Sunday, January 22, 2012

Do You Fake It With Your Significant Other?

I am just getting around to reading the November issue of Redbook (I've been busy).  On page 25, it says that 71% of wives have faked it with their husbands. That is shocking to me.  My first thought is "why?"  I don't understand the reason behind faking orgasm with a person you are supposed to be honest to and close with.  Maybe I am just spoiled from a guy who doesn't finish until after I do.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Momma Time

Does anybody have one of those mini portables, small netbook laptops?  I was looking at them for my teenager (I just ended up giving her my old computer instead for now).  She just turned 15 and having a computer for homework is much more convenient than her encroaching on my own space.  Momma needs her own space!

Speaking of own's time to send the two youngest to bed.  Momma needs her quiet time too!  I don't feel guilty about that either.


Stepfamily for the Birds

This stepfamily stuff is for the birds. If you think it will get easier when they're older - nope. Harder.

At least when they're younger, they have an excuse for bad behavior (their other parent, lol).  As adult stepchildren - not so much. It's all on them.


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