Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gotta Drop Some Lbs. The webs free Calorie Counter

OK, I have to drop some weight. I am carrying more weight since my last daughter than I ever have before and I am very unhappy with the way that I look. My husband says I look good and that I don't need to lose any, but he has to say that, right? Usually, I lose most of the baby weight after each of my babies but not this time. My "baby" just turned three.

So, I have set my first goal. Once I reach that goal, then I will decide if I like the way that I look and feel )and decide if I should lose 5-7 more or be happy at that weight). I want to be comfortable in my own skin again but not as skinny as I used to be. I KNOW my hips will never squeeze into a size 2/4 again after birthing four children, but I'd like to be comfortable fitting my backside into an eight...maybe even a 6? So, here goes!!

Anybody want to join in with me?


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