Saturday, May 17, 2008

My First Blog Contest

I've decided this morning to enter my first blogging contest. The contest is at BLOGGING-ADS.COM and the prizes are pretty cool. I don't usually enter contests but I thought I'd give this one a try. I've had the flu (or maybe pneumonia...who knows...except the doctor...if I'd go, which I won't until I feel like I'm close to death) since last Sunday so maybe it is the fever talking.

Anyway, back to the prizes, winning either one of them would be pretty cool. Who couldn't use a little spending money (having six kids) or a new computer? A friend of mine always raves about her Mac, but I've never used one. The requirements so far seem pretty basic. Nothing illegal or anything, lol.

So, here I am...entering my first blogging contest. I've now lost my blogging contest innocence. Now, let's hope I win something!


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