Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Protecting Our Children

I will be the first to admit that I am overprotective.  My oldest will be a teenager soon and it's going to be time to loosen the cord a little but you can be darn sure I don't want to!  It's going to be a fine line between giving her some freedom, the trust to make good choices, and protecting her from people who mean to do harm to children.  I'm not sure how I'm going to walk that line.



I hope everybody had a great Christmas (or whatever holiday you may celebrate during this time as there are several).  Our was busy but good. 

Stay safe during the celebrations going on during New Year's Eve.



Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Google Adsense Disables My Ads for Violent or Disturbing Content. HUH?

I received an email from Google AdSense early this morning disabling my AdSense ads on this blog due to this post. They said:

"AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with violent or disturbing content, including sites with gory text or images. As a result, we have disabled ad serving to the site."

My post they are referring was blasting people who posted pictures of this accident for the whole world to see and for the person who actually sent these pictures to this girl's parents! Did they not even read the post they were referring to?


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Head South for Winter

As my husband and I got into our frozen car two mornings ago to run errands, our breath puffing out in front of our faces, we talked about how great it would be to become snowbirds and just run off every winter to the deep south, like panama city beach FL. We aren't the right age yet to be snowbirds but I'm willing to die my hair silver and pretend. This cold is for the birds with wind chill hovering around zero. Most birds fly south. That's where I'd like to be this time of year. One of these holidays, we should plan a holiday vacation for the kids to Florida. I hear it is 80 degrees there right now from a friend. Wish I was there!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Call me Peg Bundy

The wall above my sink is damaged. I need to cover up the imperfections in the drywall and I was thinking about using a glass tiles or a metal tile. I've never used either before so it'd be a learning process for me. I really love the glass mosaic tiles. I always see them being used on those home shows on television and they always look so nice. The home shows always make everything look so easy though. I don't want to spend the money buying the supplies and then mess it up. I wish I had a Bob Vila gene! I have a "Peg Bundy, Married with Children" gene. There are some things I am just useless for and home repair and home updating is one of them.


Tiger Woods - Who Cares??

I've been sliding on my blogs lately. I started a new job and with the holidays coming (and shopping starting), something had to give.

There's all kinds of popular trends in the news today - Tiger Woods' affairs (which I'm tired of hearing about), the Nobel peace prize speech President Obama will give, the Barbara Walters' 10 Most Fascinating People (which I won't watch because our local stations are out until my dish gets moved). All I want to do is get the painting above my kitchen sink finished and get my shopping done! I really don't care who Tiger Woods is sleeping with. That's between Tiger Woods and his wife in my opinion. Be done with it already!


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