Monday, August 18, 2008

One Week Left

A week from today, all of my kids will be in school...even my toddler. Since she qualified for preschool for speech therapy, she will be going in the mornings. She will be getting on a big school bus and coming home on a school bus. She is insisting on riding the bus (rather than me drive her) and that I can't help her get on or off. I told her the first few days, I might have to help her on the bus to get her settled (her backpack looks HUGE on her, lol). She doesn't know that the first day, mommy will be following in her car to make sure when she gets off the bus at school, she is ok. I will probably be a sobbing mess but she'll probably be fine.

That is going to be on sucky morning. I usually get teary when my kids go back to school anyway (not sure why since they're usually bugging me by this time of the summer, lol) but since MY BABY is leaving's going to be a hard morning. She's our last so it will be especially hard to see her take another step towards no longer being our baby.


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