Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another Child, Another Stutterer

My three year old daughter has started stuttering. It is even more noticeable now than it was a few days ago when it started. I was hoping she wouldn't, but the genetic cards seem to be stacked against her.

My husband was a stutterer. My stepson was a stutterer. My son was a stutterer. My middle daughter was a stutterer. Now, my youngest daughter is a stutterer. My husband's genetic trait for stuttering sure did hit the kids hard in this family.


On the up side, even though she doesn't look anything like her dad, she did get his stuttering to prove she's his, lol. Just kidding!! Have to make a joke so I don't get upset for her:(


Anonymous,  July 4, 2008 at 1:09 AM  

Aw - no worries. They eventually grow out of it, right?

My 7 year old had to go thru speech therapy from Pre-K to the beginning of 1st grade. I anticipate my 3-year old will probably do the same...

Syn July 4, 2008 at 11:32 AM  

Not yet. They learn to manage it better but it's not gone away. My son has been in speech therapy for six years now, my middle daughter for four years, and my three year old for the last year for speech delays and dysfluency. My husband still struggles with it from time to time. I'm not sure this is something they will outgrow but will more learn how to manage so it's not noticeable. My husband has it managed to where people don't even know.

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