Thursday, June 26, 2008

USB Pregnancy Test

Tinkle on the pregnancy test like any other one but instead of waiting, you pop it into the computer?!?! Wow! Instead of lines you have to try to figure out, you'll see a symbol of a baby (or no baby if that is the case). You even get an estimated delivery date based on the hCG levels! Claims are 99% accurate.

I wish this had been available when I was trying to conceive for all those years trying to get our four children. Technology meets tinkling. Fun eh? lol. This gives "Plug 'n Play" all new meaning.

Actually, I wish it was available even now. It's not. It was an April Fool's Joke that I am just now seeing, lol. Couldn't resist posting about it, lol.

*this is not a sponsored post, obviously, lol.


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