Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kid Needs a Stick!

My oldest starts junior high in six weeks. Another milestone for my oldest is another step away from her being a child anymore. In a couple years, she is going to be a teenager and likely hate me for a few years. I'm not looking forward to those years.

It's time to start thinking about school supplies again. They're already out all over the stores. One thing that I noticed on her supply list that is different than all her previous elementary school supplies list is that they require the kids to have a memory stick this year. We are also going to set up a computer we don't use anymore in her room, without Internet access for her own safety, so that she can type reports and such when she has to for homework.

I have a feeling the next year is going to see a lot of growth in my middle schooler - not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. Looking at her baby videos yesterday didn't help me adjust to that fact any easier.


Anonymous,  July 13, 2008 at 1:58 AM  

Whoa. A memory stick?!

Wow. We're getting old, aren't we? (sigh) I totally know what you mean - I still can't believe I have a friggin' 14 y/o sometimes.

lol - hey - drop by the new place when you get a chance? Would LOVE to see you over there :D

Syn July 13, 2008 at 8:58 AM  

It certainly does make me feel old. Of course, my daughter wants to know if she can get a colored stick, lol. No basic black or gray for her:) Yes, I'll come by!!

Anonymous,  July 15, 2008 at 12:55 AM  

Get used to it...That said, check with the school, too. The high school mine go to offered jump drives to the kids at a discounted price, which was great since I needed to get 3 of them.

Syn July 15, 2008 at 1:00 AM  

I am kicking and screaming against getting used to it, lol.

I will check with the schools. Based on how much our school taxes are, I would bet they will have their school mascot on them and cost twice as much as you can buy in the store.

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