Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Relax With SpaScenes

We are thinking about buying a spa in the future as one of our remodeling projects. It'd be nice for me to relax in one after a full day of taking care of our four children around my husband's crazy hours. Let's face it, sometimes a little down time to relax is a must for a mom's sanity (it definitely is for mine). Wait until my stepchildren are here this summer and it is me against six kids! My sanity will be sorely tested then. Also, my husband is an avid bicyclist. When I say avid, I mean 60-80 miles a week of fast riding. He's not taking a stroll through the park. He is riding fast and furious up and down our hilly country roads. That's a lot of stamina. Having a spa to soak in afterward would probably help him ward off any aches and pains.

One of the things that I have noticed when looking at the different spas is the big, bulky cover that looks kind of antiseptic next to a relaxing spa. If you are like me, you probably want a tranquil setting to relax in - set up the whole environment for a relaxing soak in the spa. I don't want to "relax" in a cold-looking atmosphere. Now there is a way to make your spa cover a part of your tranquil setting with this great idea for hot tub accessories.

SpaScenes offers different murals for you to choose from for your new or even existing cover to your spa. With only a pencil, ruler, scissors, and masking tape as the tools necessary to install, even somebody like me, who is "home improvement challenged", could do this. It is trim to fit too so how much easier can it get? This is a great idea of improving the environment you are relaxing in!


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