Friday, May 2, 2008

Bleeding Money at the End of the School Year

We are getting hit left and right with the school right now until the end of the school year. We have fees for three children's spring portraits (which did turn out beautiful I must say...we make cute kids), 1-2 field trips for each child (times three kids), the daddy/daughter dance tickets and dresses for two children, t-shirts for Field Day for two children, Square Art orders for one child...what's next? Oh yeah, teacher appreciate week is next week and end of the year gifts for the teachers, bus drivers and anybody else who comes in regular contact with my kids at the school. I'm sure I am forgetting something on here. As long as I don't forget it for the kids, it's all good. That'd be bad if I forgot to pay for something for one of the kids and they were left out. Last month, I spent $36 on cookie dough. Cookie dough!


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