Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Direct TV in the Office

While picking up my daughter at school for cheerleading practice, I noticed they had Disney on the television in one of the teacher's rooms.  I had no idea they had satellite at the school.  When did that happen?

I think it's a really good idea to set up satellite television in the office.  When clients are waiting in the lobby, it gives them something to do other than stare at the wall or smile politely at the receptionist (you should still do that anyway but it'd be nice to have something else to look at after that was done).  When I worked as a receptionist, I ran for coffee and made small-talk with them but the client probably would've preferred to be left alone on their own (and I would have preferred using that time to finish up the quotations the customers were waiting on). 

Can you imagine how much nicer it would be to watch real television on satellite when the doctor is running behind (which 99% of them do), instead of getting overly irritated at the wait while watching those health programs they run on DVD's over and over about cholesterol and heart disease?  Put on HGTV or Disney instead!


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