Wednesday, July 9, 2008

U.S. News

I get a lot of my news online since my television always seems to be turned to Disney or Noggin for the kids. It is my preferred method anyway as I can pick and choose what interests me. Lately, I have been a little disgusted with the political lines that seem to run through most of our news too. I thought news was supposed to be objective? How am I supposed to trust what they say when they are obviously siding with one candidate over another and every other political news story gets slanted toward that political party?

The three online news web sites I use daily are the BBC (which I trust more than our U.S. stations), USA Today to see what the U.S. news is talking about, and E! Online for my daily dose of entertainment news. The one television news station I watch regularly is Glenn Beck.

It sure would be nice if the U.S. networks would go back to what journalism is supposed to be about - relaying the news objectively.


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