Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mom Corps - Work From Home Recruitment

When I took a severance package to leave my 40-hour work week in the corporate offices of an automotive company to stay at home with my (then) two babies almost nine years ago (we've since added two more), I left with a few tears for the people I was leaving behind but with the excitement of knowing I would be raising my kids - nobody else.

If you are a stay-at-home mom who wants to become a work-at-home mother, or are still in the workforce and wanting to leave, there are a few companies recently in the news that may help you.

They are:

Mom Corps
Flexible Executives
Flexible Resources
FlexWork Connection

If you are looking for a recruiting company that can offer you the flexible schedule you and your family need, you might find what you need with one of them.

There are also other things you can do from home depending on just how much income you are looking for. I also blog for additional income, though I am currently looking for other ways to bring in more income to our family. Gas prices and the rise in groceries is just killing our budget. With school coming soon and the need to clothe three kids (possibly four if she qualifies), then school clothes for four children will take a healthy bite out of our finances.

*not a sponsored post.


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