Mouse Escapades...The End?
After weeks of being too smart for our traps, I figured out what to bait them with so they couldn't resist. Instead of the cheese or peanut butter, which rarely works, I have been nagging my husband to put Baklava in each trap. What rodent can't resist the sugary, nutty, honey, gooey dessert? Obviously, not our two mice because hubby baited the traps last night with it, scratched off one more item on his "honey do" list from me, and within an hour of going to bed, "snap" and then "snap" more mice.
I actually felt a little bad thinking about it this morning. It was hard to eat my breakfast. I ate lunch just fine though so I guess I'm over it.
I bought two new traps today, hoping that there are no more mice but if two got in, maybe more did. We shall see. I have more Baklava left so a piece will be used to bait the traps again.
If you don't know where to get Baklava (and don't want to make it yourself), Walmart is selling it right now on trays over in their bakery section for the holidays. We've eaten most of it but we have plenty left to bait a few more rodents if needed. Buy some for a family get together and swipe a piece for the pests in your house, lol.
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