Friday, March 14, 2008

Stepkids Are Coming

Well, it's been almost two years but the stepkids are coming here for spring break. Hubby requested winter break and spring break with them. His ex wouldn't "discuss" it with him via email and requested he call her (personally, I think if SHE wants to discuss something with him, she should pick up the phone herself). Regardless, he always tries to maintain the peace and be civil so he did try calling her. Several times. She was never home supposedly. So, he didn't get winter break with the kids. Couldn't get hold of her. Yet she was the one who told him to call her about it when there is email access at work and home for her. He finally gave up trying to phone her and sent her another email to confirm visitation for spring break. She emailed him back to call her. Can you believe that? I would feel like a total idiot sending an email to tell somebody to call me. I would pick up the phone myself. Wouldn't that make sense? Being the nice person that he is, wanting to be civil, he did call her again. She eventually was home (*cough cough*) and the kids are coming here for spring break. Now, dates and times aren't confirmed yet so I won't 100% believe it until they are on their way here but we'll see.

I don't get why this is so difficult. You know? The kids need to see their dad. Mom and dad should be working together to make that happen. Instead, she has him chasing her with the phone (note, I didn't say phone tag because that would mean she actually called him back which she has NEVER done).

Women can vote. Women can work. Women CAN PICK UP THE PHONE AND MAKE A PHONE CALL.

Sometimes, I think ego gets in the way of a lot of things in life. What do you think?

Oh yeah, when I told our kids that they would be seeing their siblings for the first time in almost two years, my oldest daughter cried. She cried. She was that happy.


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