Sunday, June 29, 2008

Government In My Home Again - CFL energy saving bulbs

The government is going to tell me what kind of light bulb I must use in my home ? The government needs to stay out of my home and learn how to govern themselves for goodness sake!

I understand that these CFL bulbs are supposed to save you energy. We've tried a few in our home and I must tell you, the worry I feel over having them in my home with four children outweighs the benefit to me. I am a nervous wreck when my husband is changing a light bulb, waiting for one of them to drop. If one of these break, there are explicit instructions on how to handle it. You can't just sweep up the glass and throw it away. There are evacuation and disposal PROCEDURES to getting rid of one of these. Procedures! Procedures to dispose of a hazardous waste? If you call HAZMAT, word is it'll cost you $2,000 for them to clean up. Don't throw them in your garbage either once they burn out. They can't go there. Take them to a hazardous waste disposal center.

Better for the planet? Initially as they save energy. Is it better for the environment when they are dropped, and some will be dropped, and it releases mercury into the air for our pets and children? Better when they aren't disposed of properly and the hazardous waste leaks into our water system? Are my kids at risk for mercury poison?

I have four children in my home. Things get thrown. Light bulbs accidentally get broke. Are these bulbs as dangerous as the EPA regulations for disposal make them seem? Why would the government mandate a potential hazard in our homes that requires such elaborate clean up and disposal?

Government is getting too big and over-involved, imo. They can't govern themselves! Nice to see our tax dollars being wasted. I'm disgusted with the government and disappointed in our 2008 presidential candidates as I feel like nothing is going to improve with any of the 2008 choices!


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