Sunday, May 18, 2008

"Plus" Size Model Standards

I saw on TV a few days ago that America's Next Top Model winner (the Tyra Banks show...I don't watch it...I just caught the news on one of the entertainment news shows) is a "plus size" model. She is a size 8-10 and they called her "plus" size. SINCE WHEN DID 8 - 10 BECOME PLUS SIZE? That irritated the you know what out of me. Hollywood is whack! The media is whack!

I used to be a size 2/4. That was before kids. Those skinny days seem like a dream now.

Four kids later, I know I will never see a size 2/4 again and I don't want to! That was just too skinny on my 5'6"-5'7" frame. Now, I would like to lose 18 pounds (to start) and then another 7 if I meet my first goal (which I have to admit isn't going well). What would 18 pounds do for me? It might get me into a size 8 again (and that would still make me "plus size" according to media standards). *sigh* 25 pounds might get me into a size 6 but it's not likely. I've given birth to four kids. These hips aren't like they used to be and are not likely to squeeze into any size 6's ever again;) I'll be happy to see size 8 again.

This "plus" size winner actually looked healthy. She looked normal. She wasn't boney or gaunt. What kind of message does this send to our kids?

My 1st grader the other day changed out of her camo capris into another pair before school started. When I asked her why, my tiny little 1st grader said it was because they made her look fat! She said her butt looked big in them. This is the little girl who is in like the 25th percentile for her weight - she is a wispy little thing. She weighs about what a four year old would weigh right now. If this is any indication, when she was five years old, she squeezed herself into shorts and a top that were for 18 month olds! Tiny!

First graders should not be worried about being "fat" - it's ridiculuous!


Karen May 18, 2008 at 8:16 PM  

I saw that show and she said she was plus size of 8. That is ridiculous. She looked like a well curved 14 and looked very nice. She could have done so much for the attitudes of young girls if she had been upfront with her size and been proud of it.

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