a sore mouth with cracks at the corners. What you think is just dry lips may be an iron deficiency.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Special Moments to Remember

My three year old will reach up to touch my face and say, "I love you mommy." It melts my heart every time she does it. It comes out of nowhere to catch me by surprise and is the sweeting thing. She did this today and choked me up.

Of course, she also called me "stupid" today too. Gotta love this age!


New Template

I've changed the template here. I get bored easily so it was time for the other one to go. I think I'd kept that one the longest - several months. This one looks a lot cleaner (unless I do something silly like jack it all up with a lot of stuff in the sidebar). It's the first time I've used one with a black background because a lot of people don't like those I guess. It was my only major decision of the day - black background or no black background (hey, gimme a break was a snow day today).

Hope you like it. I think the candles are pretty! I love candles.


Thyroid Woes

I was talking to one of my sisters last night and she mentioned some thyroid supplements her husband is taking that has to do with "whole foods" (anybody else familiar with the whole foods concept?). I seriously want some of this stuff along with the cleanse supplements. I dream of 20 pounds just melting off of me...good dream huh?

Many people take a diet pill with good results. I can't take them because of the medication I am on for my thyroid disease. I react oddly to medications since starting thyroid hormones seven years ago so I don't risk it. It'd be nice to find a cure and have my thyroid fully functioning again. The problem is I don't know if it is completely dead by now so it may be too late.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shoes Thrown at President Bush in Iraq


Did Wall Street Bailout Help?

So, did the $700 million Wall Street Bailout help the regular citizens in the U.S? I haven't heard anything positive yet so I thought I'd ask and see if anybody else has. Did anybody who was struggling with their mortgage see any light from this?

I still see job losses left and right (with my husband's possible reduction to part-time a good possibility in the near future). Are our tax dollars that helped fund this $700 billion bail out going to help us pay our mortgage when my husband loses most his hours? I think not.

So, what's the answer? How do we get the economy going again? Goddess knows we've done more than our fair share of stimulating the economy with xmas presents this year (boy did it hurt too). We went overboard as usual, but if I'd known a month ago what I do now about the possibility of losing these hours, I'd have kept to the budget better...I think. Perhaps, I'd have gone overboard on our kids anyway because it's going to get rough after the New Year. Who knows.

So, let me figure this out:

If dh loses his hours, we've still funded the Wall Street bail out, might give a loan to the auto industry to bail them out, plus the new bankruptcy laws make it harder for the regular person to file to get help. So, where is our relief? Our tax dollars bail out big industry and I haven't seen any improvement yet...what about the little guy?

Depending on the government to fix this is just putting us into a bigger hole. What can WE do to turn the economy around? Any economists out there with answers?


Managing with income loss

My husband told me yesterday that his employer is cutting the automotive plant where he works down to three days a week. This is the first time this company has ever had to do anything like this (they've never had lay-offs either). So far, it doesn't affect him because his department has work but I worry it is just a matter of time until it does affect him. It has to trickle down to his area in the plant eventually I'd think.

So, I can't sleep because now I am worried about keeping a roof over my kids' head, transportation, and paying all the other bills we have. Merry Christmas eh?

I would imagine bankruptcy is becoming a very real option for a lot of people right now in this economy. I've heard the new laws make it harder to file now though.

So, I am working out in my head what bills would have to be eliminated "just in case" (I'd have to sell my horse which would tear my heart eyes tear up just thinking about it now and it's not a reality yet). I can pay her bills now with what I make but if my husband's work situation changes, having a horse and riding lessons for my daughter would have to move to the back burner because shelter, food, utilities, etc. have to take precedence.

Where does credit card debt fall in line? We have plenty of it and if my husband's job hours get reduced to part-time, we can't pay any of that because the necessary bills have to come first. *sigh* This economy crap stinks.

So, all these thoughts are whirling around in my noggin - thoughts of bankruptcy, food stamps, creditors coming after us, losing my girl, etc. I am "hoping" that reducing hours to part-time doesn't mean a loss in medical insurance. We shall see.

My husband's child support bill would stay the same. That bill gets paid regardless of what our household loses, what my own kids lose, unless hubby actually gets laid off. In that case (lay-off), then it'd be reduced per court order. Reducing hours isn't being laid off so we can forget about that expense being reduced. My kids' needs will take the hit on that one, like it always has, before the "first kids" needs do. First kids (two) are more important than the second ones (four) in the family court's eyes...unless I were to divorce their dad which would get the state government kick backs from the federal government so my kids would then become important to them. Stupid eh? Did I ever say how much I dislike Michigan's family court? Well, I do. We could lose our home and they wouldn't care. It'd probably give the ex a big laugh too.

Anyway, just some upbeat thoughts in my head to bring into the holiday season. Cripes!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Golfers On Your Xmas List?

If you have a golfer on your shopping list this year, you aren't going to want to miss They carry all the great name brands of golf balls and they are offering free shipping on ground orders over $50 right now.

If you are a golfer yourself, look them up. There is nothing wrong with including a little "something something" for yourself while holiday shopping. Get yourself a nice gift too!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hard to Shop For People - Inlaws & Stepkids

Every year, there is at least one person who is hard to shop for. This year, it is several.

We don't have a single clue what to get my husband's parents this year. Usually by now, we know. This year, we've run out of ideas. No clue and we're three weeks away from Christmas and even less for shipping gifts to them. In the past, we've bought them digital picture frames, computers, digital cameras, etc. We've done all of it already. There's nothing left. We better figure out something soon. What do you get for a couple who have everything they need?

My stepdaughter was also a hard one to figure out this year. First it was all CD's. Then, she told us the other day that she wanted that Biscuit the Fun Lovin Pup. What does an almost 16-year-old want with a toy meant for 5 - 8 year olds? If it wasn't $149.99, I'd get it for her but I'm not spending that much money on a gift that isn't appropriate. She'd probably end up giving it away to one of her cousins. Good thing we decided not to rather easily because she just sent us another email saying she was joking about that. Nice joke. Just for that, I'm going to get her some luggage so she has something nice to pack her clothes into when she comes to visit. Seriously, we did figure out some good ideas for her and I have them on order.

That leaves my husband's parents. Any ideas?


Thursday, December 4, 2008

I Saw The Wagon Teamster Today!

While out shopping this morning, I wasn't too suprised to see, going in the opposite direction, four horses pulling a wagon. Where we live, we see a lot of horses pulling buggies, however, unlike those, this one had a name and web site on it and it looked more like a small trailer. On the way back from shopping, I passed the four horses and wagon. I thought I'd look them up online.

It turns out this team of horses is pulling a man cross country. His "wagon" is actually his home that he built himself. For pictures and more information about this team, check them out here.

How cool is that? I actually saw them today!!


Company Promotional Products

Do you use them? Do they work?


Great Gift for Three Year Old

I found this great new toy for my three year old for Christmas that she is going to love. It hooks up to the television like the video game systems the bigger kids use, but it's designed for younger kids with educational games plus has the regular (but kid friendly) keyboard and mouse like the "big kids" use so she'll learn computer skills. The cost isn't outrageous either! This is the one I got (it also comes in green for the kids who prefer):

Santa's got it going on this year!


Mouse Escapades...The End?

After weeks of being too smart for our traps, I figured out what to bait them with so they couldn't resist. Instead of the cheese or peanut butter, which rarely works, I have been nagging my husband to put Baklava in each trap. What rodent can't resist the sugary, nutty, honey, gooey dessert? Obviously, not our two mice because hubby baited the traps last night with it, scratched off one more item on his "honey do" list from me, and within an hour of going to bed, "snap" and then "snap" more mice.

I actually felt a little bad thinking about it this morning. It was hard to eat my breakfast. I ate lunch just fine though so I guess I'm over it.

I bought two new traps today, hoping that there are no more mice but if two got in, maybe more did. We shall see. I have more Baklava left so a piece will be used to bait the traps again.

If you don't know where to get Baklava (and don't want to make it yourself), Walmart is selling it right now on trays over in their bakery section for the holidays. We've eaten most of it but we have plenty left to bait a few more rodents if needed. Buy some for a family get together and swipe a piece for the pests in your house, lol.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Twilight Sequel Production Begins Soon

New Moon, the sequel to the hit book and movie, Twilight, is supposed to begin production in early 2009. Yeah! I hope it is as good as the first movie.

I did order the second book for my daughter. I promised her that if she read the first book (400-something pages), which was my way to encourage her to read more, I would buy her the second book. She's hooked now! She doesn't know I've ordered it already but she's going to get a happy surprise in a few days and I get my oldest reading more.


Deer Gets Back at Human

Now for some odd news...

Did you hear the recent story of a deer in Missouri who got his revenge on the man who shot him? The guy shot the nine-point buck twice and thought he was dead. When the deer got up and attacked the guy with his antlers, the guy realized his "oops" - the deer wasn't dead yet. The deer took off running after giving what the man described as "15 seconds of hell" but after firing two more shots, the deer dropped. Bambi's daddy is one tough deer!

The man ended up with seven staples in his head, bruises, and a slight concussion.


Diet Supplement Results - Hydroxycut

I see all kinds of diet products on the television, in magazines, and on the Internet. They all claim to do wonders for your body (though some of the side effects leave me a bit on the grossed out side). So, I would like to know who has tried some of these, side effects, and your weight results.

In particular, I am looking for information on Hydroxycut hardcore. If you've used it, let me know what you thought of it.

If you've used others, let me know about those too. I would really like to know which ones do what they claim without a lot of negative side effects.

Maybe if I hadn't just shoveled two pieces of Baklava into my face, I wouldn't be worrying about weight loss right now. I really need more willpower.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Mouse Escapades Part II

They're winning. They're both still alive. For now.


Husband Spoils Me Too Much

My husband gave me an early Christmas/Anniversary present this morning (he even wrapped it which is a first)...after telling him already not to buy me anything because: 1) we need to get xmas gifts for all the kids, and 2) there is just too much that needs to be done to the house to spend money like this. I'm not a kid anymore and don't need anything. Obviously, he didn't listen (he never does). Seriously, I might as well not even talk.

He bought me a new camera - a digital SLR camera. Damn! I've wanted one of these cameras for a long time now and I figured maybe next year as prices continued to come down on them, then we'd pick one up...eventually. We just talked about this the other day - waiting until next spring/summer. My husband isn't about waiting I guess.

Now he'll joke about getting extra attention every day for a month. *cough cough*

*sigh* This means spending more money because now I need to buy a flash (soon) and one more lense (55-200 I think?...eventually). Oy. I better start reading up on how to work this thing.

I'm excited about the camera...a bit worried about the money he spent...and excited about the camera. Such a conundrum, lol.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mouse Escapades

I decided after seeing one whiz across my floors this morning that I'd watch and find out where it was going (nesting). I sat on the couch, really still, with a view of my dining room and refrigerator for about a half hour this morning. There I sat, at 3:00 a.m., watching for mice.

I watched the mouse come out from my refrigerator, search under my dining room table, and grab a yellow Trix cereal piece on the floor (I'm sure it was thanking my 3yo for dropping it for it). It took it behind my fridge. I heard it doing whatever mice do under my fridge for a couple minutes before coming out again to hunt for food. It took off again under the fridge where I heard it doing its thing. I was a little sad to think that I'd have to commit mouse murder because it was little and cute. I sat quietly waiting to see if it came back out when another one (yes, another one) ran through the living room and into my kitchen to hook up with the mouse already under my fridge.

OK, that makes two of them. My sadness disappeared when I realized that if these are male and female mice, we'd soon have babies and be over-run with mice. I moved the trap over by the fridge and added a few Trix cereal pieces to it. *evil grin* I also made plans to go out tomorrow and pick up some hamster treats to bait them with since cheese and peanut butter don't work. I heard them once more, sounded like they were under my cabinets, before going back to bed.

This morning, hubby and I pulled the fridge out but couldn't see anything. I had the broom waiting, hoping I'd be able to smack one with it but no deal.

A few minutes ago, I heard some bumping and a squeal. I'm not sure if the mice got into a little tussle together or if one of them got caught in the trap. Since I can't look, it'll have to sit there until my husband gets up to take care of it. It's not like it's going anywhere if it did...ever again. Gross.

I think they're going around my fridge and dishwasher, through the lower cabinets where the dishwasher hoses are snaked to my sink pipes and making a home underneath my sink base cabinet (where I have a trap waiting). I didn't think about this when my new cabinets were put in. Ewww. Do they realize how much these cabinets cost us? I think that's where I heard the squealing noise so hopefully, one of the mice bit the dust. We'll see in a couple hours 'cause I'm sure as hell not opening that cabinet to look.

They're lucky we don't catch them and hang them over our snake's cage and let Willy do his thing. Willy loves mice.


Up at 3 a.m. watching a mouse play

This is my third night in a row without enough sleep. The first night my 3yo woke me up sobbing (must've been a nightmare...she wouldn't tell me). The second night, hubby woke me up with the tv at 3 a.m. Tonight, hubby decided to try to cook me last night by blasting the heat (he won't wear anything but shorts even in the damn winter so I think "he" should freeze because the rest of us know how to dress when it's below freezing). So, I've been up the past couple of hours and decided to finally give up going back to sleep and get up. So, I'm sitting here on my computer and I hear that stupid mouse back in the corner of my living room around hubby's computer. The stupid trap is about 2 feet away from it and the damn thing is too smart for it. Go into the trap you little $hit!!!

Then I see the little creep run into my kitchen. Grrr!!! He, or she, is in my kitchen right now. I wonder if I take my broom and pretend the mouse is a hockey puck if I can slam the stupid thing against the wall? Eh, I'd just make myself look stupid while the mouse outsmarted me and my broom.

I am going on three nights without enough sleep. I think I am going to try to take out my frustrations on the mouse playing in front of my dining room door wall right now, because I can, and hubby when he wakes up, because I can. Mouse hockey anyone?


Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Rush Results In Trampling & Death

A Wal-Mart employee was killed after the Black Friday rush of people broke down the door to get into the store! He was knocked down and trampled. Are you fricken kidding me? Where the hell are people's heads? There was also a pregnant woman taken to the hospital for observation.

What madness! I hate Black Friday. I went out ONCE at about 5:00 a.m. a few years ago. I was so irritated by the idiocy of some people store after store that I didn't buy one thing. I went home disgusted.

I went out today at lunch time because we have an unexpected party to attend tonight and I needed to buy something to bring. I went to two stores without too much problem. There were lines at the first store (Tractor Supply) but none at Wal-Mart (my second store). I walked through Wal-Mart's toy and electronic aisles to see if they had any better deals, better than I've found online at regular prices during normal shopping days, and they didn't. The crowd wasn't too bad at that time but I would never get my sleepy butt out of bed at 4:00 a.m. to stand out in the cold and wait for doors to open again.

Anyway, to read the article about the idiots who trampled and killed a store employee, click here.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday Deals

If you are looking for Black Friday online deals, I have the list here. Many places have set their Black Friday prices already so check them out now!

I refuse to leave the house on Black Friday so online is all I will be doing. It's crazy out there on Black Friday!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Movie: New Moon Follow-Up to Twilight Gets the Go Ahead

All the Twilight fans will be happy to hear that the script to the second movie, New Moon, is finished and Summit Entertainment has given their go ahead.

My daughter will be thrilled.


Attacks in Mumbai, India

As I sit here watching the Breaking News, I can't grasp what people are thinking to attack and kill innocent people like this. So far, they are saying nine of the attackers have been killed at this time and the count for innocents dead is at 87 people.

They are also saying right now that new gunfire just erupted at the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower in Mumbai.

I heard on the news that the attackers were specifically looking for American and British but I don't know if that's been verified yet. I would imagine things are chaotic. Though I wouldn't be surprised to hear that...not at all.


We Saw Twilight!!

I am finally getting around to posting about it but we saw Twilight over the weekend. I took two of my girls to the movies on Saturday and it was a really good movie. We loved it. My eleven year old daughter is now in love with Edward and is begging for two things: that we buy the movie when it comes out on DVD and that we take her to the second movie when it hits theatres.

So, of course, we had to go get her a poster of him. As you can tell, she loves it.
What I didn't realize was that hubby would notice how much I was drooling over Edward myself. He asked me if he should go get a second poster to put in our bedroom (along with a Pirate/Johnny Depp poster). Look at this face!! This man, in Edward character, is hot!

I've seen him in interviews and wanted to comb one side of his hair that always seems to be sticking up but in the movie, yum!

I heard on the radio this morning that he's been partying (ok, they said getting drunk) every night in Hollywood and that the actress that played Bella was just photographed on her apartment steps smoking pot. I don't know if those rumors are true. If they are, it sounds like they're enjoying their success but I wish they'd tone it down a bit and keep it legal. They have kids who are idolizing them (and moms who are drooling along with them).


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fantastic Stuffing Recipe

I've made it the past several Thanksgivings with good results (and I'm a bad cook so this is cool, lol).

Cranberry-Apple Bread Stuffing

1/2 cup butter
3 medium celery stalks with leaves chopped
1 cup chopped yellow onion
6 cups crumbled corn bread or 6 cups corn bread stuffing mix (two 8 oz packages)
6 cups dry white or wheat bread cubes
2 cups chopped unpeeled Granny Smith apples
1 cup dried cranberries, cherries or raisins (I use dried cherries)
2 Tbsp snipped fresh sage leaves or 1-1/2 tsp dried sage leaves
1 Tbsp snipped fresh thyme leaves or 1 tsp dried thyme leaves
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1-3/4 to 2 cups chicken broth (if using stuffing mix, use 3 to 3-1/4 cups broth)

In large dutch oven (I don't know what a 'dutch oven' is...I use the biggest pot I have, that a dutch oven?), melt butter over medium heat. Cook and stir celery and onion in hot butter about five minutes or until tender. Remove from heat.

Stir corn bread, bread cubes, apples, cranberries, sage, thyme, salt and pepper into onion mixture. Drizzle with enough broth to moisten, tossing lightly to combine.

Spoon stuffing into a 3 quart baking dish (13 x 9 x 2). Bake covered in 325 degree oven for 35 minutes. Uncover; bake for 15 to 20 minutes more or until heated thru and to desired moistness. Makes 12 to 14 servings.

Between this recipe and my candied sweet potatoes and apples, I wonder if I have my in-laws fooled into thinking I can cook. Probably not.


Feast For A Bigger Butt

The holidays are upon us. Does that mean the extra pounds are too? For me, most likely not. We are staying home for the holidays, which is always my preference. I certainly don't need the extra pounds right now so I'm good not packing a few more on.

We haven't decided if we are going to do the big dinner this weekend or the following weekend. We are waiting to hear from our in-laws on their driving plans. If they drive in, it will be a feast and I will probably pack on a few pounds and be wishing for Ephadrasil hardcore to help me out a bit. If they don't, my kids don't go in for all the variety so it'd just go to waste. They have their favorites and they're good with that. Their request will be pies and rolls. Mine is Honey Baked Ham and company potatoes (these are really, really good creamy, cheesy, potatoes).

I hope everybody has a safe and fun Thanksgiving no matter what your plans are.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Free Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper is giving away free pop to everybody today (assuming you can print their coupon out which I have not been able to do this evening). Why are they doing this? Because Guns 'n Roses is finally releasing their long-awaited album and since Dr. Pepper promised to do this if they released it this year, now they have to follow through.

Maybe you'll have better luck getting the free Dr. Pepper coupon. Check it out here.


Saint Xavier University Online Master's Nursing Program

Being the mother of four and stepmother of two more, furthering my education has been very difficult. I would imagine a lot of mothers (and fathers) find the same difficulties I do.

If your goal is to further your nursing skills with a Master's Degree but find the prospect of attending classes around your work and family schedule difficult, you should check out Saint Xavier University. They have an ONLINE (yes, ONLINE) Master of Science in Nursing - Clinical Nurse Leader program that you might find interesting.

You're probably wondering if they are accredited. This is the word all of us onliners look for when pursuing online education and you'll be happy to note that they are regionally accredited. To find out more you should check out their web site and who they are accredited with (Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools).

So, it's online and regionally accredited. They also offer financial aid (this is a must for us with six kids to support). If you'd like to further your education with MS nursing and St. Xavier University sounds like it may be for you, check out Chicago's oldest Catholic University.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hasbro FurReal S'Mores Pony - Little Girl's Xmas Present - Adorable!!

The price of Hasbro's FurReal Friends S'Mores Pony just came down to $199.00!

I wonder if it will come down anymore or if this is the lowest it's going to get? Wish I had a crystal ball and knew because my 7yo really, really wants this pony but this is too much money to spend right now.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Replica Watches from Santa

The economy is tough right now. People's jobs are in jeopardy, prices of things are going up while our incomes are at threat of loss. If you want a great looking gift without all the cost for Christmas this year, have you considered replica watches? Put one of these in the stocking from Santa this year, since not too many of us can afford the real thing, and make somebody happy.

Years ago, a supplier of the company where I worked used to travel overseas and he'd bring me back a replica watch (he thought by kissing up to me, it'd get him closer to the engineers, lol). Now people don't have to travel outside the United States to get one. You can do your own shopping online and get them yourself.


One More Day 'til Twilight Craze Begins

One more day to Twilight! Are y'all ready for the new craze? They're saying it's going to be like Harry Potter but because they've already locked these mostly new on the scene actors into the whole saga for little money, that the movie makers are going to be the ones who make tons of money off this one.

My daughter told me this morning that when she was reading Twilight last night, it made her smile because she got to the part where Edward likes Bella. I'm glad she's enjoying reading.


Muscle Growth Products

I remember when I was a skinny little kid, my older but very skinny brother started working out to bulk up I guess. I remember protein powder being around back then. Guess he didn't like being skinny bones like the rest of us. I can only wish for the days when I was skinny now.

Today, there is a whole slew of products to help you gain or lose weight, gain muscle, etc. and I came across different types of muscle growth products. Guess this would be like legal steroids for body builders. My best friend since high school recently started body building but I haven't asked her what regimen she uses to muscle up her feminine frame. I'll have to ask her next time I talk to her.

I am not looking to bulk up. I wish there was a product that would zone in on all the extra baby fat and zap it away. Extra tummy? Zap! Extra thigh? Zap! Extra booty in the back? Oh wait, hubby likes that...don't zap! Extra in the chest? Hey, leave those too!


Secrets Part II - Why Tell?

So why were the secrets of one siblings spilled to another? When is it ok to tell dirty little secrets?

This sister doesn't make a habit of spilling secrets (that would another sister, the raging sister, who tells every secret of the family...she's the one you tell if you want everybody to know). Anyway, I've talked to this sister regularly for months and she never said a word to me. She kept the secrets (along with our mother who knew most of what was going on as well) until she became too worried and went to the one sister (who was once very close to troubled sister) who she hoped could reach troubled sister. She wanted this sister to talk to the troubled sibling. This sister had already tried talking to troubled sister time and again without success. Due to the downward spiral these two parents were on, she thought it best to call Protective Services to step in since family had not been able to help either of these two parents (and I agree). She was worried about the kids.

So now troubled sister has said this sister (who called CPS) is now out of her life now too. Boy, siblings are dropping like flies around troubled sister.

If you don't agree with her behavior, you're not a part of her life anymore. My feeling is if you are doing something you are ashamed of or have to be embarrassed about, then you shouldn't be doing it. She put herself in this position and now is embarrassed because the case worker who showed up at her house yesterday to investigate was a girl she went to school with. It's a small world after all...

Anyway, the outcome is that another sibling (raging sister prone to over-exaggerations to make herself look better and others worse) is coming down hard on the sister who told the secrets and making it look like other family are mad at her for it (besides the two parents who are now the subject of CPS again). Any excuse she can find to come down on this sister, she'll find it but that's another issue altogether.

To answer my own question in the first paragraph: There are two children at risk. You don't keep secrets when kids are at risk. If my sister didn't have children, then she's an adult and could live how she chooses but when you have kids and neglect your children and make decisions that could put them in harm's way, then all bets are off and dirty little secrets need to be made known so help can be given (or forced in this case, since all past help has been spit on, to protect the children from drug use, loaded weapons, instability, neglect, etc.).

Ahh, the life of family dysfunction. Just in time for the holidays. Right on time.


Goth Daughter

My daughter wore her little brother's "Rock On" t-shirt (had skulls on it) under a red and black vest hoodie to school and her FORMER best friend called her goth. This is the former best friend who I didn't much care for to be my daughter's best friend last year - bossy, always criticizing brat that she is.

Goth she is not.

There was a reason why I didn't like this girl last year and she keeps reminding me throughout this school year with her critical comments. I'm glad my daughter found a new best friend this year. Her new friend is sweet and friendly and is a true best friend.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reduced to Begging

My 11yo is BEGGING to go see Twilight this weekend. We can't do it on opening day because that's daddy's birthday. She didn't even beg when High School Musical 3 came out but she's begging for teenage vampires.

We shall see. I wouldn't mind going to the movies (we've been once in the last few years) and I've read all the Twilight Saga (all four of them) myself.


Secrets Part I - Calling Child Protective Services on Family

Could you call Child Protective Services on a family member if you thought their children were in danger? I've done it a couple times so I guess my answer to that would be a resounding, "YES!"

The first time I called, it was on my own parents when I was a kid. I didn't think they were taking care of their children right (all eight of them) so I contacted CPS.

I called again yesterday on my little sister and her husband (not the first time they've been brought to CPS' attention). My other sister and I talked yesterday morning about the situation and she was thinking about was I. We both felt it was just a matter of time before one of the kids were seriously hurt due to their neglect and activities. So when we got off the phone, I started looking up their county protective services information online when she calls me back a short time later. She's shaken and sounds like she's crying because she called CPS on her baby sister. It needed to be done. She gave me the contact name she talked to so I called them right away and told them that they had a file on this family already (opened last year on them) and that they hadn't followed up on that as they should have! They asked ME if any more information had been found out about that initial case (on what caused it). Hello! That was YOUR JOB! I understand they are overworked with all the kids in the system but because of the reason for the initial opening of this case, they should've done more. Anyway, they asked me a lot of questions and I gave them what answers I knew.

They showed up unannounced at their door this morning and is the littlest sister pissed off. She's more angry at a different sister who didn't keep her secrets and told our other sister and myself about what was going on over there (confused about the sisters? lol...I have five sisters). My response to that is if she'd been parenting properly instead of neglecting her children and placing them in possible danger, none of this would have happened. Geezus! Take some responsibility for your own actions that brought this on...stupid.

So, I told the other sister who called first to relax and stop worrying because she's four weeks pregnant and doesn't need this stress right now. It was the right thing to do. The sister who told all the secrets to us is sitting in her therapist's office right now because she's stressed over all of this and the baby sister's reaction towards her for telling us what they were doing (or not doing) with regard to taking care of their kids.

What does she expect?

If CPS drops the ball again, I will be livid.

Could you call Protective Services on a family member?

For all the nut busters out there, everybody has tried to steer these parents onto the right path over the past couple years and they won't listen to family. Family members have stepped in time and time again, taking care of the kids, taking a parent to the psych ward, countless talks over their behavior, removing guns from the home, etc. I would glady take custody of these children if my own children wouldn't be put in harms way because of it but I can't. If one child (theirs) harms another child (mine), or children, you don't bring that child into your home to do it again.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Holidays & All It's Dysfunction Is Coming!

The holidays are upon us. With my family, dysfunction is the "norm" but during the holidays, it reigns supreme. This year is going to be no exception I'll bet. In fact, I'm pretty darn sure of it. Ahhh...I stay somewhat insulated from it a state away as much as possible but at times, you just can't avoid it.

Do you struggle with dysfunction and major family tension during the holidays?


Dear Santa: Up for Adoption

Well, it's been almost a year and I'm still waiting...for somebody to adopt me! Santa is getting ready to hit the sled with the reindeers again soon so I thought I'd put my letter to Santa out there again and hope he reads it at the North Pole.

Read my "adoption wish list" to Santa Claus here.


Santa Needs to Get Rich...

For my 7 year old daughter:

Isn't it adorable? Her teacher told me all she talks about in school is horses (she talks about them, writes about them, etc.).

For my 9 year old:

For my 3 year old (yeah, I know but daddy promised it to her because she's always trying to beat up her 9yo brother trying to take his away to play):

I think she'd do better with a Leapster (more her age) but we do have all the E rated games already for the Nintendos, lol.

Mrs. Claus is dreaming. This crap is too dang expensive! How did everything get to expensive?


Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Other Blogs

Did you know I have a couple of other blogs?

I have Stepfamily Sanctuary (stepfamily support and stepfamily/stepmom woes) and Cowgirl Up (our life with horses, pictures, etc.). Check them out!

I have an adult blog too but I'm not posting that link here, lol. No way, no how.


Who's Going To See Twilight Friday?

I know my oldest wants to go see it on Friday, but we usually wait for movies to come out on video (you know how expensive it is to take six people to the movies)? I wouldn't mind seeing this one though at the theatre. The books were really good and the hoopla over it was enough to get my 11 year old to want to read the zillion pages in the first of four books (ok, not a zillion but several hundred).

So who is going to see Bella and Edward in Twilight next weekend (besides every teenager out there, lol)?


If the Big Three Automakers Get A Bailout...

...then I believe we should be able to refinance BOTH of our Chrysler vehicles at 0% interest instead of what we are paying in interest now. After all, it'd be our tax dollars bailing them out.


What Has The Internet Taught You?

The Internet can be a very educational place. It contains such a wealth of information on any subject you can imagine.

It can also be a place with inaccurate information that makes the rounds to the more cruel 'not so nice' people you meet in chat rooms and forums all the way to the disgusting predators. It's definitely a place to use your head where it concerns your own safety and children's safety

My 11 year old daughter has been using it more this year for school projects but the computer is in our living room and I am right there with her so I can see what she is checking out at all times. If you have kids, I don't think there is any other way to allow them to have Internet's not safe for them to have unsupervised access in my opinion. There are too many creeps online just waiting for me to turn my back like that!

It's taught me that the world is definitely bigger than our own little homes in our neighborhoods but it has also reminded me to be cautious with safety. The Internet holds so much positive information but for every positive, there is a negative so supervise your children please.


Another Sunday Funny...Priest & Boy

A little boy got on the bus, sat next to a man reading a book, and noticed he had his collar on backwards. The little boy asked why he wore his collar backwards. The man, who was a priest, said, "I am a Father."

The little boy replied, "My Daddy doesn't wear his collar like that."

The priest looked up from his book and answered, ''I am the Father of many."

The boy said, ''My Dad has 4 boys, 4 girls and two grandchildren and he doesn't wear his collar that way!"

The priest, getting impatient, said, "I am the Father of hundreds" and went back to reading his book.

The little boy sat quietly thinking for a while, then leaned over and said, ''Maybe you should wear a condom and put your pants on backwards instead of your collar."


While I'm posting jokes, here's another:

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago,but I don't know where I am."

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude."

She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be a Republican."

"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."

The man smiled and responded, "You must be an Obama Democrat."

"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"

"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."


Wedding Vow Renewals Put Off Again

My husband and I keep intending to renew our wedding vows but something always seems to come up. Hubby even bought me the ring to renew them. We meant to do it at our ten year anniversary but DH was getting laid off and then we were moving. Now we're coming up on our 13th anniversary in December. I want my mountains, woods, a dress, and a type of "handfasting" ceremony but redesigned a bit to be a vow renewal instead with a party afterward.

No plans yet to renew them since this year it's been house rehab (updating kitchen, new roof, new furnace, new flooring upstairs, new hot water tank). Next year it will be more house redecorating (lots of painting, new trim inside, new front door, one bedroom remodeled for our youngest girls and hopefully a heat pump so we can have some air conditioning next summer).  Perhaps for our 15th wedding anniversary? We shall see.


Male & Female Differences

Eight Words with Two Meanings

THINGY (thing-ee) n.

Female .... Any part under a car's hood.

Male.... The strap fastener on a woman's bra.

VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.

Female ... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another.

Male.... Playing football without a cup.

COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.

Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.

Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.

COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.

Female... A desire to get married and raise a family.

Male.... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.

ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.

Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book.

Male..... Anything that can be done while drinking beer.

FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n.

Female... An embarrassing byproduct of indigestion.

Male... A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.

MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.

Female... The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve

Male... Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.

REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.

Female... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.

Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

He said ... I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it.

She said ... You wear pants don't you?


He said ... Shall we try swapping positions tonight?

She said...That's a good idea - you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart!


He said ... What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you?

She said ...Turn sideways and look in the mirror!


He said ... Why don't women blink during foreplay?

She said ... They don't have time


She said...Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and Good-looking?

He said...They already have boyfriends.


She said...What do you call a women who knows where her husband is every night?

He said...A widow.


He said...Why are married women heavier than single women?

She said...Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the fridge.



Rodent Mass Murder

I knew we had a mouse downstairs (I heard him last night by my bed so he's awfully damn close at the moment). DH has had a trap downstairs but in the other room. Guess he'll be moving that one to our bedroom closet later. This little one isn't the subject of this post.

Yesterday I opened up my brand new kitchen sink cabinet and what do I see? Mouse droppings. IN MY BRAND NEW CABINET! One running around downstairs was an irritant but one in MY cabinets - - well, that just ticked me off. I waited a long time for these cabinets and I don't want a mouse walking around in it or leaving his mess behind! Guess he (or they?) came in around the pipes. DH put a trap in there last night and it wasn't an hour later when he heard it go off. Dead mouse. The first mouse I ever had any role in killing in my life. It's one of those new traps that is like a disk so you don't have to see the dead mouse. Do I feel bad about it? Maybe a twinge...but that's it. This is what we used and it worked quickly:

I sure didn't want to see a dead mouse (or my kids to see that). They'd be really upset so these worked great.

I also heard one (or more?) in the wall between our garage and house yesterday evening...just a scratching away. Our big shepard mutt was scared of the noise...the big chicken. DH set a live trap right by that wall in our garage. It'll hold several of them at a time so we're hoping to catch a few in that and then dump them out back in the wood at the back of the property (maybe give a snake a meal before they hibernate for the winter if the snake is lucky).

I never wanted to kill any of them before but there are too many of them trying to get into my house with winter coming. I think it's time to get the poison and put it in a place in the garage where my kids will never come in contact with it but the mice will. It's time to resort to rodent mass murder. *sigh* These things aren't as innocent as Mickey Mouse and I don't want families of them running around INSIDE my house. I even slept with the television on last night for a little bit of light because that mouse was right next to my bed somewhere. *shiver*


Saturday, November 15, 2008

May Send Our Doctor to the Exit Sign and Find a New One

Well, my trip to the doctor for my back left me with a diagnosis I don't believe and a paper of exercises to do. My doc thought my back pain was caused by a Rhomboid strain/spasm and she said it'd last 1-2 weeks. I looked up that back muscle online and I don't think that is it. Hubby rubbed a medicine into it last night that'd warm up to ease the pain but it put me into more pain - not the medicine itself but the rubbing. It hurts to rub like that. Hubby said he could tell that area was inflamed compared to the other (pain-free) side of my back. So, hubby looked up that area in his own anatomy book and he thinks its my something or other lumborum and that I should find a new doctor to see on Monday.

I am not happy with our current doctor. She has never diagnosed anything 100%...she more or less guesses with what she thinks it is most likely to be. Hubby went through months of steroid shots in his knee based on one of her diagnosises, without relief, and ended up diagnosing himself and doing some simple stretches to ease the pain in his knee. Problem is there aren't a whole lot of doctors in this area to choose from.

The back pain is a little better so it is improving...just not fast enough. I still end up writhing in pain after running errands or a few household chores. It's been two weeks. If it's not gone in a few days, I'll have to find another doctor.


Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Increases Risk of Cancer

Oh great, just what I wanted to hear since I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (and hypothyroidism).

A recent study in the Journal for Scientific Research is showing an increased risk of of developing thyroid cancer if you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is confirming other studies done that have indicated this.

The article I read is here.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Twilight Series - Read Them All! Now it's my daughter's turn.

I finished the fourth book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga, Book 4), in less than 24 hours. I sat up until 3:00 a.m. the other night reading this! It was, in my opinion, the best out of the four books in the series (though they were all good...this one was just the best, in my bookworm opinion).

My oldest daughter had parent-teacher conferences last night and her four teachers that I met with all raved about what a great kid she was, good grades, etc. They gushed so much it was almost too much, lol. She was really embarrassed but also loved hearing it all. Anyway, she REALLY wanted to start reading this Twilight book series and her school had the book fair going on that night for parent-teacher conferences so...yes, I bought Twilight (The Twilight Saga, Book 1) for her from the book fair (would've been cheaper - like half the price - to buy it from Amazon but it's a tradition to buy the kids books at the book fair at Parent-Teacher conferences for good grades). I checked mine out of the library, lol. For her good grades (all A's), she deserved the book so we bought it (my other three kids also received books as gifts for their good reports as well).

Today my daughter had a 'reading marathon' at school so she started on her Twilight saga herself so many other pre-teens/teens around the United States (and their parents too).

Of course, now she wants to see the movie when it comes out next weekend and get the poster because she thinks Edward the Vampire is "so cute" :)


Author Contacted Me!

Last week, I mentioned a book I was reading (Night Kill by Ann Littlewood) in one of my posts. The book had mentioned a dog breed that gives birth by c-section which sent me on a hunt online to find out which breed this was. I'd had no idea!

Anyway, the author left me a comment on my blog on that post. I was very surprised to say the least and, of course, had to brag to dh that his bookworm wife was just left a comment on her blog by an author. He was suitably impressed as he should be.

If you get a chance to pick up her book, you should check it out. It's a murder mystery that involves the zoo so if you like mysteries and big cats (as I do), you'll like this book. Here's Ms. Littlewood's web site and blog.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Hubby Never Listens To Me

...and I am usually right 95% of the time!!!

We have a mouse in our house. It's been here for four days now that we know of. I went out and bought some traps and DH set them up where he saw him (in our living room). Well, he hasn't seen the mouse the last two nights so I said to him last night, "It's probably back in the kids' rooms". Oh no, it wouldn't have gone in there he says. Why the hell not (I am thinking)? I didn't say anything. Testosterone knows all.

I just went into my daughter's room to get her purple pants ('cause she wanted purple, lol) and what do I see? The dang mouse scurrying under a bed! I almost had to grab a pair of pants for myself because I almost wet myself!

Do I have "STUPID" tattooed across my forehead? Nope, not me. Didn't I say this was where the mouse went? Yup. Did he listen? Nope.

This happens with so many things...usually house related (he's not Bob Vila, or even Tim the Tool-Man Taylor so I don't know why he thinks I could never be right when I usually am). You'd think after a few times of being wrong, he'd listen to me once in awhile.


Off To The Doctors

Well, after more than a week of back pain, I am hauling my butt to the doctors this afternoon. I don't know what I did to my back as I've never felt anything like this before.

I've had pain in the middle of my back, to the right of my spine, in an area about the size of a softball. Standing up was difficult...felt like my back was too weak to hold me up and it burned. I had to sit a certain way, with my back supported but not directly on "that spot" because the pressure was too much. There was so much pressure in that area (which has lessened in the last day thankfully). Sometimes it hurt so much I wanted to crawl out of my skin.

When I could finally get somebody to rub my back (boy I was NOT a happy mother or wife this past week and hubby is feeling the heat right now for it and I am threatening MOM STRIKE - I've already gone on WIFE STRIKE!), my oldest daughter rubbed it for me. Come to find out, I couldn't tolerate the rubbing. It hurt too much to put any pressure on that spot in my back. (See, if hubby had just TRIED, he'd have found quickly that he could have gotten out of it.) It was not a good week around here.

If I filled the dishwasher, I was in pain. If I did a load of laundry, I was in pain. Sweep the floor? Pain. Dress a toddler. Pain. Kids' baths. Pain. WTH was going on with me? The only thing that helped was not to do a dang thing, which is impossible around here with four kids...which goes back to my WIFE and MOM STRIKE comments above...grrr!!! So, I filled dishwashers, did laundry, attended teacher conferences, etc. and tried to be a lazy bones around whatever was a "necessity" that had to be done around here.

Women really are the stronger sex. Men get a cold and they go to bed for days. Women go thru pregnancy, childbirth and illnesses and still go on (though it'd be nice for a little dang help now and then - - MEN!).

A couple weeks ago I had unexplained pelvic pain whenever I moved and now I have back pain whenever I move. What the hell is going on with me? This can't be aging...not yet. I hope not anyway...unless the alternative is worse and then I'll just go with the getting old bit.

OK, I'm done ranting. I'll get my back fixed hopefully this afternoon and then consider some type of wifely/mommy revenge on my family for being SOOOOO helpful.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Top Xmas Gifts for 2008

I was wondering what the top xmas gifts were for 2008 and then said "DUH, look it up!!" So I did. Here are the top gifts for 2008:

I am a HUGE reader and have heard a lot about this one:

My kids are asking for this one:

One of my girls had this one (all the fun drawing without the mess):

This is the first I've seen this one:

Now this one is really cute and also expresses emotion (just a tad bit beyond our budget, lol):

I got one of these for a survey I did for a great company recently. It's pretty cool:

I can never get these back to its original form when I play with them:

I saw this one get a good review on tv the other day:

It also comes in blue: Fisher-Price Kid-Tough Waterproof Digital Camera Blue

We bought one version of Guitar Heros last year (I think 2 but I don't remember now). Here's another:

My son's personal favorite:

Of course, we'd have to get the PS2 version (I think it's coming available soon but the kids would love this one with their guitar AND drums).


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Santa Lists All Over The Place

My kids have wasted no time in making out their santa lists...actually quite a few of them. Is it Christmas already? But, but, splutter, splutter...I don't want to see xmas stuff in the stores yet!!!

My kids' lists include video games, Dora, horses, and everything they see on every toy commercial that the advertisers are already advertising. Those advertisers know exactly what they are doing to us poor parents.

I remember one year we bought our son a rc helicopter. That little thing was hilarious flying around the house. My husband kept flying it above my head while I sat on the couch. He thought he was cute. Come to think of it, he played with it more than our son did.

So, what's the "must have" toy for this season? I remember searching every toy store for months for those Furby toys for my stepkids (which I will never do that again...all that time spent looking for kids to get bored with it not long after getting it). I remember the big Elmo craze a few years ago. So what is it this year? I haven't heard yet.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Separation of Church & State

I am angry at my children's school. I believe they have violated the doctrine for the separation of church and state. They've teetered on doing so a few times that I've seen in the last few years and because this town is SO heavily Mennonite/religious, dry town, etc., everybody thinks it is OK to do so I guess. Up until now, it has bothered me but I have kept quiet about it because they've teetered but didn't jump over the line. Notice I said "until now" though.

The school (elementary and middle school) handed out pamphlets for a basketball and cheerleading program to all of its students. The pamphlet says it is offered through a Church but a lot of churches host activities that aren't necessarily religious for the community so I didn't think a whole lot about it. Then this pamphlet was also handed out to the kids at basketball practice at the school last week in the event they didn't make the team played at the schools, that this "great program" was an option for them so I looked further into it and contacted the League Director of the program to find out if this was purely sports related or if there were any religious elements to the basketball and cheerleading program. I was interested in enrolling my son and two daughters into their basketball (son and oldest daughter) and cheerleading (middle daughter) program if it wasn't religion-based.

Here is the response I received via email back from the League Director:

"During the practices, the coaches will stop and give a short devotion that has been prepared and written by *removed for privacy*. Every where in the USA that *removed for privacy* is taking place, they will be doing the same devotion. They will get a scripture learning card each week as well."

Why is the public school handing out pamphlets for a born again christian church activity to students? In my opinion, this violates the separation of church and state and seriously ticks me off. All the tottering they do with Halloween every year I overlooked even though it irritated me and my kids missed out on the fun of Halloween parades through classrooms that other schools in the area do (Halloween is "evil" didn't you know? *sigh* Halloween is one of this heathen's favorite times!). This thing with the pamphlets at the church I don't think I can overlook and am considering how exactly to approach the Superintendent or Principals.

I did respond back to the email from the church:

"Thank you for the information. While I want my daughter to play basketball, we don't attend/practice a church of God church and are not comfortable with practice devotions or weekly learning cards."

I believe this is a violation. What do you think?


Should you breed dogs who can't give birth naturally?

I'm reading a book right now (Night Kill by Ann Littlewood) that mentioned something I'd never heard of before - that some breeders are breeding dogs who can only give birth via c-section. I had no idea! It's actually a murder mystery type of book but this one little snippet caught my attention. I was interested enough that I looked it up online to see what breed this was.

Apparently, most French Bulldogs (most, not all, and most other Bully breeds) can't give birth naturally because of the size of their pups heads and the narrowness of the mother's pelvic area. There is a bit of a controversy surrounding this that I'd never heard of...some people believe these dogs shouldn't be bred because of this.

What do you think? Should dogs who need human intervention to birth safely be bred?

Here's more information: article 1 & article 2

I didn't need to learn this fact, lol, since obtaining a bulldog has never been a passion of mine though after reading what great dogs they are, I wouldn't turn one of the big-headed 'so ugly they are cute' dogs away if it showed up on my doorstep. I wouldn't pay the high fees to get one from a breeder though. Besides being I'm broke, lol, three dogs are enough!


Halloween Pictures

My monkeys for Halloween:

All of Them Together

Double Trouble (she liked the half angel/half devil angle...hope that isn't what her teenage years will be like)

Cleopatra (she refused the black wig, lol)

Barbie (her skirt had fiber optics in it that would light up when she'd press the button at her waist...she loved it).

Punk Rocker - Anarchy Dude! Rock on! Can't see the blue in his hair:(


Stand Behind President

The election is over. It is supposed to be time for all Americans to stand behind who was elected from what I am hearing from television reporters (coming from those who had nothing but hate for Bush...go figure). I am hearing a lot of fear this morning on the news over Barack Obama and am wondering how well some Americans are going to be able to "stand behind" and "unite" behind him?

For me personally, I don't feel that I can stand behind a man that I don't trust to have Americans' best interests at heart. The politics aside, his connections to a terrorist and hate-spewing racist alone give me more than enough pause to stop me from doing so. While I watched him win on the news, my immediate feeling was deep dread and of not wanting to be in the U.S. over the next four years (transferring to Japan isn't sounding so bad right now). (Just kidding big sister...I won't actually leave the country:)

So I am left with trying to figure out where I stand on this and the gut feeling that electing him was a mistake. I don't stand behind Barack Obama right now. I can't predict the future but from everything I have seen so far of him, it isn't in me to do so. He has to prove himself to me.

Being American, this is my choice to do so.

Now that the election is done and over, it's time to lighten up on the politics on here. However, I do tend to get riled up so don't be surprised if once in awhile, my fingers do the talking for what my mouth can't say and be heard.

Here's a funny for the day.


White Suppression?

Can word of white people suppressing black people be spoken and mean anything anymore or is it an excuse? There is what appears to be a black man who is going to be running this country in 77 days so you know what (ignore the fact that he is ARAB-American)? There are no more excuses! Those who don't help themselves but complain don't have anymore excuses for not pursuing education, for speaking gutter, for not working, for fathering half dozen children with half dozen women and not paying a dime to provide for them or parent them then bleeding the welfare system or for being a woman who allows herself to have half a dozen children with half a dozen fathers, for filling the prisons...and pull your dang pants up while you're at it! Wearing pants down low enough that you show more than "plumber butt" while you hold them up by holding onto your crotch is just plain stupid! Do white people suppress black people or do black people suppress themselves?

For the sake of this post, I'll pretend I believe Barack Obama is black, like the rest of you want to believe. Assuming this, you have a BLACK man who is educated and will be running the country. If you can't work hard to become educated and pull yourself out of whatever circumstances you find yourself in then you have nobody to blame but yourself, certainly not white people.

Maybe not politically correct but whatever.

I don't like Oprah but here's a snippet of Bill Cosby speaking:

More Bill Cosby:

I was fired from a job once because I was "too pale"...too pale. Opposite of some with being too dark? Guess what? I didn't take that crap and I got my job back. It's about educating yourself, working hard, and doing the right thing. I've had employers attempt to use me because I was (then) a young female who attracted men...they wanted me to rep the male Chrysler customers for them because of my looks. They told me this outright (did they think I was "just a female" and would accept that?). Did I take that? Hell no I didn't. Nobody can pimp me out unless I allow them to. I didn't. I have more pride in myself than that.

So I really don't want to hear anymore about white suppressing black. If a person suppresses themself, then it is their own damn fault. Educate yourself, have some morals, quit using color as an excuse and parent properly. If you don't, you have no right to complain (just like if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about who is in office at the time). There's a "black" (Arab-American really but I'll pretend with the rest of you for this post) man that was just elected President. Now what are you going to use as an excuse?


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted

I cast my vote this morning. I even have the sticker to prove it, lol.


Monday, November 3, 2008

My Horse Jumps Pasture Fences *sigh*

Horses are powerful animals, but they seem to get hurt easily. My clyde/paint cross decided to jump a pasture fence for the first time last night and cut her back legs up. Here's the pics. She gave herself a little owie, but she's had her shots, there is no swelling, so she should be ok. Hopefully, the big moose doesn't try it again!


Barack Taking Money Away From My Children

As an American, have you researched in depth information or do you blindly believe what the media portrays without looking any deeper?

What Happend to Joe the Plumber? Find out here.

People! This could have been you!! All your private records accessed for speaking out against a candidate?!?! Hello! Are we a communist country now with no rights to freedom of choice, free to express an opinion? This wasn't just a general investigation into Joe the Plumber. This was an in depth, let's dig up dirt and screw Joe the Plumber because he didn't jump on the Barack Obama bandwagon.

Wake up!!

This man sat in a church for 20 years and listened to a hate spewing, racist reverand! What the heck does that say about Barack Obama? You don't sit in a church for two decades listening to that unless YOU BELIEVE IT.

Barack's Energy Plan? He'll make your costs skyrocket. Listen to him!

Did you see the video talking about citizens being "selfish" for not wanting their income spread around to people who don't even work? I don't consider it selfish to want the rest of my income, that we aren't already paying into the welfare system, to go towards my own children's needs. Who the hell does Barack Obama think he is to take that money away from my own children?


Barack Obama Hurting People of Swing States

We need independence from the Middle East. Anybody who doesn't realize that has their head in the sand. Barack Obama wants to punish those Americans who seek to do just that:

If you think this doesn't affect you now, you're kidding yourself. Your utility bills will go up under his plan.

Why didn't this report get published way back when it was done? Because the media is so biased it is sickening. The media is going to win this election for Barack Obama.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Type A Personality

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around

Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want

You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back

Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!

You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Twas The Night Before The Election

Twas the night before the election

And all through the town

Tempers were flaring

Emotions all up and down!

I, in my bathrobe

With a cat in my lap

Had cut off the TV

Tired of political crap.

When all of a sudden

There arose such a noise

I peered out of my window

Saw Obama and his boys

They had come for my wallet

They wanted my pay

To give to the others

Who had not worked a day!

He snatched up my money

And quick as a wink

Jumped back on his bandwagon

As I gagged from the stink

He then rallied his henchmen

Who were pulling his cart

I could tell they were out

To tear my country apart!

' On Fannie, on Freddie,

On Biden and Ayers!

On Acorn, On Pelosi'

He screamed at the pairs!

They took off for his cause

And as he flew out of sight

I heard him laugh at the nation

Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think

On this one final note-




Read With Your iPod? Huh?

I have an iPod and never even thought of all the uses for it. I am an avid reader and read all the time. I just found out that you can listen to an audio book on your iPod and mp3 players! I didn't know this. Did you?

I came across this site today called that allows you to do this. What a good idea! It certainly would save space too from all the books I have piling up. My bookshelves are overflowing. I have books in boxes and piled on my bedroom floor. Good way to break up long trips too with a good book.


Important Reminders

REMINDER: Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight if you live in an area that does this.

While I am at it, another reminder: If you AREN'T voting for Barack Obama, don't forget to vote, lol.


Organize with Bookshelves

I am an avid reader. I love to read. My librarian knows me quite well. I also buy a lot of books and have run out of room for them. I have two bookshelves that were overflowing so I have started cleaning them. One down and one bookshelf to go. This is my "clean" one (still looks a bit cluttered doesn't it). You don't want to see a picture of my cluttered one. I'm surprised it holds up under the weight of all the books on it. I really need about two more bookshelves I think (actually, I need a whole library of them).

My children's rooms also need bookshelves but I haven't been able to choose yet. I found a site called Home Decorators ( that carries a variety of different bookshelves to fit every style of household decorating. Check them out.


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