Monday, October 6, 2008

Best Auto Insurance Rates

How often do you get quotes for your insurance needs, to see if what you have is the best coverage at the least possible price for you? I just realized that I haven't looked into quotes from other companies for my auto insurance in a very long time. I would guess it to be over a decade, probably closer to 15 years. That is not a good financial move at all. Is there some "standard" somewhere that says you should get quotes every so many years? If there is, I didn't hear about it (obviously).

When I shop, I always check out all the best prices I can find online for every major purchase I want (you should see me at christmas time comparing prices on every single toy because even though an individual toy isn't that much, the whole of the christmas list does amount to a "major" purchase). How come I never thought to do this with my insurance over the years and instead just got comfortable making that payment to the same company year after year?


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