Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wigix - eBay's Competition

I have found an alternative to eBay where you can buy or sell items, calculate the value of what you own, research and compare products, find product manuals, create registries for gifts, meet other collectors, check out what your friends want, and make money off of what you know. If you don't want to sell anything, you can still make money by homesteading or by finding the golden bar and clicking on it to earn $1 for each bar (like Willy Wonka, lol).

If you refer your friends to Wigix, you earn 4% of any revenues by them, 2% from second generation referrals and 1% from 3rd generation.

Wigix is still in beta phase. Is this eBay's competition? Let's hope so! eBay needs some competition to bring down their fees!

*this is not a sponsored post.


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