Friday, May 9, 2008

High Gas Prices

They are, of course, expected to go higher.

Gas by us is between $3.74-$3.89/gallon regular unleaded. That's outrageous. Of course, it goes up $0.20/gallon shortly before Memorial Day weekend when all the travel starts. Good timing of the industry to do that eh?

What's the answer? I don't know.

Democrats want to pass a bill for an excess profit tax on oil companies (Consumers First Energy Act). Republicans don't agree and say it will make things worse (Washington Post and article). I found information on past Democrat activity re: petroleum on Technorati with their source of but I couldn't find the article on the link they listed.

Did you know that credit card companies collect $0.09 of every gallon of gas sold (according to source: I didn't. Maybe we should all pay cash and get the credit card companies to back off to save a little bit. I wonder if it is the same if you use a debit card? Hmmm...something to find out! It's not like our credit card companies don't make enough off of us with the interests rates they charge. They are in essence double charging. Once at the pump and again with the interest on our monthly statement!!

Big Oil has raked in record profits the last few quarters. While we struggle to pay our bills and feed our children, the oil companies are raking it in. Nice.

To find the lowest gas prices in your area, check out

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