Friday, June 13, 2008


You are now supposed to get a baseline mammogram done at 35. I am 36. I haven't had one yet. For those of you who have placed your girl bits into a machine to have them smooshed, was it as bad (painful) as it sounds? I have to get this scheduled, but I have to admit that I am anxious about it. It HAS to hurt though people have told me otherwise. I mean, if you can feel pain just hugging somebody, wouldn't a bits crusher hurt in a much more intense way?


Dette June 17, 2008 at 1:16 PM  

OMG. I had heard stories about this... but BOY! I have officially turned into a wuss.

Dentist appointments never bothered me before, but now? I get nervous. Same way I'll get nervous the next time I have to get a mammogram.

You just KNOW it's going to hurt, so you brace yourself for it, and then it'll be over.

The technician put the twins into these plates and squeezed and squeezed, and just when I thought she couldn't squeeze anymore...


She squeezed some more.

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