Thursday, October 23, 2008

MSNBC and Acorn Buddy Up

MSNBC and ACORN (you know, the group being accused of rampant voter registration fraud...the group Barack Obama worked for as a community organizer and legal representative...the group that is FOR Barack Obama not surprisingly) have teamed up. What? Gosh, and I was silly and thought news outlets were supposed to be objective and non-partisan.

I've been reading online that 40% of ACORN's revenues come from our tax dollars. Our tax dollars are going to this group...a group that perpetuates fraud? Huh? Why are my tax dollars going to help a fraudulent group that is supporting Obama? I DON'T SUPPORT OBAMA AND OUR TAX DOLLARS SHOULDN'T BE GOING TO ANYTHING THAT HELPS HIM. Got that?

We seriously need better checks and balances on what the government spends our tax dollars on. This is ridiculous.

Here's some of what I am finding:

"Last July, ACORN settled the largest case of voter fraud in the history of Washington State. Seven ACORN workers had submitted nearly 2,000 bogus voter registration forms. According to case records, they flipped through phone books for names to use on the forms, including "Leon Spinks," "Frekkie Magoal" and "Fruto Boy Crispila." Three ACORN election hoaxers pleaded guilty in October. A King County prosecutor called ACORN's criminal sabotage "an act of vandalism upon the voter rolls."

The group's vandalism on electoral integrity is systemic. ACORN has been implicated in similar voter fraud schemes in Missouri, Ohio and at least 12 other states. The Wall Street Journal noted: "In Ohio in 2004, a worker for one affiliate was given crack cocaine in exchange for fraudulent registrations that included underage voters, dead voters and pillars of the community named Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey. During a congressional hearing in Ohio in the aftermath of the 2004 election, officials from several counties in the state explained ACORN's practice of dumping thousands of registration forms in their lap on the submission deadline, even though the forms had been collected months earlier." In March, Philadelphia elections officials accused the nonprofit advocacy group of filing fraudulent voter registrations in advance of the April 22nd Pennsylvania primary. The charges have been forwarded to the city district attorney's office.

Under the guise of "consumer advocacy," ACORN has received money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD funds hundreds, if not thousands, of left-wing "anti-poverty" groups across the country led by ACORN. Last October, HUD announced more than $44 million in new housing counseling grants to over 400 state and local efforts....and the ACORN Housing Corporation received more than $1.6 million.

As the Consumer Rights League points out in its new expose, the ACORN Housing Corporation has worked to obtain mortgages for illegal aliens in partnership with Citibank. It relies on undocumented income, "under the table" money, which may not be reported to the Internal Revenue Service. Moreover, the group's "financial justice" operations attack lenders for "exotic" loans, while recommending 10-year interest-only loans (which deny equity to the buyer) and risky reverse mortgages. Whistleblower documents reveal internal discussions among the group that blur the lines between its tax-exempt housing work and its aggressive electioneering activities. The group appears to shake down corporate interests with relentless PR attacks, and then enters "no lobby" agreements with targeted corporations after receiving payment."

Voter registration fraud? Helping illegal immigrants because of "under the table" money? Welfare? Let me get this straight - our tax dollars (since we are tax paying citizens) are going to a group who not only operates unethically but helps enable people who don't/won't pay taxes? How the hell is that right?

MSNBC is stupid and obviously not objective. Silly me thought journalism was supposed to remain objective.

The more I read, the more amazed I get that people are so willing to overlook all these ties Barack Obama's history shows to get him elected. This guy has too many skeletons in his closet.


Anonymous,  December 17, 2008 at 11:47 PM  

Why hasn't anyone brought charges against ACORN and members. Funder Housing and Urban Development HUD has been in the shakedown business for years and still is. With all the corruption being exposed today...Wall Street, Madoff, SEC, HUD, Acorn, etc., why is no one going to jail? Even Blagoevich. He gets caught red handed and he still walks around like nothings wrong. Sometimes I wonder if this is truly the spiraling of the US society into complete corruption and its eventual fall. Is there no one that does not serve special interest groups anymore? I guess all the little man can do is point out corruption when he sees it and stand up and be willing to pay the price when he is trying to be shaken down.

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