Sunday, August 31, 2008

Katrina & Gustav & Next Hanna

With Gustav readying itself to hit Louisiana tomorrow (likely as a category 3, around 440 miles wide), the Katrina death toll of almost 1,000 people show that almost half of those deaths were of people age 75 and older.

To track Gustav, click here.

If you haven't heard about Hanna yet, there is another storm being tracked for the southeast coast of the United States to watch later in the week. Check the track of Hanna here.


Company Logo Shirts

I have been looking for apparel that you can put a company logo on for a project. I found Corporate Shirts Direct. They sell men and women's shirts and caps. I particularly like this shirt here in the picture. It is professional but looks very comfortable.

Corporate Shirts Direct has a 12 shirt minimum. They also offer bulk pricing so if your organization or company is looking for company logo shirts, check them out.


Home Theater Lighting for Girls

My father-in-law is going to be remodeling my youngest two daughters' bedroom in the next month. The plan is to install new flooring, a new window, a new bed frame with bookshelf, wainscoting on one half of the wall (I hope), and paint to give the girls their girly room they want. So, I've been looking at lighting and I found this cute sconce that is actually home theater lighting. While I'd love to have a home theatre, we can't fit one into this house but this sconce with the stars would be perfect as a softer light at night for them. It is wall-mounted, can use a dimmer switch and is made in the U.S.A.


CFC Inhalers for Asthma Being Phased Out

Parents, Adults or anybody that knows anybody with asthma or who uses inhalers for other respiratory problems:

If you use CFC (chlorofluorocarbons) inhalers to control or treat your asthma, you should be aware that they are being phased out for a new required standard by January 1, 2009. December 31, 2008 will be the last day you can get your CFC inhaler.

They are being replaced by, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, a "new safe and effective alternative propellant, hydroflouroalkane (HFA)"...let's all hope it's safe for those of us who depend on our inhalers to stay alive.

Why are they being phased out for a new HFA inhaler? CFCs destroy the earth's protective layer (ozone). CFCs have been removed from products since 1978 but were allowed still for some medical uses, like asthma inhalers.

The FDA's announcement is here.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stages of Grief

It's been a week today since we lost Rex. I went to the stable today with tears. I stood by what used to be his stall and held his bridle thinking about him, looked at all his little reddish hairs stuck to the underside of his saddle pad. It was hard to go to the stable, very emotional, but I do have to say that when I left there, I felt better. My mare was her usual mooch self over treats and I pet some of the other horses whose owners don't come around to visit their horses. I think I will go next week and start working with my mare and our trainer and get back into things again. This morning, I was crying on the way home from the grocery store and right now, I feel a little better that I'm not stuck in grief right now.

The five stages of grief:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

I've been through one (denial and utter shock) and seem to go back and forth between stages 2, 3, and 4. The stages of grief really stink but I know eventually, we'll get through them.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rough Week For Us

It's been a rough several days since losing Rex last Thursday. Like my 11 year old said many times, it's not fair. Rex shouldn't be gone. He had too much life and personality to just not be here anymore. He was a magnificent animal and we miss him terribly.

I thought I was doing better yesterday but I think that was just because it had been busy getting the kids off to their first day of school. Last night was difficult, depressing. He is gone and we can never ride him again, never pet or brush him, never see his funny faces again. He's not there anymore. It's awful to think about.

I keep having bad dreams every night...have since he died. They always include horses, sometimes include babies (probably me trying to deal with my baby going to school), and nightmare material with bad guys and all that stuff. My daughter and I got attached to Rex very fast. It would have been impossible not to - everybody did. He was definitely well-loved. I just wish we'd had longer to love him. I guess my subconscious is trying to deal with that while I sleep with these dreams.

I told my daughter, to try to bring her out of her funk, that Rex made us happy, made us laugh and smile and he would want her smiling and happy again. Easy to say to a child...not so easy to do myself I am finding.

I started a memorial page for him but it was too hard to finish to I set it aside for now. I'll post the link when I finish it.


1st Day of School

The dreaded first day of school has gone when the alarm clocks sound shrill that early in the morning, kids are excited and complaining of stomach aches and moms are putting their babies on the bus for the first time...another snip of the apron strings, another milestone.

My youngest (preschooler) had motion sickness on the bus and christened the bus floor for them with her cheerios. Her first bus ride. She was excited to go to school and then became a little tentative/nervous when she stepped onto the bus. The bus is huge and she is so tiny. She bravely got buckled into her seat for the bus ride to school. I smiled, told her to have fun, and choked on tears as the bus pulled away. Other than yakking, she enjoyed her first day of preschool.

My other three kids made it through the school day happily it seems coming home with a lot to talk about and homework (on the first day!). My middle daughter rarely stops talking anyway s now she had even more to talk about...talking so fast she was stuttering like crazy. My son's only complaint was that his locker was too far away from his classroom and they can't fill their water bottles until the end of the day. My oldest started junior high. They enforce the dress code in junior high (can't have distractions now, which she is complaining about). Not that she dresses inappropriately but she has long arms and long legs so when you can't wear shorts or skirts above your fingertips when your arms are at your side, she has a disadvantage because skirts/shorts that would be fine on other girls look too short on her with the fingertip rule. I blamed it on boys. I told her that boys in junior high get distracted easily now so the girls have to make sure they aren't dressed to distract.

It all went well for all of them. They seem to like their teachers so far and it has distracted my oldest daughter from the loss of her horse a bit so she's not holed up in her room anymore. She went outside to play for the first time since last week yesterday after school.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Dogs

About a month ago, we had a fence put in so that our three dogs could run safely outside rather than tied up to a tree one at a time. Now they can play together and get more exercise. I got several quotes for fence installation first to get the best price and then got them to lower that (yes, I'm good). I wish we had done this sooner. When they are playing and we call their names, they actually look like they are smiling when they look at us!


A Traveling I Go...Eventually

My future career (assuming I get my state license) includes things such as exotic trips as bonuses to places that require flying (as opposed to my preferred means of transportation - automobiles - since I am extremely afraid to fly). Since my husband and I never had a honeymoon (too busy fighting his ex in court at the time) or have been away together without the kids in 13 years, these little vacations could be very nice. Given my fear of flying though, I am going to be sure to get travel insurance for things like medical emergencies, lost baggage, etc. I am such a worrier and I would feel better being prepared.


End of Full-Power Analog Television Broadcasting

February 17, 2009 is the deadline for analog television broadcasting. If you have an older analog television, you will need a digital to analog converter box if you don't have cable or satellite. If you have cable or satellite TV, you should be OK.

I was confused about it at first until I looked it up because we have a couple of old televisions. I am not very technologically advanced when it comes to that (I can't record a movie to VHS or DVD to save my life) and terms like analog, digital, S-video, HDMI wall plate, VGA, etc. just confuse me. Since we have satellite television, we are good to go so this deadline doesn't affect us.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Lost A Wonderful Horse

RIP Sweet Rex

My daughter's horse died the night before last. He was her best friend.

For me, yesterday was initially tears and then shock and disbelief that he was gone; it didn't fully sink in until around 2:30 a.m. last night or morning...whatever. I held it together for the kids yesterday, but today is a lot worse. It's harder to hold it together today. I don't know how a horse so full of personality and life could be gone just like that. My daughter had just rode him bareback for the first time two days before he passed away and he was making his silly faces at us afterward. I never knew a horse who made faces but Rex did. For my daughter, she still hasn't stopped crying for the past 24 hours. She holes herself up in her room and cries. I pull her out to eat but she goes right back into her room when she is done. I can't blame her...I'd curl up somewhere too if I could. She wants Rex back. I can't make this better for her. I can be there to hold her and talk to her when she cries but I can't make her grief any less. She has to go through her grieving process. We all do.

Rex gave her confidence. Rex pulled her out of herself when she was going thru some bad times earlier this year and became her best friend. He taught her a lot. Maybe that was why he was with us, though it was for far too short of a time. He should've had another decade with us. I will forever be grateful for what he did for her. I just wish we'd had longer to love him in life.

He wasn't just a pet to us. He is missed.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yahoo! Buzz

There is a new social bookmarking site where you can vote on articles, videos, etc. submitted into Yahoo! Buzz. Like Digg, stumbleupon, etc. before it, readers and writers can submit their news to Yahoo! Buzz and people can vote on it. This is said to be a great traffic builder for your sites. To get the buzz buttons for your site, click here. Stories with the most buzz make it to Yahoo's home page.

For bloggers, this is definitely something to try out. Let's see how it works!!


No Billy Idol For Me

Our tickets for the Billy Idol and Def Leppard concert my husband and I were to go to are just a dream now, lol. I have been looking forward to this concert all summer but we can't go. Our kids' open house at school is that night. I was really looking forward to seeing Billy Idol in concert. We had really good seats too. I'm afraid Ticketmaster made a little money off of us on this one. DH isn't disappointed but I am.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Undecided Voter

I am an undecided voter. My reason for that is I don't like either candidate. I was undecided a couple months ago and I am still undecided. I don't think that is going to change before November. I want change but I don't trust Obama. That leaves McCain but I don't want another four years of what we have now. I have never been one to vote by party. I vote by the individual and I'm not liking either one of these individuals for the next four years.


Cervical Cancer and Jade Goody

Jade Goody (Celebrity Big Brother star) has cervical cancer. It is the second most common cancer in women.

I have posted several times in the past about the Gardasil vaccination and adverse and sometimes fatal reactions to the vaccine. It is said that this vaccine will prevent some forms of HPV which can cause cervical cancer.

I don't trust this vaccine though. If you follow the link and then go from there, you will see why.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Bigfoot Found?

Has Sasquatch been found?

There are claims being made of the "creature" known as Bigfoot being found in northern Georgia. What they claim found is over seven feet tall and looks to be part ape and part human...hmmm...missing link. Also mentioned is that there may be thousands of these across North America in isolated areas.

Supposedly DNA testing is being done.

To read more about it, check it out here and here (pictures can be seen as well). I don't want to post them here. For a "scientific" opinion, you can find it here.

I am open to the idea that we don't know of every species on this planet (or the universe for that matter), however, I don't believe claims like this until somebody with more authority comes forward with confirmed results.


Pet Lovers Chat at Zootoo

I am an animal lover. We have three dogs, two horses, and a snake to show for it. We'd have cats too if I wasn't allergic.

I recently signed up at Zootoo which is a pet social networking site where other pet lovers can come to chat about what they have in common - their love of animals. It's a place to talk about your pets, pet products, and pet services and give your opinion of them (review and rate). You can use their people matching or Zootoo maps and find people or pet services local to you. The more you use the site, the more points you gain. These points get applied to the organizations of your choice (mine are dedicated towards my county's humane society and a local horse rescue that was on their list).

It's free to join! Register yourself and your pets. Upload pictures of them and find other pet lovers like yourself to not only socialize with, but learn from and offer advice to. Everybody keeps in touch via social networking sites now. With Zootoo, you can help animals at the same time.


Hurricane Fay

A hurricane warning is in effect for southwestern Florida that may reach Category 1 before reaching land again midday Tuesday or a bit earlier. Here is a possible projected path according to The Weather Channel as of right now:


One Week Left

A week from today, all of my kids will be in school...even my toddler. Since she qualified for preschool for speech therapy, she will be going in the mornings. She will be getting on a big school bus and coming home on a school bus. She is insisting on riding the bus (rather than me drive her) and that I can't help her get on or off. I told her the first few days, I might have to help her on the bus to get her settled (her backpack looks HUGE on her, lol). She doesn't know that the first day, mommy will be following in her car to make sure when she gets off the bus at school, she is ok. I will probably be a sobbing mess but she'll probably be fine.

That is going to be on sucky morning. I usually get teary when my kids go back to school anyway (not sure why since they're usually bugging me by this time of the summer, lol) but since MY BABY is leaving's going to be a hard morning. She's our last so it will be especially hard to see her take another step towards no longer being our baby.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Actor Shelley Malil Arrested

Actor Shelley Malil (40-Year-Old Virgin) was arrested as part of an investigation involving the stabbing of a former girlfriend. She was stabbed more than 20 times and is in critical condition.

For a list of his acting credits, see here. It is an extensive list.

More than 20 times seems like a heck of a lot of anger and/or mental instability. Intense. Overwhelming. Brutal.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Guess Watches

Are you on the market for a new watch? I am after catching mine on the footboard of my toddler's bed while making it. Some would be surprised at that - not at me breaking a watch but at my making a bed. I need to find another watch and I want it to be casual enough for me to wear daily.

So I'm online shopping and found Kenmar watches. They have a large line of watches - Bulova, Harley Davidson, Guess, Calvin Klein, Casio, Corvette, Ducati, Fender, Gucci, Guess watches, Oakley, etc. The list goes on. There really are too many brands/designers to list. Follow the link and check them out for yourself.

Kenmar Watches has a "nobody beats us" policy and has been in business since 1997. With their 100% customer satisfaction policy and no hassle return policy, go online window shopping and see what catches your eye.


ATTENTION: Non-Custodial Parents - - School Info

Cross-posting this for your information...

If you are a non-custodial parent or married to one, school is just around the corner. It is time to make preparations now so you are ready for the coming school year. You want to make sure you have all your contact information, and everything else, in place so you stay involved in your child's education from report cards to newsletters to parent-teacher conferences to picture orders. You can read more about it here.


Smoking Poster Shows You Six Feet Under

You are smoking a cigarette when you look up. You see people standing around a hole in the ground with a religious man presiding over the service. It's your funeral. As you smoke that cigarette, the effect of the poster is such that you are supposed to imagine that your smoking has put you six feet under.

These posters really do exist. I just can't imagine there being a smoking room to put one up on. Most businesses make you go outside. If you happen to have your own room in your own house to smoke in, I can't imagine you putting one of these posters up on your own ceiling. Perhaps a loved one would to do it to try to get you to stop smoking.

It's an interesting concept. I wonder if this kind of advertising will have any effect.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Morbid Weekend

Bernie Mac passes away due to complications of pneumonia. Isaac Hayes was found unresponsive next to a treadmill that was still running but died at the hospital shortly thereafter. Two tourists, in-laws to the U.S. men's volleyball coach at the Olympics as well as parents of a former Olympian, were both stabbed, one fatally and one critically.

Geez! There are still a couple hours left to the weekend. Is anything else going to happen?!?!


Family Day at the Zoo Photos

This trip was our toddler's first trip to the zoo. She loved it. She especially loved the monkeys and petting the goats. All the kids had a good time. I am still couch-ridden because I am too sore to move after eight hours of walking (and lugging a purse with a camera, cell phone, wallet, inhaler, lip gloss, etc.). They didn't rent wagons like a lot of zoos do. Sure would've made that trip easier. Next time we know.


Your Child and War

In a couple months, our specially trained nephew who joined the Army last year will be sent to the Middle East. I try to imagine as a mother what that must feel like - pride that your child is strong and brave and serving to protect - but worry and fear I would imagine too, but I can't know for sure the feelings involved until I am the mother saying good-bye to my child going off to war.

Military families are strong. They are stronger than I could ever imagine being. I guess they have to be.

With war these last several years, I've wondered if one or more of my kids will grow up and enlist in the military. I have to admit that it scares me to think about it. Who knows what the world will be like when they are older so I try not to dwell on it too much yet. I don't want to think of them in their tactical gear just yet. I think I can let them get through elementary and middle school before I dwell on it for too long with a mother's worry.


eBay Hacking

Somebody has hacked into our eBay account - - twice in the last week! What this does initially on our end is when we try to log into our account with eBay, we can't log in. The first time, it took a few minutes to clear with with eBay's technical/security support...we had to reset our passwords, they took the hold off our account, yada yada yada. eBay reversed the listing fees so we weren't responsible for them. When it happened a second time and I couldn't get into our eBay account yesterday morning, it took a long time to get it fixed.

I don't understand how this is being done. We aren't getting emails about their listings being added onto our account (like we do when we list our own auctions). We aren't getting notices of questions from potential buyers. Finally, we aren't getting notices that the auction has ended like we do with ours. How does somebody bypass the eBay system on just their own merchandise while ours sits out there and proceeds as usual? All of our contact information is as it should be in our account so we "should" be getting those notices when somebody uses our account like that.

I have virus software on my computer. I have a firewall. Our passwords are a mix of everything we could possibly do so it is not like they are easy for the regular person to guess. We don't log into eBay on any computer but this one.

So, the question is...are they hacking into our account through something they are gleaning from my computer somehow or are they hacking thru eBay's security directly? Why aren't we getting notices of this person's auctions when we have auctions running at the same time that we do get notices from?

It's very aggravating.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Narcissistic Personality, Bi-Polar & Psychopath

I looked up the definition of narcissistic because I think it might describe somebody I know. If you're wondering what it means too, here is the definition:

Narcissism is a pattern of traits and behaviours which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition.

The onset of narcissism is in infancy, childhood and early adolescence. It is commonly attributed to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures, or even peers. There is a whole range of narcissistic reactions - from the mild, reactive and transient to the permanent personality disorder. Narcissistic Supply is outside attention - usually positive (adulation, affirmation, fame, celebrity) - used by the narcissist to regulate his labile sense of self-worth. Narcissists are either "cerebral" (derive their narcissistic supply from their intelligence or academic achievements) or "somatic" (derive their narcissistic supply from their physique, exercise, physical or sexual prowess and romantic or physical "conquests").

The DSM defines NPD as "an all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts."

...characterized by a rigid, unremitting conviction of personal entitlement which drives, motivates, pervades, and dominates the entire spectrum of the individual's behavior and actions. This belief assumes an imperious position that supercedes any and all sense of social/community/family/professional association and responsibility. The individual conceptualizes and interprets rules, laws, codes, morals, and values exclusively in terms of a privately/secretly held idea of self-justification and vindication that serves to reinforce and strengthen his/her distorted and contaminated projections, images, fantasies, dogmas, doctrines and practices.

*definition can be found here.

Yup, what I thought. Describers this person quite well.

While I am at it, I thought I'd look up manic depressionn/bi-polar for somebody else. Here is the definition:

Bipolar is the same as manic depression. It is a psychiatric condition characterized by a cycling between mania and depression, two relatively polar opposite emotional states.
It is a common mental health problem and is completely treatable with medication.

During a manic episode, you may be abnormally happy, energetic, or irritable for a week or more. You may spend a lot of money, get involved in dangerous activities, and sleep very little. After a manic episode, you may return to normal, but your mood may swing in the opposite direction to feelings of sadness, depression, and hopelessness. When you are depressed, you may have trouble concentrating, remembering, and making decisions; have changes in your eating and sleeping habits; and lose interest in things you once enjoyed. The mood changes of bipolar disorder can be mild or extreme. They may develop gradually over several days or weeks, or come on suddenly within minutes or hours. The manic or depressive episodes may only last a few hours or for several months.

*symptoms can be found here.

Huh, interesting.

Oh heck, why I am at it, let's look up the definition of psychopath:

A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.

Emotionally blind, self-centered, promiscuous sexual behavior, callous, little remorse or regret, deceptive behavior, early behavioral problems, blaming others for actions.

A psychopath will use people for excitement, entertainment, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (e.g. money, property, comfort, etc..). They can involve and get other people into trouble quickly and they seem to have no regret for their actions.

Hmmm...aggressive, amoral, without empathy or remorse, self-centered, emotionally blind, promiscuous, callous, deceptive, early behavioral problems, blaming others. Yup!

That is the extent of my educating myself on mental illness for the day, lol. Time for lunch!


Jewelry & Amp on eBay

Black Onyx Bead Necklace (worth $100 approx.)

Diamond Tennis Bracelet (paid over 1K for; jewelry store would give me $600 store credit for it but I am not interested in buying more jewelry).

Marshall Amp (great deal)


Shipping Gifts

Last week, I bought a few gifts for my husband's parents and for my stepkids. There was no occasion...I just thought of them when I saw these items so I bought them. Those are the best kinds of gifts I think. They are unexpected and there is no reason behind it. It's not an obligatory birthday or holiday gift. I like to do that now and then.


Family Dysfunction

What do you do when your family is dysfunctional (not your husband and kids but siblings and parents)? For me, it was separating myself from the dysfunction so it wouldn't touch my kids or affect my life anymore than it did when I was a child (when I had no choice). Separating for me meant moving away and staying away from family functions because faking relationships with people I have no respect for just isn't in me to do. I don't fake it. It has also become about protecting my daughter from bad stuff that happened to her last year with family. Many reasons with all the same goal - protecting my kids from that cycle of dysfunction.

That's not to say that I feel that way about all of my siblings or parents...there are a few I wouldn't mind seeing. However, "blood" doesn't mean instant relationship for me and there are a few that don't mean a whole lot to me. Blood isn't always thicker than water, even when it comes to parents. I don't know if that makes me cold or if that makes me sane. I think sane. You can only be hurt so many times before you stop allowing it.

Even separating myself from it doesn't keep it all out. I still hear things here and there. There are still liars lying to take the heat off of themselves while their viciousness gets directed at other weaker family members and they'll try to take other family members along for the ride. Great attention diverter! You have mentally ill individuals who remain mentally ill and don't (WON'T) get help or take responsibility for themselves while lashing out at the weakest links in the family tree. Some people need to be evaluated for manic depression and bi-polar disorder. No names though right? Huh.

You have family members taking sides based on one side's lies and then already hurt relationships getting damaged further. You have family members who are made to feel unimportant and not worth knowing. You have miserable people spreading their misery...share the wealth I guess. It's screwed up.

Everybody messes up. I've had my share of mess-ups, but the difference is, I grew up. I made a conscience decision 13 years ago to grow up, to make better choices because I wanted something different than what I grew up with...different than the choices I'd made in men up to that point. I wanted a family and I wanted a family without the only dysfunction I'd always known. I didn't want kids raised in dysfunction. Sometimes, it seems like some people never do (grow up) and dysfunction is what they create and live in all the time. When their dysfunction starts to bring the heat down around their ears, they cause chaos elsewhere to divert the attention away. Pretty manipulative.

There are two sides to every story. Something to take into consideration. There are going to be exaggerations or things said to make one person look better over the other but I think a person's basic character (or lack thereof in this case), the one you've known since childhood, doesn't change that much. They just learn to hide it from the ones they need to and take it out on weaker individuals around them (spouses, siblings, and in some people's cases, kids).

Some people overcome the dysfunction they grew up with. Some stay muddled in it. Some learn how to be vicious because of it or maybe they were just born that way. Who knows.

When you have a large family like mine is (was? not much of a family anymore), there is a huge age span between the oldest and younger siblings. That means that older siblings grow up and are out of the house or at least teenagers in their own world before getting to really know some of the middle to younger siblings or experiencing firsthand the mentally ill behavior or outright viciousness of some. They don't see the lies or the violence (rage). They don't know.

I have my opinions about people in my family. Some family members are even lucky (or unlucky) enough to know what those feelings of mine are, lol. I have a right to those feelings based on my own experiences and relationships with particular family members and I will never be told not to talk a certain way or not to do something in terms of my relationship with any individual family member. My feelings, my relationship, my right. All family members should have that right to deal with their individual relationships with an individual family member on their own without interference or threats from others, especially when the reaction to that communication is blown out of proportion and based on another sibling's lies!

I've wrote a little about family dysfunction before. It's why I put myself up for adoption, lol. I've still available for adoption, by the way, lol. Family dysfunction stinks.

I don't think I'm done yet. There's more to say, but I'll leave it to another post. There is lot to say about mothers and daughters and even sister to sister. I could probably write a book. Like I said, it is why I live 200 miles away and will never move back "home" again. My home now is with my husband and children.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Finally - Rain!!

After almost a month without rain, we finally got rain last night. Not just a sprinkle but a good drenching. My grass was beginning to turn brown and I was using pool water to water my plants, lol. When our dogs played outside, a dust cloud would rise two stories because the ground was so dry. Now they are outside covered in mud (guess it's a trade-off). Our horses were hacking over the sandy conditions in the arena. That should have received a good soak down in last night's storms too. Yeah!!


Cancer From Granite Countertops

If you have granite countertops, you might want to test them to see if they are the type that release harmful levels of radon. A radioactive gas, Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer (smoking is the first leading cause of lung cancer).

You can buy a test for $20-$30 from hardware stores. If you have granite countertops in your home, go get a test. If tests show levels that exceed 4 picocuries per liter of air, you might have a concern.

Not all granite countertops emit Radon.

Boy, I am glad we couldn't afford granite when we remodeled our kitchen. I can now be perfectly happy with my laminate that looks like granite instead of wishing it had been real granite instead.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Remember Me by Lizzie Palmer

This has been noted on the internet to have been created by a 15 year old girl. That would be amazing if it is true. Whatever the age of the person or child who created this, it serves as a good reminder to Americans. Sometimes, I think we need the reminder.


Pitt-Jolie Twin Pictures!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's twin baby photos are coming out. People got the pics and the money will be donated to charity. I would imagine these are going to fly off the shelves at the stores.

Knox and Vivienne look adorable. Look at the smile of one of the twins (ok, it may be gas but it is still an adorable smile).

I like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie together. I think their love for their family is apparent and sweet, especially in Hollywood where you don't know whether some celebrities actually see their kids more than once a month or if nannies raise them 24/7.


I'm a Kick A$$ Blogger!

Kick Ass Blogger Award

Somebody wuvs me...or at least my blog, lol. Thanks to MammaDawg for thinking me a Kick Ass Blogger! Thank you!!!!


Do you know any bloggers that kick ass?

Maybe they've got incredible, original content. Or they're overflowing with creativity. Is it someone that helps you become a better blogger? Or a bloggy friend you know you can count on? Or maybe it's someone who simply inspires you to be a better person... or someone else who sends you to the floor, laughing your ass off.Whatever the reason may be, I'm sure you know at least a couple of bloggers that kick ass.

Well... why not tell 'em so?


  • Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are "Kick Ass Bloggers"
  • Let 'em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award
  • Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to
  • Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on! Grab code's here - don't forget to link up the person who nominated you for the Kick Ass Blogger Club (that would be me). :)


School Physicals & Gardasil

It is coming time for school to start and a lot of parents like to squeeze in the preventative doctor visits and physicals before school starts. Before you take your pre-teen and teen daughter to the doctor, do the research on Gardasil before agreeing to this vaccination so you can make an informed decision.

Read why here.

It's important that you read this no matter what you decide.


Part of a Stepfamily?

A lot of you probably don't know this but I am a stepmother. I have been married to a non-custodial father for 12-1/2 years. I write about the trials and tribulations of stepfamily life on my blog, Stepfamily Sanctuary. I also include advice gleaned over 13 years of chaos, conflict (oh, the years of conflict with a difficult ex), and love which you can find on the middle right sidebar under "stepfamily help." If you are looking for a "what to do" and a "what not to do" check it out!


Christina Applegate Has Breast Cancer

Christina Applegate (Married with Children, Samantha Who?) is battling breast cancer which was diagnosed during a MRI. She is expected to fully recover according to her spokeswoman. Christina Applegate is 36 years old.

I am 36 years old. I really need to get an initial mammogram done for future comparison. Scary stuff.


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