Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Direct TV in the Office

While picking up my daughter at school for cheerleading practice, I noticed they had Disney on the television in one of the teacher's rooms.  I had no idea they had satellite at the school.  When did that happen?

I think it's a really good idea to set up satellite television in the office.  When clients are waiting in the lobby, it gives them something to do other than stare at the wall or smile politely at the receptionist (you should still do that anyway but it'd be nice to have something else to look at after that was done).  When I worked as a receptionist, I ran for coffee and made small-talk with them but the client probably would've preferred to be left alone on their own (and I would have preferred using that time to finish up the quotations the customers were waiting on). 

Can you imagine how much nicer it would be to watch real television on satellite when the doctor is running behind (which 99% of them do), instead of getting overly irritated at the wait while watching those health programs they run on DVD's over and over about cholesterol and heart disease?  Put on HGTV or Disney instead!


First Day School Tears

I am hungry for lunch and just realized, I don't have anybody else to fix lunch for now that my baby has started school too.  All four of our kids started today, including the littlest starting kindergarten.  That had me choked up leaving her there, especially since she did not look too confident as we were leaving, but hopefully she'll learn to love it.  I hope.

Darnit, my baby has started school.  She went to preschool but it wasn't the same.  It was only for 2-1/2 hours.  Now she's gone all day long.  That sucks right now but I'm sure I'll adjust quickly and like it eventually.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Girl Circumcision Death - Female Mutilation

A girl died after an Egyptian doctor circumcised her.  Here's the article here.

Why is this done?  Religious reasons?  Thinking that females are less than males?  Why? 

It's mutilation in my opinion. 


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Might Be Moving

We are tentatively looking at possibilities for moving back to our home state.  The biggest obstacle is going to be finding a good job.  The next obstacle would be finding a place big enough to rent (with option to buy) that will accept dogs and has room for horses.  Finding a 4+ bedroom farmhouse, in a good school district, may or may not be easy.  I just don't know yet because I don't know where to look online for places "rent with option to buy" or just plain old "for rent" in another state.

I know I don't want to "settle" for just anything either like we did with this house.  I've spent the four years living here not liking this house because we rushed to buy it. 


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Free Disney Vacation Planning Services with Travel with the Magic

If you are thinking about a Disney vacation in the future, check out Travel with the Magic to plan the best Disney vacation, with the best deals!  You have nothing to lose because they offer free Disney vacation planning services!  Yes, that's what I said - their services are FREE!

Here's the details you need to know:

  • Travel with the Magic will make your dining reservations, plan your itinerary, airplane, and more!
  • If you've already scheduled your Disney vacation (including the Cruise Line), they can take over your reservation (at no cost to you and only about five minutes of your time) and make sure you have the best deal!  Plus, they keep checking back to make sure you always have the most current deals being offered.  Saves you a lot of time!
  • Travel with the Magic will send you a Welcome Packet full of fun stuff for the kids plus information about the reservation and park maps for the adults. 
  • If you have a problem while on vacation, contact Travel with the Magic while there and they will work with Disney for you.  No need spending time on your vacation dealing with problems that arise.  They'll do it for you. 
Travel with the Magic offers a great time-saving, money-saving service - for free!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Should we turn garage into living space?

My in-laws mentioned remodeling our two car garage to turn it into actual living space.  We don't actually park our cars in there and it'd be nice to have the extra room.  I'm thinking either a master suite or a den, laundry room, and extra bathroom.  I'm looking at DuraMax Stronglasting Teton Vinyl Sheds 20221 as extra storage for the bikes, tools, and miscellaneous junk that garages accumulate.

When my in-laws come into town, I am going to ask them how much it'd cost to do something like this.  It might be something we can plan for in the future as a project.  My mother-in-law says we have to do it before my father-in-law is too old to do it (he's going to be 81 I believe). 


Not Wearing Wedding Ring

Well, I haven't lost enough weight yet to put my wedding ring back on without feeling claustrophobic at how tight it is.  That's just weird that it would make me feel claustrophobic!  I can get it on but it is very difficult to take it off so I don't wear it.

I am contemplating whether I should look at a basic wedding band, maybe some wholesale jewelry, so I still have the "I'm married" ring on my finger. I don't feel right not wearing my wedding ring.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

'Cause I'm the Mom!

There are 16 days left until school starts and while I dread my littlest one starting kindergarten and my "running out of" kids at home with me, a part of me is looking forward to the routine and the quiet (and being able to clean the house and have it stay clean...until they get home from school).

I was enjoying summer break until a few nights ago when I had to ground three out of four of my kids.  Now they think I can be mean. Well, yeah, when you disobey and misbehave so badly that things start shattering in the house, momma is going to get mad. 

They were extremely upset.  They don't normally see mom mad enough to remove every privilege, unplug computers, and remove cell phones from their hot little hands.  They have to learn that rules are to be followed and I mean what I say. 

Relationships can be difficult.  They aren't always happy, happy, joy, joy.  They take work.  My kids can help me, and themselves, by not blatantly disregarding household rules.  My husband can just listen to everything I tell him to do and we're fine.  I'm just kidding.  He's a man.  He doesn't listen to everything I say.  I think it is genetically impossible.  We each try to find agreement with the other if it is very important to that other person and compromise on everything else.

If you're struggling and in need of relationship coaching, search for help in your area.  For instance, look up Relationship coaching New York for Contemplation Marks.  If you are in the New Jersey area, Contemplation Marks is holding a Heart vs. Mind discussion at Barnes & Noble on September 9, 2010.

I should send my hubby to New Jersey for that discussion.  I think he's genetically programmed to not discuss feelings too.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blew a Tire

My husband is a road biker (bicycles, not motorcycles).  He can ride 20-30 miles in about an hour.  On Saturday, he rode about 50 or so miles in the morning to raise money for a new bike trail.  He went out this morning riding and blew a tire.  It was a good thing he was within walking distance of the house by a mile or so because he hadn't brought his cell phone with him.  It's not like he has roadside assistance club for his bike! I tell him and tell him - bring your cell phone just in case. Being male, he didn't listen.

I wonder if he'll bring it now in the future. Wouldn't want to get caught 20 miles out in the country and have to walk home!

Men!!  It seems like he purposely chooses not to listen because I tell him to take his cell phone with him.


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