Thursday, June 5, 2008

Missing Your Child's Events

My son was in his school's talent show today. He's doing a rap with other members of the environmental group he is in. It's a rap about recycling. My shy little boy was going to do something that he's always been to shy to do before - perform in front of his entire school when he's always been to shy to perform in front of even his family. I didn't want to miss that. I wanted to be front and center with my video camera.

The school didn't send any notices home to the parents about attendance. My older daughter said that parents didn't attend this last year. It's just for the students. That stinks.

I went to the school this morning anyway to drop my kids off. Normally, they take the bus but we had two dozen cookies and two dozen cupcakes to drop off. I brought my camera just in case, lol. I didn't see any parents around for the talent show. *sigh*

I couldn't embarrass him and be the only "mom" there. He's embarrassed enough about mom that I can't even get a high five from him when I drop him at his classroom. Mom there with a camera in front of all his friends would totally embarrass him. So, I took my camera and went home. Not happily, but I did.

Now if my kids come home from school later and tell me there WERE parents there, I will get doubly upset.

When little boys pull away from showing affection to mom in front of outsiders, do they ever come back to mom or should I just plan on the next ten years of my son distancing himself from me in front of other people and just enjoy the hugs and kisses I get from him at home?


Anonymous,  June 5, 2008 at 12:47 PM  

OMG! How did it go?!

My 14 y/o loves it when I holler out his name during performances and isn't shy at all about givin' me hugs.

But my 7 y/o?

Nuh-uh. No way. No how.

lol - by the way - LOVE the makeover!

Drop by here when you get a chance? I've got a tag for you. ;)

Syn June 5, 2008 at 1:29 PM  

They won't be home yet until after 3pm eastern so I'm not sure yet. I hope it went okay for him. This is a HUGE step for him. Wish I could've been there. boo hoo wahhhhh. He is turning nine soon. Maybe he'll outgrow his embarassment over showing affection to mom in a few years.

Syn June 7, 2008 at 10:19 AM  

There WERE parents there. They even had their own little section. Darnit!!! My son came home to tell me and then went after his sister to loudly complain (the same sis who told me there were no parents there last year and parents don't come to these, just the kids). :(

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