Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Recipe Blog?

I'm noticing many fellow bloggers are switching blogging platforms. I'm wondering if I should do that as well. I found imcreator.com to create your own web sites that seems interesting.  I've also thought about creating a web site for tried and true recipes. People always post these recipes and they've never tried them themselves. I have been on this kick on trying new recipes since I just received a Cuisinart food processor (and it's RED - so excited!!) so perhaps I'd try a recipe, post the recipe with a picture of my results, and add a review.

Kicking the idea around anyway. I don't know. There's so much I want to do (I'm on the warpath, for lack of a better word, to find out more about common core that is started at our local school this year and talking to our state and federal senators and house representatives) so I'm not sure if I should take on another blog or not.


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