Rodent Mass Murder
I knew we had a mouse downstairs (I heard him last night by my bed so he's awfully damn close at the moment). DH has had a trap downstairs but in the other room. Guess he'll be moving that one to our bedroom closet later. This little one isn't the subject of this post.
Yesterday I opened up my brand new kitchen sink cabinet and what do I see? Mouse droppings. IN MY BRAND NEW CABINET! One running around downstairs was an irritant but one in MY cabinets - - well, that just ticked me off. I waited a long time for these cabinets and I don't want a mouse walking around in it or leaving his mess behind! Guess he (or they?) came in around the pipes. DH put a trap in there last night and it wasn't an hour later when he heard it go off. Dead mouse. The first mouse I ever had any role in killing in my life. It's one of those new traps that is like a disk so you don't have to see the dead mouse. Do I feel bad about it? Maybe a twinge...but that's it. This is what we used and it worked quickly:
I sure didn't want to see a dead mouse (or my kids to see that). They'd be really upset so these worked great.
I also heard one (or more?) in the wall between our garage and house yesterday evening...just a scratching away. Our big shepard mutt was scared of the noise...the big chicken. DH set a live trap right by that wall in our garage. It'll hold several of them at a time so we're hoping to catch a few in that and then dump them out back in the wood at the back of the property (maybe give a snake a meal before they hibernate for the winter if the snake is lucky).
I never wanted to kill any of them before but there are too many of them trying to get into my house with winter coming. I think it's time to get the poison and put it in a place in the garage where my kids will never come in contact with it but the mice will. It's time to resort to rodent mass murder. *sigh* These things aren't as innocent as Mickey Mouse and I don't want families of them running around INSIDE my house. I even slept with the television on last night for a little bit of light because that mouse was right next to my bed somewhere. *shiver*
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