Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thyroid Disease & Ashwagandha Treatment

I am always interested in finding other ways to treat my thyroid disease because I just can't stand the thought of taking medications for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, it's been over seven years since I was diagnosed so I highly doubt there is any way for me to "fix" my thyroid - the damage is probably done and permanent. However, if there is something that might "help", I am all for researching it.

I've noticed while reading magazines the past few months the same term that keeps cropping up that has shown success with some people with thyroid disease. The word is "ashwagandha." I am seriously interested in researching this more.

Has anybody heard anything about Ashwagandha and thyroid?


Anonymous,  April 5, 2009 at 3:45 PM  

If you google Ashwagandha and thyroid you'll see some stuff. Hard to say whether it affects a thyroid.

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