Friday, July 25, 2008

Moving in Four Years and Ten Months

We are moving in four years and ten months. Why the timeline you may wonder? Because that is about when child support ends and we will hopefully be able to afford to get out of this too small house and into something large enough for our kids to grow into teenagers without crowding the rest of us out of it (or sending us screaming when their teenage hormones turn them into moody caricatures of a human being).

We want a ranch on five acres with storage. I have no storage in this house. The top of my dresser has become our linen closet, piled high with blankets and sheets. It's pathetic. We have so much stuff. I guess it is expected with the size of our family. Too much stuff but I have a hard time getting rid of things. I have every piece of clothing from all four of my kids from the time they were babies. That is driving my husband nuts right now because storage in this house is worth about a million bucks.

When we move, we are going to definitely have to look into moving trucks to get us moved. There is no way we are moving this household by ourselves. We used a moving company with a large moving truck the last time we moved and it was so much better than the times before when we did it ourselves. I hope to get rid of some stuff before that...if I can ever part with it.


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