Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Need a Flute

Anybody have any suggestions on where to get a good flute (for a senior first chair) that won't cost an arm and a leg but will only be used about six months? My senior daughter's flute is done. No matter how many times we take it to the band shop, it never comes out working right. I think too many years of rain soaked games (in marching band) has totaled it.  With concert band starting in a few weeks, my daughter is going to need a new flute if she wants that first chair and the solo again.

I dread the purchase though. It's for only six months use! That's a lot of money for six months. I guess we have another daughter who plays flute and could use it but her current flute already works just fine!

I'll look on ebay but you  never know what you're going to get there (and their fees are OUTRAGEOUS anymore). I'll check out Musician's Friend too. We've bought a lot of stuff from them over the years and I trust their merchandise. I just hate to buy a brand new flute for only six months use. If you're interested in Musician's Friend, check them out.  Learn more about us at

Maybe we'll just rent one for the six months and be done with it. We don't need another flute in the house once my senior daughter graduates. My middle daughter has her flute, my son plays drums, and our youngest daughter has decided to start drums next year. No more flutes necessary. Ugh.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Adult Dancing

I hear the buzz about Dancing with the Stars on the internet but I've not actually watched it in several years (kinda hard to do without television). I love dancing. My childhood dream wasn't to be a princess. It was to be a solid gold dancer (yeah, I just dated myself).

My kids have been in dance before. I think most parents put their kids in dance lessons at one point or another. I've seen adult dance lessons offered too. Yeah, I've thought about dance lessons from the dance doctor but I feel like I need a little Shaun T to get in shape and lose weight first.  I guess I feel like I need to look good first (but wouldn't dancing accomplish that too?). Since I pulled my shoulder last winter and it keeps tearing any time I put weight on it, exercise has been out...but dancing, perhaps, is in?


Homecoming Queen Nomination

My eldest daughter was nominated for homecoming queen for her senior class along with her boyfriend. She really wanted this (her friends were always attendants in previous years and it was kinda like "always a bridesmaid never a bride" feeling with her friends around her getting it) and now she has a shot at homecoming queen.  She's excited about it and I'm excited for her if it is what she wants.

The start of her senior year is off to an exciting start!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Son beats out senior on snare

Marching band season has started and my sophomore son is lead snare. Yeah for him!! I don't think the senior in percussion liked that too much but he is better than every other one in his group. The senior quit band because he wasn't snare or on the quads.

I think it'd be cool if our marching band had some guitars out there, set up wireless, of course. I've heard they're going to get some keyboards or something but I'd like to see a guitar. Then we can really do "Welcome to the Jungle" the right way. There are a lot of cool wireless systems to choose from but our school would never spend the money on that kind of set up.

You can find all kinds of good sales for your musical needs online and get notified of them through your email. Join now.


How to get through senior year

School starts up here next week and our oldest starts her last year of high school.  Any advice on how to get through this school year with minimal tears?

It'll be a year of lasts before sending her off to college.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Me - a new business owner?

So we might become business owners. We'd planned on a small home business (dog kennel) but a home we are looking at and considering buying has a successfully run horse boarding stable on it already. I didn't think about going that big for a home based business but it's really just managing the money while the barn manager manages the rest of it usually.

I'd want to do more advertising to get a couple more stalls filled and bring in more prospects for riding lessons, perhaps advertise in the local paper, flyers during local village events, perhaps print small booklets (like this company that does booklet printing nyc) - talking about the business, the boarding, the lessons - to leave in some businesses like they do at hair salons.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Hubby wants to move south?

My husband asked me last week if I wanted to move south. Actually, I wanted to move further north (home) but southeast isn't sounding all bad.

Starting over in a strange place? Hm...we've done it twice now. I'm not sure I want to buy a home in a new place, schools, shopping, health insurance quotes nc, and get to know a city full of new people (mainly, people is my issue).

Something to think about I guess.


Mother's Day

I must have been a really good girl.  For Mother's Day...

I received the gift card because my husband says you shouldn't buy appliances for mothers/wives on Mother's Day but he did because he knew I wanted them...the gift card was to make up, in his eyes, for the appliances. Ha Ha!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Prom Time

We had prom dress success.  We didn't have bank account success. The dress was over budget by about $200 (yes, that hurt).  They're so expensive!

I think teenagers have it worked out. After you go to a few stores and try on several dozens of dresses, parents are just so tired of shopping they're willing to pay more than planned. Teenagers are smart that way.

Her date is looking at a tuxedo vest and tie set, trying to decide between a limo and a corvette, and then they're set.

Thankfully, the school is having an after prom party so the kids will stay safely off the roads.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Emergency Funds: Do you have one?

We are starting an emergency fund (yes, we FINALLY have one of those).

We really need to get our emergency fund built up. I don't like what's going on in the world right now and I'd feel better if we had a safety net. I want to build that up a little faster than we have been but I don't want to give up EVERYTHING to do it. I don't want to pinch every penny...just enough to make me feel a little better.

Do you have an emergency fund?


Gluten Free Diets

I've been thinking about gluten-free diets and whether that kind of "diet" actually does make people feel better. I've also heard and read how that type of diet helps people with thyroid disease. Anybody have any experience? Does it help? Did you feel better? Are there any good recipes so food tastes good gluten-free?


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snow Day!

Winter fooled ya! Yesterday, it was in the 60's and everybody is outside without jackets enjoying the warming weather and today...blowing snow and weather warnings. Winter is saying "neener, neener, neener" one more time.

That's ok. I have things to do inside. Who needs to go outside in the fresh air, wearing sandals, with the sunroof open? I'd rather clean my house. Not.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Recipe Blog?

I'm noticing many fellow bloggers are switching blogging platforms. I'm wondering if I should do that as well. I found to create your own web sites that seems interesting.  I've also thought about creating a web site for tried and true recipes. People always post these recipes and they've never tried them themselves. I have been on this kick on trying new recipes since I just received a Cuisinart food processor (and it's RED - so excited!!) so perhaps I'd try a recipe, post the recipe with a picture of my results, and add a review.

Kicking the idea around anyway. I don't know. There's so much I want to do (I'm on the warpath, for lack of a better word, to find out more about common core that is started at our local school this year and talking to our state and federal senators and house representatives) so I'm not sure if I should take on another blog or not.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jabawockeez Mix

My husband mixed the music for my daughter's varsity cheer squad and they did a Jabawockeez mask dance for it last night. It was neat. The music was better than any music the high school has had before. Usually, it's bad but when my husband does it, it sounds great over the sound system and the dance turned out cute.


my RA Retirement Accounts

The U.S. Treasury is supposed to pick the manager over the myRA retirement plan Obama mentioned in his state of the union address?  Anybody else worried about that?

I'm not crazy about the government getting involved in my retirement. They've spent social security. I don't want them to have one little thing to do with any more of my retirement.


Personal Emergency Funds

\I'm starting an emergency fund to get saved before I go hard on the credit card debt. I can't decide if I should go for a three month emergency fund or a six month emergency fund? A three month seems possible while a six month seems discouraging. Maybe do a three month fund, work on the credit cards and get those out of the way, and then add onto the emergency fund?

Do you have an emergency fund? What would you suggest?  Dave Ramsey said 3-6 months. I'm a Libra...I don't make decisions well.


Politics Today

So, how's those politics coming?  I haven't updated my political blog regularly because it'd be all the same for me.  They're all idiots. I mean, how many times can I write that? They are corrupt. They are lawless. They are set for life while the rest of us struggle under their bad legislation and leadership.

I could just repeat that daily. It'd always be true.


Financial Debt & Peach

We  need some financial peace! I've read a couple of books by Dave Ramsey (the financial get out of debt guru) and have started implementing some of the first steps. We have savings for an emergency fund adding up right now plus I've almost paid off over $1,000 in medical deb we've had hanging over our head.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Polar Vortex Means New Stuff!

Would I be weird if I said I like going to the local builder's store and looking at everything - cabinets, counters, doors, etc.?  I am looking for new sink bases for two bathrooms, along with cabinets for above my washer and dryer. Should I go wholesale shopping or just hit the local building store?

We are going there tomorrow to find a new exterior, front door. The "Polar Vortex" that came through last week warped our front door - it wasn't staying closed. I had to put a chair underneath the knob to keep it closed through that inntense cold front. Not exactly safe. It's time to replace it. I don't want to have the wind whip that door open when my kids are home alone!


Friday, January 10, 2014

Polar Vortex - Gone!

My kids FINALLY went back to school today. They got an extra long Christmas break due to the polar vortex that swept through here, freezing everything up in its path. Apparently, it wanted to freeze the sprinkler lines and sewer lines up at the school as well. That gave the kids a few extra days of time off. Three out of four were NOT ready to go back, of course.

I'm glad the cold front is gone and warmer air is here. I'll take the rain and fog over worrying about the dogs' pads on their feet freezing just to go outside for a couple minutes.

It does seem odd for it to be so quiet here though. They were home almost three weeks. It was nice.


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