Monday, October 6, 2008

My Flu Cure?

Well, out of my four kids, I still have three down with the flu. Two of them are on the tail end of it and should be good to go soon but my oldest has just started showing symptoms so I expect it'll be about four days out for her now too. My husband and I woke up with it yesterday. I thought a few days ago that I was coming down with it but I knew for sure yesterday morning. Hard to deny the evidence when you lose your breakfast. TMI eh?

I am experimenting with something. I don't like regular water. I usually drop 1-2 tbsp. of lemon juice into my water when I drink it. Well, I started doing that when the stomach pains started to hit and I found that it quieted them down. I wasn't rolling around in pain like my kids were. They won't drink it (we'll see if my daughter still feels that way tomorrow when it gets really bad for her). My husband doesn't believe me and he's miserable with the flu symptoms, sleeping and taking flu meds and still tossing his cookies. I haven't taken any flu meds and haven't tossed my cookies since I started my "thing" - just lemon juice in my water whenever I start to feel stomach pain or nausea. I had to hit the grocery store this morning because we were out of a lot of the basics since I've not been able to get out with the kids being so sick since last week. I did it but got real nauseous until I could get home and take my lemon juice/water - - then I wasn't so nauseous anymore. I made my kids lunch and filled the dishwasher. Now I am sitting here typing this. I don't feel 100% and I am still going to limit myself to what I do so I don't overdue it because the dizziness and nausea is still right around the corner (I can feel it), but "something" seems to be minimizing my symptoms for me.

I wonder if it's the lemon juice in water? Maybe it is just mind over matter. I don't know. I'd rather be feeling halfway human than at death's door like my husband looked this morning before he went to bed and not a peep from him since.


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