Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Car Woes

I had car problems today. After the car died on me at the stable this morning, stranding me until I could get a jump from a friend, we thought that was all it was (well, hoped anyway). It was funny watching this. We didn't know how to jump a vehicle (it's been 15 years since I learned how and my memory must suck because I couldn't remember what went first with the positive and negatives and what not to touch, etc.). So, we have my friend's husband on cell phone speakerphone walking her through how to do it. It was funny. She got it started and home I went.

However, when I went out at lunch to check my car, all I hear was "click-click-click" again. So, hubby jumps me again (well, my car; not me) but it won't stay running now at all. Take your foot off the accelerator and the car dies. **picture me banging my head against my car here thinking about another bill we didn't need and can't afford right now** Hubby drove it up to the shop all the while keeping his foot on the accelerator, alternating between neutral and drive (kind of reminded me of my high school days when I used to take my parents' minivan and do brake torques until I burned their brakes up:)

Anyway, they tested it and it was the battery. The charge is good but the battery is bad so I get a new battery and homeward bound we go. I got 75,000 miles off that battery (it's the original...6-1/2 years old) so I guess it was time for a new one;)

Hopefully, this is all because if I get stranded tomorrow morning driving my daughter to school 20 minutes away, I am not going to be a happy camper.

Oh yeah, hubby's car is still sitting in the driveway with the exhaust hanging on it. His is going to cost $200 to fix so it is going to sit there for awhile. Cars are great...when they run right. I would like my car back to myself totally since hubby doesn't smell all purdy when he gets out of work and it lingers in my car but whatcha gonna do?


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