Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feast For A Bigger Butt

The holidays are upon us. Does that mean the extra pounds are too? For me, most likely not. We are staying home for the holidays, which is always my preference. I certainly don't need the extra pounds right now so I'm good not packing a few more on.

We haven't decided if we are going to do the big dinner this weekend or the following weekend. We are waiting to hear from our in-laws on their driving plans. If they drive in, it will be a feast and I will probably pack on a few pounds and be wishing for Ephadrasil hardcore to help me out a bit. If they don't, my kids don't go in for all the variety so it'd just go to waste. They have their favorites and they're good with that. Their request will be pies and rolls. Mine is Honey Baked Ham and company potatoes (these are really, really good creamy, cheesy, potatoes).

I hope everybody has a safe and fun Thanksgiving no matter what your plans are.


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