Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Montauk Monster

When something washes ashore in Montauk, rumors ran rampant (and still are) about the Montauk Monster. Is it an experiment from Plum Island as some are saying? Is it a monster? Is it a joke? Is it some poor animal we would readily know if not made unrecognizable from the water?

I don't know what it is. I hope it isn't an experiment but nothing would surprise me about humanity. If it is a joke, then it's a stupid joke. Whatever it is, I just feel sorry for the poor thing (assuming this "poor thing" was once alive and wouldn't otherwise use all those teeth to rip me apart).

I am going back and forth about posting a picture. If this isn't a joke and was once a live animal, then posting this picture isn't very respectful and it should be left in peace. If this picture disappears, you will know why.

Picture Removed
I found the picture disgusting so I removed it. I figured it is in a million other places across the net if you google Montauk Monster and really want to see it. If this isn't a prank and was once a live animal, I don't want to post pictures of the poor thing dead. It appears as if there is something tied around one of its legs. If this was a case of experimentation or animal cruelty, I just wanted to have a little respect given to the animal in death. It just felt wrong to me to have it posted so I removed it.

Updated 5/13/09: It's back - supposedly. There are pictures of this alleged Montauk Monster surfacing again. Photoshop? Experiment gone wrong?


Pam August 3, 2008 at 3:11 AM  

i don't know WHAT the heck it was, but it was certainly gross looking. looked like a creature from a sinbad movie or something LOL

Anonymous,  August 10, 2011 at 1:00 AM  

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