Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Non-Custodial Parents Rights at School

If you are a non-custodial parent looking for information on how to be involved in and have access to your child's school records, report cards, etc., read School & the Non-Custodial Parent. There are tips and advice as well as information to the law that entitles you to access and involvement.

So, with the upcoming school year coming up, get prepared now. Get letters drafted to your child's teacher and the principal indicating your legal custody status and let them know of your desire for involvement. Request copies of each report card and progress report be mailed to you directly. Request copies of the school and teacher's newsletters as well as appointments at each parent-teacher conference. If possible, see if you can request your own picture order form if getting pictures of your child is a problem. Sign up as a helper for a holiday party or field trip (teachers are always looking for those sign-ups at the start of the year).

There are things you can do to stay involved in your child's education if the other parent isn't keeping you updated. Take matters into your own hands and approach the school yourself rather than waiting, and hoping, your ex will keep you informed if past history shows different. The law is on your side to do this.


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