Sunday, June 29, 2008

Finding my way around digg

I received my first digg shout today. Being new to Digg, I wasn't sure what it was until I logged in to see. Aha! Drop Kick Monkey wanted to let me know of a post on his blog about a different kind of JCPenney commercial by Mike Long of Epoch Films and digg it. So, that's what a Shout is on Digg. I didn't know. Now I do. I still have a lot to learn about the blogosphere and Digg in particular.

Here's the commercial. I can see why there is controversy. Like there needs to be MORE promotion of teen sex. Truthflly, most kids don't need promotion. They're going to do it whether this commercial is around or not. I just hope kids know enough to protect themselves from pregnancy and STD's because for a lot of kids, what their parents say don't mean a thing.


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