Thursday, May 15, 2008

Creepy, Crawly Things

Why is it that the spiders only seem to come out of their hiding spaces when my husband isn't home? That means I get to deal with the squealing kids who first spot one of them by myself. That also means that I am stuck getting rid of the little buggers (the spiders, not the kids) myself. That is a bad thing because I happen to have an intense fear of spiders...seeing them, getting near them, getting close enough to get them. Ewwww!

When I was younger, I could scream for my older sister no matter what time it was and she would take care of it for me. Since I am married with kids and have to be the 'adult' now, that leaves me to do the job. Sometimes, I'd like to be the kid again - you know, crawl under my covers while I scream for help and let somebody else get near the creepy, crawly things.


Dette May 15, 2008 at 11:45 PM  

Uh... I am RIGHT there with you.

I have to holler for my eldest to come and take out ANY kind of bug I see. I admit, I am a total wuss!

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