Thursday, July 10, 2008

Matter of Time

Iran tests a missile and oil prices climb. That is what happened yesterday. Like we can afford to have them climb any further!?! I will refrain from swearing right now.

While oil prices have me itching to yell quite loudly (not that anybody would listen to me), this just increases the tensions on the U.S. and Israel fronts. A U.S. official was quoted as saying it was "provocative" while the Israeli Minister was quoted as saying "Israel should prepare itself to do what is needed to do." Apparently, Iran is claiming they don't plan to attack Israel and that any attack by the U.S. or Israel would be a joke.

Obviously, the United Nations sanctions against Tehran for enriching uranium does squat. What good does the United Nations do anyway anymore? They sure don't seem to have a lot of clout when it comes to anything like this. Maybe slowed them down is all. It's only a matter of time before the you know what hits the fan.


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