Sunday, July 6, 2008

Kids Break the Darndest Things

I had to get a new computer last Fall after our toddler broke my other one (kids are expensive eh?). Since I work at home, not getting a replacement wasn't a remote possibility. I had no choice. So we bought another laptop to replace the broken one, but now my husband is trying to scam it out from under me. He told me the other day that he wanted my laptop. I told him no way, of course, unless I could get a new one. So who is scamming who now, lol? I'm a tricky wife. Seriously, we can't afford to buy another computer right now (so our toddler better not get any funny ideas about breaking this one too) but I love my laptop. I'm not sure I could ever go back to a desktop model. I like that I can take this up and down the goes where I go. When we went to my in-laws' house, it went with me six hours away from our home. I can work from anywhere, within my house or around the world, with a laptop.


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