Friday, July 30, 2010


I love diamonds!  I'm a diamond girl.

That is all.


Went on a Mini-Vacation

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted here.  I got busy with the kids and went on a mini-vacation, just me and the kids.  It was four against one for a four hour drive each way and they didn't do too bad.  We drove to a family reunion and saw family we hadn't seen in forever.  Got a little baby fix in and sang happy birthday to several little ones.  I probably should've looked for baby gifts at redenvelope before we went but it was a last minute decision (seriously, we decided two hours before we left).  I am more than happy to buy baby gifts for other people's kids rather than have more babies myself.  That time has come (with four children) and is now gone (with me heading towards 40). 

Other than the sunburn that blistered on my back, it was a good time.  Maybe next time hubby will be able to come with us and make it even better.  I missed him, but I am glad I went.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Eczema & Thyroid Disease

Another clue that my menstrual cycle was just off (again) instead of being pregnant should've been the small eczema patches on my leg and chest this past week or so.  I only get eczema when my thyroid needs attention.  Once my thyroid hormones get close to where they should be, the eczema goes away quickly. 

I get blood work next week so that'll give me some clue what my thyroid has been up to this past month. 


Won't Need Prenatal Vitamins - Whew!

Being female sure is a ride!  I'm a week late this month (well, late compared to my cycles for most of the past year) but I am not in need of prenatal vitamins because I'm not pregnant. I was beginning to get worried even though it should be virtually impossible for me to get pregnant right now.  I even took a test to make sure! 

The thyroid affects many things, including menstruation.  I used to be 40-45 days apart for years, then I went down to 30 days for most of this past year except when I was down to every two weeks for a couple months (which was a bummer), and now...still waiting!  With the change in thyroid medication and dosage last month, I should've expected it but it still had me a little bit worried.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Clostridium Difficile Illness from Antibiotics and Hospital

If you've been in the hospital for more than a couple days and on multiple antibiotics, and then get home and within a few weeks start to experience major digestive upset, you might have contracted C. Diff. from the hospital or because of one or more of the antibiotics.  It is not pleasant at all if you have. 

I did after my hospital stay in May and let me tell you, I was beginning to wonder if I had irritable bowel syndrome or colon problems. I was looking up all kinds of things online for digestion, antibiotics, bacteria,, etc. when I came across C. Diff (Clostridium difficile, often called C. difficile or "C. diff").  I knew right away it was exactly what I had.  The symptoms matched up completely.  No question.

It doesn't make sense that the cure for one illness creates another, does it?  It was awful.  The cure is another antibiotic.  How strange is that!?!


Stressful In-Law Relations

We have an upcoming vacation planned and some unexpected (aggravating) news to bring our joy over our vacation down a few notches.  Part of it is going to be spent with somebody who hated me for years.  Sounds like fun right?  Instead of relaxing and enjoying a few days with family, I'm going to be stressed while spending a few days with family.  I figure by the time the vacation is over with, I'll need deep wrinkle cream (or xanax).

To cancel the vacation would disappoint my husband's parents (which I don't want to do) and based on hubby's "silent, moodiness" the last couple of days, he doesn't want to cancel even though he's not thrilled at the news either.  We'd reschedule the vacation, which was hubby's first choice, but I need to see my uncle on the first half of our vacation because it'll probably be my last chance (he's had cancer the last few years) so it's either go then because we can't afford two different trips.  Not to cancel the part of the trip with the difficult family member will disappoint me and drain our bank account to pay for an unhappy vacation (and probably end up with hubby and I fighting during vacation over his sister).  Oh decisions, decisions...   Here I thought vacations were supposed to be fun!!

Darned if I do and darned if I don't.  If I do, I need to figure out how not to let this person totally ruin the vacation and stress me out.


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