Friday, June 6, 2008

Dry Drowning

Huh? How do you drown if you're dry and not in the water? You can. I once knew a mom years ago who almost lost her child to this. Her child had fallen into their pool. They removed her as soon as she fell in and she was conscious and everything - cough, sputter, a few scared tears shed but otherwise seemingly know how that is. Unfortunately, she fell ill from "dry drowning" a short time later (delayed affect of a little water in her lungs), was in critical condition, and they almost lost her.

There are other causes as well but this is one I have personally heard of before. This can be treated if caught early enough so if you have any concerns, get the person to the emergency room right away.

Read this for more information on signs, symptoms, causes:

For more information, click here.


Dette June 7, 2008 at 12:24 PM  

OMG - hubby and I were talking about this the other day. Except in the case we heard about, the child walked home, didn't feel well - so Mom figured he was tired and had him lie down for a nap.

She found him in his bed, blue lips and... gone. :(

Syn June 7, 2008 at 12:43 PM  

That would be just awful. I don't ever want to outlive my kids.

My kids ask for a big pool this time of the year, every year. I think about it briefly, but that's it. The risks outweigh everything else with four young kids. I'm not taking the risk. A "friend" of mine held me under in her pool (her way of teaching me how to swim) when I was a kid and I almost drowned. I've had a fear of water ever since so it's easy for me to say no to a pool in our yard.

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