Thursday, December 29, 2011

Get a pool?

My kids want a pool and with tax filing coming up soon, this would be the time to get one if we are going to get one.  I was looking at a pentair pool but I just don't know.  I've never owned a pool before.  How much work are they (keeping in mind that we have several Maple trees in our backyard)?

Pool or vacation?  A pool all summer long or a trip to the mountains for a week?  Decisions, decisions...


Who took their Christmas tree down already?

We took our Christmas tree down.  Honestly, I am ready for it to come down the day after Christmas but the kids wanted it left up longer.  I think most people wait until after New Year's but not me, not this year.  I want room in my living room to celebrate New Year's - dancing, playing Wii with the kids, etc.  It's packed up awaiting next year.  Yes!


Going Camping

Who camps?  Can a 40-year-old woman who has never camped, who is afraid of spiders, who gets itchy when gnats are around, put on a backpack and go camping? Silly me actually brought the idea up with my husband a few weeks ago. No power?  No problem - don't need a curling iron or hair spray.  I do need an actual toilet though.

It's something we are going to try in the spring - right when spiders are waking up. Oh joy. Sometimes I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Burn the Ex's Papers?

We have about 1-1/2 years left until my husband's legal relationship with his ex ends and boy are we ready! There will be a party and a bonfire (to burn all those years of documents/contact).  I've thought about using document imaging software to save important papers, and we may still do that, but for most of it - huge bonfire in the backyard. HUGE!!!

Hopefully, she'll be able to see the flames in her state!  Bring on July, 2013.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Great Gift Ideas for Women's Jewelry

Lauren Klein Jewelry has some awesome promotions going on right now for the holidays on women's jewelry. There are SO many ways to save some money while buying some great jewelry for people on your Christmas list (or for yourself).  I really like this bracelet below (I'm always drawn to black).

Fornash Milan Leather Chain Bracelet Bangle - $24.99

Here is how I can get it AND save some money!

  • Lauren Klein Jewelry is offering free ground shipping.  99% of my online Christmas shopping involves free ground shipping.  It's a must with the amount of items I buy online.  It's great that Lauren Klein is offering it on their great jewelry.  
  • You can get 15% off your purchase if you post a picture of jewelry you have from on their Facebook wall. Post the picture and they will email you the coupon code for 15% off.  How easy is that?
  • If you "like" them on their Facebook, you can receive 15% off your entire order.  This is a great and easy way to save money (plus, don't forget - FREE ground shipping too). 
  • Another Facebook deal from Lauren Klein Jewelry ~ fans of their Facebook page will get a special code worth 20% off all of Lauren G. Adams' kids' jewelry. 

So many different ways to save money!

Grace Mantra Gold Dipped Heart Necklace

Lauren Klein has been in the diamond business for a long time - over 55 years! They also offer Gift Consultants so if you're just not sure what to choose from, they can help.

Now, stop reading and go shop with Lauren Klein Jewelry.


Fijit Price Gouging

My 6yo wants a Fijit for Christmas.  The stores are either sold out or price gouging.  I didn't think the silly little things were worth the $39 the stores were charging - I'm certainly not going to pay $80 or $90 for one!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How's your Xmas shopping going?

I'm almost done Christmas shopping for my kids and it's only the first week of December.

Just thought I'd brag a bit:)


How do they do it all?

My house is a mess!!

With four kids in the house, cleaning is a never ending battle. The house can be sparkling clean but 30 minutes after the kids get home from school, it looks like a tornado went through here.

My fault I'm sure.  I think I've been letting them get away with too much lately.  They had regular chores until school started and now that we are running like chickens with our heads cut off to different extra-curricular activities, band concerts, sports practices everyday, etc., and giving them enough time to complete homework (homework always first), it's bedtime by the time we're done.  When there is a free minute or two, I'm too tired to even think about nagging the kids.

I don't know how to fit it all in right now.  I don't know how some people do it all - super clean house, meals on the table like clockwork, carpool here and there, remember this, remember that. Perhaps they have a durham house cleaning service. I just have me.

 One undomesticated mommy + four kids + their busy schedules = one tired momma!

This schedule will go until mid-February...and the kids are already asking to take dance classes after sports are over.  All four of them.  I am beginning to think this hectic schedule will end when my six year old graduates high school? 


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