Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Somebody HGTV Me!

I need to re-do my home improvement list.  It seems like it's been forever since we've been able to afford to do any work in the house, due to the economy, that I've lost track of everything I wanted to get accomplished.  As much as I'd like to set up the family room with a lg home theatre system, I think our house needs some curb appeal first.  It has awful curb appeal - bad driveway, bad sidewalk, bad entry and door, bad landscaping.  HGTV needs to come to my house, pulverize it into the ground and just start over for me.  Wouldn't that be nice?


Monday, September 19, 2011

Storm Shelters

We made it through the spring and summer without any major tornado fears when others were just ravaged by storms.  We were lucky. We live in a bi-level so our lower level is half underground and the safest place we have in the event we need to seek shelter.  I wouldn't mind other options for storm shelters because we're not entirely underground but it is much better than what we had when we lived in a double-wide mobile home many years ago! Now those were scary times!

When we get a tornado warning, the kids grab their bike helmets (protect their noggins from flying debris) and our cell phones and we wait it out in the hallway of our lower level.  They handle storms just fine.


Gushing Blood

Last week, I sliced my finger open on a serrated steak knife.  Watching the blood gush sent my oldest daughter off yelping (hm, I should've been the one yelping since I was the one gushing blood).  She had previously talked at one point about becoming a nurse.  I'm not sure if this is a sign she won't be needing to buy any Cherokee scrubs to wear as a nurse or if it is just her age (she is only 14).  Perhaps I shouldn't have squeezed it to make it gush harder to make her squeal.  Bad mom.

Oh yeah - my finger has healed and my daughter forgot about it.  She has had homecoming on the mind and a certain boy at the forefront since she spent an hour dancing with him at homecoming this past weekend.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Celebrity Weddings Late Night

I am going on four nights with little sleep and it's making me ornery (not to mention the headache that I could do without).  I really don't want to be up in the a.m. hours watching David Letterman talk about celebrity weddings with the Kardashians. I'm not a big fan of television.  I'd much rather read than watch television.  Between my computer and my cell phone, I get all the news and information I need without the television.

I really hope I get a full night's sleep tonight.  It is going to be a busy, busy weekend and I don't want to go into it ornery.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Work at Home: Travel Counselor?

I am looking to rev up my work-at-home income.  I was thinking about Travel Counselor Jobs. I know somebody who schedules travel for her clients right out of her house. How cool is that? I used to schedule travel for the company I used to work for and even printed the tickets right at my desk. I think I could learn to be a travel agent. Something to consider anyway;.


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