Friday, May 14, 2010

3rd Grader Talent Show Auditions Next Week

My 3rd grader has a talent show audition next week. She is going to sing The Climb by Miley Cyrus.  The courage it takes to get up on stage and sing in front of the school kids, teachers, and parents is just beyond me.  I could never do it.

My husband seems to think that he'll get me up on stage for mic nights at some local places to play guitar but I know it'll never happen.  Besides looking up lipozene reviews for weight loss help since there's more of me than I like to think about getting on stage, I am not and have never been one to get up on stage to have the attention centered on me playing or singing like that. Now out on a dance floor, that's another story.  I'll leave the stage for my husband and kids. 


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Boys and Teenage Girls

My 13-year-old is in love - again.  I think she's going to end up with a broken heart - again.  It seems like this guy is just a really good friend to her but she's developed "those feelings" for him.  *sigh*  I see the need for wrinkle filler in my near future.

She wants to know how to talk to him, how to flirt, etc.  I need another ten years to answer those questions I think. 

They talk all the time at school and text every evening.  That might be a sign that he likes her as more than a friend, but in his case, he's just friends with a lot of people like that I think. 

A convent or all-girls school is looking good right now.


Kids Say the Darndest Things!

Kids are SO honest.  Today when I wouldn't put on a skirt because I want to lose weight first, my four-year-old daughter asked me, "You mean around here?" and she pointed at her waistline. 

Kids say the darndest things, don't they?

I just laughed.  I know where I carry most of the added weight so it's not like she surprised me. I could do with a good belly fat burner. Heck, I could use a mega belly fat burner! Ha! Ha!

I'm glad my husband doesn't care about the added weight at all.  I care though.  It's important to me that I don't feel like a lump.  Ick. 


Monday, May 10, 2010

Cancer Sucks!

A high school friend passed away yesterday from cancer.  She was a year younger than me and never had a bad word to say about anybody.  She was one of those people who was always sweet, always helpful.  We sat together in our business classes and became friends.  After graduation we lost touch, which so often happens, and then facebook put us back in touch again recently. She ended up marrying another friend from high school.  I feel really bad for him right now.

I'm sure this is not how it really is but from an emotional standpoint, is seems like the good people are taken too early.  People with pure hearts leave too soon.

Very sad.

Cancer sucks!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Puppy Housebreaking Problem

I need potty training help!  My puppy will not use her puppy housebreaking pad consistently if there are any area rugs around for her to use instead. She ruined the rug under my dining room table! We pulled it up and got rid of it and she's using her puppy pad now 99% of the time.  She'll use clothes too if they're left on the floor - bathroom towels too - so I have to be extra vigilant behind the kids when they leave a trail of clothing and towels after showers or else there are 3" piddle spots on clothing.

I sure hope I can eventually have area rugs in my living and dining room again.  I wish she was a little bigger and could go outside with the rest of the dogs but we can't risk a coyote or hawk getting to the little 3 lb. bundle.  She's a bit on the high-maintenance side.


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