Thursday, October 30, 2008

DH ran his cell phone over

My husband ran his expensive cell phone over (on accident...seriously). Yeah, I know...I am not going to say anything more than that, lol.

I found him a free flip phone from somebody else that they weren't using. It was a bit beat up looking, it didn't have a QWERTY keyboard (which he now insists on having despite years of not having one of those until this year), and it could only be charged in the car. Yeah, guess it was a bit difficult but it worked and it was free. It's not like he's on it for hours every day...or even an hour everyday. Not good enough. He wanted a new phone.

It was more expensive to buy a new, replacement phone for him than to add another line to our family plan so that is what we did so he can get a new phone. DH gets a brand new phone (a "touch" phone similar to what "I" wanted...grumble, grumble) with a new phone number and we now have a 4th line on our plan. Maybe I should go run my phone over eh?

Actually, he was willing to swap phones with me so I could have that Touch but I decided not to. Why? Because I want the Instinct when the price comes down, that's why (and didn't want dh to martyr himself)!

Advantage: Now dh's old line is going to our son (though he doesn't know it yet...might save it as a xmas present...haven't decided yet). After deciding this, I was able to get our son a brand new phone for nothing after rebate so he'll now get a brand new phone since dh's old line was eligible for upgrading to a certain dollar amount. We should've just done that for dh right instead of getting a 4th line? Well, yeah, but he wouldn't get a QWERTY keyboard with that one... *sigh* Spoiled?

I still want to run my phone over so I can get an Instinct!!! Kidding. I'll wait patiently for the price to come down and for all of our bills to be paid to get this awesome new phone (think Apple's iPhone but not an Apple).


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