Friday, July 4, 2008

Parenting Failures

Some places do school year round right? There are places where children are in school year-round with a few weeks of breaks between each marking period and around certain holidays instead of nine months of school and three months of summer vacation. I tell you what, that actually sounds really good right now.

My kids have been home from school for almost a month now. As it always happens, the first few weeks are ok but then the limit gets reached and I'm ready for them to go back to school. Now. I think I could function well on a year-round type of schedule since I am ready for them to go back to school after a few weeks and a year-round schedule would do that.

So where do I need to move to get that schedule? lol

I think part of it is having them home for this large of a block of time, I am noticing my parenting failures, i.e. the things that are getting on my nerves the most that they should know better not to do.

I am beginning to see that my kids need clearer boundaries. Interrupting adult conversations rudely is not acceptable. They've been told countless times but obviously not taught well or learned yet or something. Asking questions of adults like they have the right to know (how much somebody makes, what something costs, who did what, etc.) is another one. Sometimes, I just want to have a conversation with my husband without a child interjecting with who/what questions that don't concern them. Ya know? There have been a few times where their questioning me or their dad just dropped my mouth wide open. We've failed in teaching them about manners and boundaries in this area despite our efforts, obviously not successful efforts.

Growing up, I felt like we were supposed to be seen and not heard when company came over (which wasn't often given the anti-social nature of our household but it did happen). We were more like the AKC papered dog that got trotted out to show off (take the kids out, see what we reproduced, now shut up and go away kids). I don't want my kids feeling like that but I also want them to know that certain behaviors are unacceptable and manners are expected.

Out in public, we get complimented often on the good manners of our children. At home, I guess it is the comfort level they have at home that makes them think that anything and everything that is said or done in our home involves them or they have the right to question and that's ok in their mind. It's not ok.

Heck, maybe I'm just tired and need to make more time for myself, especially during the summer months when there is no break for me unless I make it myself. Otherwise, I get wore down, impatient, and frustrated.


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