Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Middle East Frustrations

I'm reading that Iraq now wants withdrawal dates for the U.S. combat troops from the United States government. Many U.S. citizens have been demanding the same thing of the U.S. government. With just more than half of the provinces under Iraqi control now, it doesn't seem like it is going to be done anytime soon. There's still another half of the country to ready to hand over control of according to reports. I guess hoping for a miracle that things would rapidly progress before my husband's nephew was sent to Iraq in a few months was just false hope.

I also read online today that some people are claiming a major war and massive destruction will occur between our November elections and when the new President takes office and that Iran is involved. Not only that, but that many terrorist cells will make their move in the Middle East and on U.S. soil at that time.

Nice bedtime thought eh?


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