Saturday, November 15, 2008

May Send Our Doctor to the Exit Sign and Find a New One

Well, my trip to the doctor for my back left me with a diagnosis I don't believe and a paper of exercises to do. My doc thought my back pain was caused by a Rhomboid strain/spasm and she said it'd last 1-2 weeks. I looked up that back muscle online and I don't think that is it. Hubby rubbed a medicine into it last night that'd warm up to ease the pain but it put me into more pain - not the medicine itself but the rubbing. It hurts to rub like that. Hubby said he could tell that area was inflamed compared to the other (pain-free) side of my back. So, hubby looked up that area in his own anatomy book and he thinks its my something or other lumborum and that I should find a new doctor to see on Monday.

I am not happy with our current doctor. She has never diagnosed anything 100%...she more or less guesses with what she thinks it is most likely to be. Hubby went through months of steroid shots in his knee based on one of her diagnosises, without relief, and ended up diagnosing himself and doing some simple stretches to ease the pain in his knee. Problem is there aren't a whole lot of doctors in this area to choose from.

The back pain is a little better so it is improving...just not fast enough. I still end up writhing in pain after running errands or a few household chores. It's been two weeks. If it's not gone in a few days, I'll have to find another doctor.


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